Feedback Required Three things you absolutely DISlike about Empyrion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. Lubbel

    Lubbel Ensign

    Oct 18, 2019
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    1. the sound effects and current light system (shine through walls)
    2. physics: walk in moving ship and hovering blocks
    3. model animations
    Wellingtoon likes this.
  2. Xango2000

    Xango2000 Captain

    Jun 15, 2016
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    1: The lack of things to do after the initial Survival portion of the game. IMHO, the following devices should be removed: Grow Plots, Autominers, Food Processors, all Medical Devices. This way players have to attack POIs to get medical supplies and food, and they have to do some occasional mining in order to repair their fighting ships.

    2: The lack of an example of how to implement the various pieces of the modAPI, I've spent weeks trying to get my latest mod to give me IEntity data other than on Entity Load. I cannot retrieve any information from client either and that whole ...Network.RegisterReceiverFor... thing is a complete mystery, some documentation or at least an example would be handy.

    3: The Database seems to be storing quite a bit of data that has no use and once the file gets too big the server fails. Some way to clear out the old data from the database would be handy.
  3. krosbonez

    krosbonez Lieutenant

    Sep 30, 2020
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    CPU needs some work/balancing

    Mass/Volume, great idea, but needs some balancing (personally I think if it was half of current, would work ok) <can we have a slider?>

    Lack of clear, understandable directions on how to do custom stuff (POIs, Scenarios...). I spend more time searching for answers than I do building/creating. Most content is from players, and most of that is outdated.

    Mid - Late game. I start feeling like there is not much to keep my interest, hence the wanting to make custom scenarios....see above issue for that.

    Lack of variety for interactables: Creatures, plants, Aliens. Once you visited a few planets, you have seen all there is to see as far as
    NPCs/plants/creatures...and even terrain.

    Fuel consumption. Specially for CVs at rest/standby. Can we dock with a base or station and then only run on minimal power? Solar power during standby mode?

    Tech Tree based on "points". I would rather research, explore, reverse engineer, or learn from doing, how to build/use/create the items verses a points only system. ( I just killed 60 spiders, now I know how to build a shotgun, a hovercraft, and a warp drive!)


    Super bright, high intensity, Neon Green symmetry plane while building. (Can we turn that down somehow?)

    Auto turret settings : Please give me more control over what my auto turrets "think" are a threat, or at least more options to uncheck.
  4. UnknownSoldier

    UnknownSoldier Lieutenant

    Jun 30, 2018
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    The lack of variety in loot.
    The lack of variety in NPC's
    The inability to crouch behind a block for defense
    The lack of substantial sound effects. (There seems to be minimal weight in them.)
    (Outside of thrusters, and Jetpack which sound great).
    Lack of block variety
    Block rotation mechanic
    When in a vehicle in motion, the inability for the passenger to move around and interact with items.

    What do I have to strive for after I have survived the initial survival?
    What reason do I have to explore the galaxy without pursuing better loot?

    Break down the Player environmental suit, and armor into modular pieces. Legs, belt, chest, arms, gloves, boots, helmet, jetpack. Then implement varieties of quality to them. I'd further recommend along with quality, add in separate bonuses, negative effects to them.

    Normal quality gloves - Bonus 1% to resistance (dmg type/radiation/cold/heat) Negative to movement = -2%
    Epic quality gloves - Bonus 5% (dms type/radiation/cold/heat) Negative = none

    Do the same for player weapons. Barrels, Sights, Grips, firing chambers (depending on type of weapon and ammo this could also change weapon damage color), stocks, triggers.

    The same system could be implemented for all CV/HV/SV and BA components.

    Then tying the loot tables to the random seed generator for creating the galaxy, and we now have reasons to keep exploring. Tying to get that slightly better port thruster, or a better helmet, or a new firing chamber for my pulse rifle.

    Then implement varieties of NPC strengths.

    These would give me a reason to explore the far flung reaches of the galaxy. Make all blueprints come with default/generic quality blocks and items.

