Somebody stole my POI's

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by arcticsnowyt, Dec 22, 2020.

  1. arcticsnowyt

    arcticsnowyt Commander

    May 5, 2018
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    Ok, I understand that EGS as a whole is a WIP...little tweaks here, bigger tweaks there but who's brainy idea was it to take the good POI's off the starter planet?

    I've been on a bit of a break from EGS but since I'm working from home yet again, I thought I'd get back into it. I fired up a seed I'm familiar with just to take a look at the changes of 1.3 and low and behold my assembly yards are gone. In it's place are some meager little POI's that have 3 spiders, 1 horror and a scorpion in them. The loot, for the difficulty of the POI, isn't too bad but the XP sucks.

    Any of you that have seen my posts know I admit I suck at FPS. Do I die in the Assembly Yard? Hell yes I do, constantly, but is the XP worth it? Most definitely! I could get a crapload of levels in that place allowing me to get my shielded SV up and running so I could go into space without getting reamed by drones. Not to mention the salvaged parts. It was like Christmas in there....T3 & T4 extenders, furnaces and constructors for days! It was well worth spending the majority of my time with my face flat on the floor looking for my backpack.

    Eleon, can we compromise on this issue? Can we have at least 1 of the old POI's back on the starter planets? Please???

    <end rant>
    Germanicus likes this.
  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    They gave too much high end loot and were too hard for the starting planets. You could get everything you needed from them and never had to leave your starting planet which is not ideal for game progression.

    And because they were hard they were a trap for new players. Overall this is better I think.
  3. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    I haven't played for a bit... Working on the above principle, does this mean that the dreadnoughts and other hard space ships have been removed from the starter system as well?
    xtended2l likes this.
  4. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Yes, they were. It's in the release notes, at line... line... wait...

    It's in the release notes. :D

    Edit :
    In the "misc" section, 33rd item down :

    - Changed: Deactivated SpaceBaseDefense (SBD) and OPV vessels in Starter Orbit
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2020
    Spoon likes this.
  5. arcticsnowyt

    arcticsnowyt Commander

    May 5, 2018
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    Yea, the loot was kinda OP but that's what allowed me to get off the planet, not stay there. Ah well, c'est la vie, guess this old dog is gonna have to learn her new tricks
    I am glad though that the nasty stuff has been removed from space, now I just have to play whack-a-mole with the darn drones out there.
    Germanicus likes this.
  6. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    It's still more than possible to get off planet and the system
  7. arcticsnowyt

    arcticsnowyt Commander

    May 5, 2018
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    Oh I'm well aware, I have no trouble getting off the planet pretty easily. I should have said, "allowed me to get off the planet with higher quality ships" rather than just "allowed". It's much nicer heading out into space with a T3 shielded CV than it is a rusty tin can built on a wing and a prayer. That's the only point I was trying to make.
    Escarli likes this.
  8. xtended2l

    xtended2l Commander

    Oct 23, 2020
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    You need XP? Just drill that tall rocks using HV miner. takes seconds, Gives 7000 XP.
    arcticsnowyt likes this.

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