Planets or moons not loading? Here's a possible fix -pls pin-

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dylan McPeek, Dec 6, 2020.

  1. Dylan McPeek

    Dylan McPeek Ensign

    Dec 3, 2020
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    This is for NITRADO
    Note that I am using Eden Reforged but this should apply to regular as well

    2 solitions i have found

    - Load any planet/moon you want to go to in single player USING THE SAME SEED, then copy the files from your SP save into the nitrado save. those files are under Empyrion>Saves>Games>"your save">PLAYFIELD . yes this is tedious and annoying because you have to GO TO those places in SP first but it 100% works

    -You can try to go to a planet on your server game, hit the atmposphere and HOLD POSITION at exactly "0m" from the planet and SLOWLY decend to -5m over the course of a few minutes and it should load,

    I belive the problem is nitrados servers have an issue loading planets when you fly in too quickly for the FIRST TIME, after that first load it shoudnt be an issue to go a bit faster, but i would never recomend a full burn into a planet

    hope that helps
    Germanicus likes this.
  2. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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    You can also edit this line to your dedicated.yaml file under ServerConfig
    TimeoutBootingPfServer: 2000

    I believe the default is 90. We had a similar issue a while ago, even with good hardware, and were advised to adjust this. It's worked pretty well.
  3. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Considering this seems to be reported only on Nitrado (at least that I have seen and/or experienced) and also considering there seems to be some sort of relationship between Eleon and Nitrado regarding promotion of hosting - why has this problem persisted so long and WTF are Eleon doing about it (nothing as usual is my guess)???

    If it is a nitrado only problem then the pair of them need to get their heads together to work out what Nitrado has messed up and what Eleon did (or didnt do) to make the game so sensitive. Its a released game supposedly - this sort of thing is no longer acceptable.

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