    Then as a person explored the galaxy with the blueprint they called in off of the workshop. They could incrementally upgrade their favorite ship with different quality components. increasing speed/dmg/turn rate. Crafting speed ... crafting qualities ... etc. etc.

    Implement damage varieties, and resistances on blocks. Then as a player loots a POI, he might find Combat steel in one container that has +5% explosive resistance. Lets say x25 of them. Where does he put them? Around his cockpit to help with missles? Around his Warp Drive? Around his thrusters? Now decisions have to be made, and his ship will be different, than any other persons ship. Even if they both called in the same default/generic blueprint. His weapons might be more efficient at shield penetration but suck at block damage.

    Implementing this would make the game more dynamic, and give the players more reasons to continue to explore. To keep playing your game long after initial survival, and long after it has aged.

    War and Peace,
  5. dbeachy1

    dbeachy1 Ensign

    Dec 20, 2018
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    1. The inexplicable control lag when using the drone or any third-person view: on-screen movement lags behind mouse movements so much that precise pointing is impossible. I can only assume this was a deliberate design choice to (for some reason?) encourage the use of first-person viewpoints, but the drone is a first-person viewpoint, and yet it still lags behind the mouse like a drunken yo-yo. This makes trying to repair or build items using the drone an exercise in frustration, as is trying to fly your ship in third-person view (for landing, etc.).

    2. Unbalanced early-to-mid-game Zirax attacks on SVs parked next to an asteroid: after 2 drone attacks, most of the time, a Zirax destroyer or even a dreadnaught (!) materialize 1.5 km away from your SV and proceed to turn your brand-new new Tier-1 SV into space dust before you can even get back to your SV from the asteroid you were mining. It would be nice if the Zirax attack level would scale with the level of the player such that brand-new tier-1 SVs aren't getting ganked by Zirax Level 25 Destroyers just for parking by an asteroid and blowing up two drones.

    3. Need some late-game and endgame objectives. As it is now, once you finally build your level 25 dream ship, there is nothing to do with it, since you don't need to do much more mining. For example, what about adding a waypoint (a goal) 1000 light years away or something?

    Loving the game overall, though. Have just over 600 hours in it so far. :)
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2020
  6. Nicholas Drake

    Nicholas Drake Lieutenant

    Aug 30, 2020
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    1. No quest content in default Multiplayer is the biggest thing for me. If only one thing could be added, this is what I'd pick.
    2. Default Multiplayer generates incomplete 'home worlds', especially for the Legacy which kills what end game content there was.
    3. Splash damage bypassing 'armor', results in over sized ship design which IMO detracts from the game.

    Edited: Read the title of the thread again and had to limit myself to 3 items :)
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2020
    Germanicus likes this.
  7. ArcticPrism

    ArcticPrism Commander

    Nov 4, 2016
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    1. Lack of progression. I feel like the game difficulty should generally increase the further you get from the starter area but it does not. You can also find every single item in the game within a few solar systems(or less) from where you started. It's very easy to reach a point where you feel like you've beat the game because there's nothing new to obtain and no new challenges.

    2. Not enough NPC variety. The Zirax haven't gotten any new troops for a long time except the Commander who is just a basic soldier with more HP and the other factions were just made using existing alien creatures that have existed for years.

    3. Lack of modding support. Many problems or things the game is lacking could probably be fixed by modders.
    tony hug and etmoonshade like this.
  8. COLDF13ND

    COLDF13ND Ensign

    Oct 31, 2020
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    1. Lack of HOTAS/Flight stick support.

    2. CPUs and everything about them.

    3. No autorun/autopilot.
  9. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    1. CPUs and to a lesser extent the W/V feature
    2. Minor cosmetic text string bugs that are dead easy to fix, going unfixed release after release
    3. Very little NPC variety, no piranhas for example.
  10. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    My current most hated thing:

    CPU cost of concrete.
    This has been the #1 turn off for the CPU system in my co-op games. 18 per block? It is THE thing that make us turn it off because it kills the creation of useful size landing pad areas, aprons etc. CPU costs of non functional blocks needs to go (or at least be minimal - ie no more than 1) for the most basic materials (wood, plastic, concrete).

