Hi. I have one acc with the game, can i somwhow use it to host a coop from one computer, and play from the other? How do i do that?
Not with CooP. For CooP you need a valid Steam Licence Maybe with Family Shareing > Dont know much about this never tried it You can install the dedicated Software on the Second PC this can be get with SteamCMD without a licence
Not anything official. There is a wiki but heavy outdated https://empyrion.gamepedia.com/Dedicated_Server_Setup Most steps still apply. Only difference is that all the game options went from Dedicated.yaml to GameOptions.yaml If you cant figuer it out send me a PM i can assist if needed
Or this guide minus the steps on limiting yhe server to one player https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1368270700 Follow the SteamCMD instructions (not the SteamLauncher)