Is the map too BIG ?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by gevans, Dec 15, 2020.

  1. gevans

    gevans Lieutenant

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Since Empyrion switched to this much larger, seemingly infinite map it gets very lonely out there.

    Has anyone found the edge of this new map ?

    Anyways, I miss the finite map where it was still big but you knew where it ended . How do players who want to pvp ever find other players in a developed game where everyone has spread out into the void ?
  2. You aren't required to use the entire default random galaxy.
    Multiplayer server owners can still set up the smaller maps of days past. They just have to want to set it that way.

    Its size is 100% configurable.
    SylenThunder likes this.
  3. gevans

    gevans Lieutenant

    Oct 26, 2016
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    I didn't know that.

    I've had dozens of games since the new map and every map seemed never meet another player unless your in the same faction and know where the others are going.

    How do you find the multiplayer games that have small maps ?
  4. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    It's not infinite. You can see the whole galaxy on the galaxy map. Though, the default does have like 15,000 stars so it's pretty big.
  5. gevans

    gevans Lieutenant

    Oct 26, 2016
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    That's why I said it "seems" infinite.
    Why do we need 15,000 stars, each one with maybe 8 or 10 planets and playfields for a map populated by no more than about 60 players and usually less than 20 ?
    Why do we even need 1,500 ? ......or 500 ?

    So far .........everyone is missing my point.
  6. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    A lot of people like it. So that's one reason. :D
    Astrée and Arthmoor like this.
  7. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    In single player, yeah, 10-15k is probably more than you will ever need, but them being there doesnt really impact you. Just ignore the stuff you dont need.

    In multiplayer, having more materials in the universe is very important.
  8. gevans

    gevans Lieutenant

    Oct 26, 2016
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    They might like the new way the galaxy is created but do they like it this big ?

    The number of playfields they show in the multiplayer server listing's are usually in the 100 - 500 range but when your actually in that map it's huge with 1,000's, even 10's of thousands. Why is there no correlation between the number of playfields a server is advertised to have and the number it actually has ?

    The only place you might see other players interacting with each other that aren't in the same clan is close to the starter systems.
    Krazzykid said you set up a custom galaxy to 100% any size you want, I haven't seen this result in a map that is remotely close to the size we used to have so I'm curious if you can actually do that.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  9. gevans

    gevans Lieutenant

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Any server admin who sets up his own multiplayer server knows you can add as many resources as you want.
    I've done it many times........had an insane amount of resources on each planet and you only need a few dozen planets to make this amount jaw dropping.
    Then there's the asteroids in orbit, anyone who is serious about mining..... mine's in space and those asteroids reset 2 - 5 times a day .
    Having maps as big as they are now has nothing to do with resources although some players like it when a map is set up so you have limited resources that are spread out very far apart.......I'm not one of them.
  10. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Yes...many of us like it this big. Many of us like having a stupidly massive universe that we can choose to travel and visit our friends, OR we can travel in the other direction and hide out. It gives us options on our play style.

    As far as player interaction, that is what the chat system is for. I see players constantly organizing meet ups, operations, trades, you name it. You dont have to be chilling in a cantina to meet someone to go off on an adventure with.

    Also, in specific, the server I am on is a RE server where asteroids do not regenerate. So without a massive universe the finite resources become a very large issue very quickly as a player can completely deplete an entire system in very short order. Newer players, even now, are having to venture further and further from their starting planet to find even basic resources in large amounts.
    SylenThunder likes this.
  11. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    In the RE server I am on, asteroids do not reset. So my point is valid. Large universe = resources. I never said it was the only reason, or even the main reason. But it IS a reason.
    Germanicus likes this.
  12. gevans

    gevans Lieutenant

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Whether or not asteroid's reset would be up to the admin for that server, having a huge galaxy is not required for more resources unless the admin wants to make it harder for you to find them.
    By the way, I have seen one server where the admin had turned off asteroid resets and I immediately left that server when I discovered that.
  13. gevans

    gevans Lieutenant

    Oct 26, 2016
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    I assume you don't pvp.......some of us like the urgency and excitement of engaging other players that are not part of your faction.
  14. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    You have received the answer to your question. It is big because it can be, and because people like it. There are many benefits to a large universe. If someone wishes it to be smaller, they can adjust the game to suit their desires. I have given you the reason that I, personally, like a large universe. You are welcome not to, no one is trying to convince you one way or the other.

    You asked a question, and people answered.

    But to answer your next question: Personally, no, I do not run on a PvP server, I could see having a smaller universe would aid in making people bump into one another. But I also know that if I decide to join a PvP server I would look for one that is fitting to my playstyle, and if I cannot find one that specifically fits my desires I can create one, or accept that my personal desires for how the game >should be< are not widely shared.
  15. gevans

    gevans Lieutenant

    Oct 26, 2016
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    No, other than the amount of stars on the map being about 15,000 questions have not been answered.
    I'm well aware people have different playing styles but there are also many who would like a map closer to the old size and many of them like a little pvp action along with everything else.

    I looked for a galaxy map editor......there doesn't seem to be one, I did install Empyrion onto my Nitrado server but there are no settings that adjust the map size.
    There is however a button for turning POI regeneration on/off ( maybe asteroids too ? ) or you could do it with line editing.
    I've edited lot's of playfields including resources and added them to maps using the old positioning system but that has changed since the way maps are generated has changed.
    There's no point in asking you ( ChumSickle ) about editing because you didn't know that you can edit resources.

    I'm sure there is a way to edit the size of this new map and I have been looking for a guide.
    So my question do you edit the size of the galaxy map ?
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2020
  16. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    You have 100% control over the size and contents of a scenario. For single player you can simply edit the scenario as needed then start a new game. For a server, simply copy the scenario to the server after editing it and then start a new game.

    If most servers run with tens of thousands of stars, it's because there are people who want to play on those servers. Find a server that runs a smaller scenario such as Invader versus Defender, or create your own community.

    There are guides on the forums on how to create your own scenario. GalaxyConfig.ecf, the random presets, and/or the sectors.yaml file are used to control what stars and playfields are in the scenario. You will have to learn how to create a custom scenario and edit .yaml and .ecf files, and there are several tools available to help with certain parts but most you have to edit by hand.
  17. krosbonez

    krosbonez Lieutenant

    Sep 30, 2020
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    Quick and easy way: in your sectors.yaml, make sure GalaxyMode: false or remove the line. That will limit it to just the sectors you have listed and will not create a giant random galaxy.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  18. Roy

    Roy Ensign

    Jul 8, 2020
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    I like the big maps and the thousands of planets, and I like big planets to. I don't see the problem.

    Easy solution is If you don't want it than don't use it but don't force other to conform to what you like.
  19. gevans

    gevans Lieutenant

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Or forcing people to conform to what you like.
    So far all the public multiplayer maps are huge...........maybe a little variety would be nice.
  20. MikeCobalt44

    MikeCobalt44 Ensign

    May 17, 2020
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    How could there be "Too much to explore"? Custom maps can be made smaller, rendezvous can be set up, groups can be formed prior. Personally I like knowing I can move around exploring, finding new places, seeing new whatever I didn't know existed. A never ending adventure.
    dealler, Roy and GoldDragon like this.

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