    It doesnt take that much concrete (especially with SI demanding double/triple layering in places too) to near max out a tier 2 BA. So even the most basically functional base with useful size landing areas for a co-op team ends up being tier 3, which TBH is just plain stupid.

    Second most hated thing - CPU in general. I dont mind, and am quite happy with the idea of tiering of vessels (the idea that specific tech may need a specific tier), but the current CPU design has become a crutch for so many other failings and a partial replacement for correctly functioning mass/volume/thrust etc.

    Third - the seemingly thoughtless way in which Eleon sometimes rush in changes. The new zirax PVs and especially dreadnoughts spawning all over the place is one example (yes I have the means to kill the damn things at level 25, and 15 for other shielded PVs, but not at level 7 ffs!). The way in which turrets were added to SVs being another (Why not just enable the HV turrets on SVs - seems to work perfectly well, but no, you had to give them a special non retractable one and waste an ID - when you already must have known of at least two mods that had already done it).
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2020
    Numonar, Ambaire, Treeshell and 2 others like this.
  11. xtended2l

    xtended2l Commander

    Oct 23, 2020
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    The only thing I dislike in this great game is unneeded time consumption. I cannot waste so much time on some operations the game demands. Being a nerd in the past which wasted a lot of time playing games, I somehow managed to control myself and built kinda career and I cannot afford it to be wasted. Dont get me wrong, I still like games, I like indie, and of course I like Empyrion as a great example of good ideas. But, all parts of the game where you just hold a button and stare at the screen for hours is not affordable for me anymore. I want to play, not stare at the screen.
    That being said, I'll bring some examples:

    1. Exploring sectors take hours. Scan with detector, line your ship to that marker, hold W, lock the speed with CTRL, and stare for 5-10 minutes. Reached the target, reapeat to the next target... It could be fixed by so many means, Increase the speed of the ship, decrease distances, or simply allow short-range jumps using warp drives. Another solution - random events, like warp of the enemies on your way, war between spaceships, space anomalies happening, and so on. Something to prevent you from getting bored.

    2. Mining Asteroids on the planet using top HV Miner takes approximately 5 minutes. 5 minutes of holding left click button and again, staring at the screen. I think top-equipment should mine it A LOT faster. Maybe add T3 drills? Or buff laser drills? Another solution - again, random events happening while you mine, like mining drone accompanied by war drones arrival and heading to the asteroid location. Even if you are friend with Zirax, there should be a variety of actions to solve the dispute.

    3. Finding mentioned asteroids - is another time-consuming task. Only possible relatively fast using CV on small and medium planets. On large and very large planets even CV's detector is not helpful. So you waste hours trying to find one. Again - buffing ship speeds could help, maybe increasing detector scan range. Or some another random encounter.

    I dont want to add other things like, CPU, volume, AI issues and so on. It is all obvious things and other members already covered all about this. The only valuable thing in our life is time. And we want to get excited with every second of it. We want action, something to happen while we play. Project Eden show some good signs it this term btw. But I hope developers will bring this issue to their attention aswell. Thanks!
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2020
    Khazul and Deadalready like this.
  12. tony hug

    tony hug Commander

    Sep 27, 2015
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    one criticism of empyrion - that could be fairly easily dealt with.

    There are insufficient Start Planet types :

    Like probably everyone i have restarted empyrion many times (as versons change)
    also i know that mods like new eden and reforged have added more - difficult start options.

    however i don'[t see wht the 'vanilla' game can't add start options like

    - high G planets - Lava planets - very difficult beast planets.
    - just more difficult and varied possibiliies - all G types and terrains.

    you may consider this all stuff to be done by the modding community - however
    for probably very little effort the game replayability (at least the initial stages ) could be very much improved.
    Khazul likes this.
  13. nexus_absolute

    nexus_absolute Captain

    Aug 18, 2016
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    1) no water physics
    2) basic combat system (character missing crouch option, very basic AI animation and pathfinding
    3) No moving parts on ships (retractable wings, rotating parts, etc)
    Khazul and Ambaire like this.
  14. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    To give you some hope, CV mining turrets are extremely efficient. I mean, stripping an entire space asteroid in less than 5 minutes fast. The mounted mining lasers are maybe even faster.
  15. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    1 - Does "giving advice" count as discussion ? :D
  16. Hoss

    Hoss Ensign

    Nov 25, 2020
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    1. Bugs
    2. Lack of player progression past level 25. Give us some more hit points or a skill tree or something. Imagine a piloting skill that reduces your pentaxid use. Or marksman to increase weapon accuracy, etc...
    3. Lack of RP features. Sitting in chairs was nice and all but, could we get a little more? Maybe some emotes?
  17. Dragon

    Dragon Captain

    Dec 22, 2015
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    -Lack of late game content. There's just nothing to work for and no goals to set for yourself once you're up and running, it just end up as another lone wanderer space game. I honestly expected Empyrion to focus more on combat and war as the development years went on. I want to build a fleet, assemble an army, conquer worlds and build an empire that makes the Zirax look like a little village community. If I want to wander aimlessly around a galaxy on my own, I'll play NMS instead. It does the lone wanderer style of game better.

    -No character progression. There's few things I hate more than games using character levelling to unlock tech instead of using proper research. Spending time on battlefields makes you stronger, tougher and faster. It doesn't teach you how to assemble a T3 fuel tank. As a result, I never bother with character levelling in Empyrion. I just cheat up to level 25 and get it over with.

    -Repairing BAs. Utter tedium to the highest degree. I am at the point where I no longer even bother with it. If a base is damaged beyond a certain point, I just delete it and spawn it anew via console commands.

    I would mention the sticky and laggy third person camera controls as well but, I consider it a bug. One that should have been fixed long ago. First person and free camera works perfectly well so, what's the problem?
    Khazul and Ambaire like this.
  18. Temcai

    Temcai Ensign

    Mar 18, 2017
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    1 - The Story. It's horrible. It starts ok, but it's too short and it seems half baked, and then it's just over. I get that we are a Buck Rogers/Flash Gordon/Jon Carter type character, but there's really no larger story here that goes with that. There's no intrigue or actual events happening with any of the NPC factions. Just "These guys are bad" "These guys are mean" "These guys are greedy" "These guys are hippies" "these guys are Kriel". I know we're supposed to make our own story, but once I make a mobile base CV and make a jump, I usually start a new game, because it's boring past that.
    2 - NPCs. The lack of variety is maddening. And it feels super xenophobic. Why aren't there bad humans? Or good/morally grey Zirax? Maybe a shady human corporate power made it out to Andromeda and started some deals with the Polaris, but then betrayed them and are baddies.
    3 - Monsters/animals. Needs more variety
    4 - Difficulty balancing. It's either Super Hard or Super Easy, and in weird spots.
    5 - Game still needs some optimization. It runs a lot better than it used to, but there are lag spikes in weird places.
    6 - I absolutely HATE the CPU system. I always turn it off. If you ever make this mandatory, I might quit playing.

    (I know this isn't the place for it, but I do want to say I really like the game, for the first 15 hours or so, then I need to start a new save file and start over.)
    Numonar and Ambaire like this.
  19. Roy

    Roy Ensign

    Jul 8, 2020
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    The thing I dislike most is a player starting out in a POI. I prefer crash landing on a planet half naked and with minimal supplies and having to fight and work for my survival.
  20. daedus.wolfe

    daedus.wolfe Ensign

    Nov 22, 2020
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    The three things I dislike the most about the game are:

    1. Warping in sector surrounded by hostile drones and/or capital ships and/or missile laden bases.

    2. The very frequent loss of play field server connection (I don't have disconnect problems with any other game I play)

    3. The lack of equipment for SV's. Ie, clone bay, med station, multi-tool turret, cannon turret, etc. All of which are available on the HV but for some reason are not available on an SV. There is no good reason for this.
    BDAKiwi likes this.

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