Micro stutter fix for Unity/Empyrion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ShmoeSOLID, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. NineSevenZero

    NineSevenZero Ensign

    Sep 6, 2015
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    I consider this issue to be a "game breaking" bug.

    Previously, I asked if it would be more appropriate to move this thread to the bug reporting section of the forum, but received no response. If at all possible, I would like to see some acknowledgment from a moderator, community manager, and/or developer. I really don't think that is too much to ask...
    Maybe I'm wrong!

    If there is anyone in that position that sees this thread, can we please have it moved to proper bug reporting section of the forums if you deem it to be legitimate?

    Please and Thank You!

  2. Nic_s

    Nic_s Ensign

    Jul 2, 2019
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    *clears throat*... bump...

    Bought the game recently and hosted a co-op game and got the frame freezing/stuttering/physics sync issue. Decided to switch to a dedicated thinking that might be it, but still the same problem. Seems to be at it's worse when in combat with my friends around. At this point I just watch them fight the AI on our little dedicated server... "fun"...

    I know the game is still in Alpha and I trust there is a good reason why we are now 3 years later and still no real fix... however...

    This is like a vehicle manufacturer having a car in development for many years so they can add new features and fix issues with those features, but the wheels are still square... does not matter what feature they add to the car... the ride is still terrible.

    I like the game overall and I hope the fix can be implemented soon.

  3. XEN

    XEN Ensign

    Jun 20, 2020
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    Riiiiiise from your grave!
    Still a problem. This game is unplayable what in the actual fork..
  4. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I've found the best way to reduce the weird stutter this game can suffer from - al the while showing a solid FPS - is the following:

    Say you play on a 60hz panel and have set the FPS limit in-game to 60 - this is what I had - and the game stutters. If you simply raise this limit to say 75 FPS, while setting a profile in your GPU drivers to enable vSync, most of that stuttering goes away. It did for me.

    Basically, Empyion's frame limiter is bad, let the drivers handle it, they're good at it.

    For the record I use a GTX 1070, I assume all the same profile / vSync settings are available on AMD GPU's.

  5. Damocles

    Damocles Captain

    May 3, 2018
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    Stutters can have all kinds of reasons, such as
    -garbage collecion
    -loading assets
    -pushing textures or meshes to the GPU
    -resetting the camera origin to keep accuracy within the float range
    -updates to the physics colliders
    -saving state to the disk
    -small conflicts between fixed (physics) and dynamic time ticks (rendering) for fluid motions
    -periodic costly calculations for AI or other game systems
    XEN likes this.
  6. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    They can, but Empyrion has a very specific issue with how it limits frame rates which introduces MASSIVE stuttering for a truly horrible experience. Simply allowing the GPU Drivers to handle vSync instantly fixes this. I have tested this on several PC's and the results are consistent for me.

    Indeed, a short while ago the profile I'd set up for Empyrion ages ago go deleted - I assume by a driver update - and I thought the latest game update had badly broken something. However, it was just that I'd run with a GPU profile for so long, I'd forgotten about the problem.

    Empyrion has had various issues relating to this, which is fine, it's an Alpha game. I recall when you had to set a limit of 50 FPS to avoid lots of stutter where 60 FPS about above was pretty bad. They sorted that, but then something else went screwy (not sure what) but it was resolved by using the GPU vSync option I describe.

    Note: there are things the GPU override doesn't fix. I.e. in space the game is PERFECTLY smooth for me, but only if I'm in artificial Gravity. The moment I jet-pack around my ship, rather than walk, the FPS becomes very stuttery, yet the FPS counter still shows a solid 60 - which is NOT what I'm experiencing.


    XEN likes this.
  7. XEN

    XEN Ensign

    Jun 20, 2020
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    Hmm, thanks for the info my dude's. I'll have a mess around with the driver see if I can't fix it like you claim.
    It does make sense to me. I just don't understand how this hasn't been fixed, for me it's a total deal breaker.
    Also, as for my rig to eliminate speculation on my setup causing issues;
    5700 XT
    32G o' Ram (3600)
    10k M.2 main drive.
    Windows is debloated with latest VC's and .Net Latest drivers etc etc etc
    All water cooled.

    EDIT 2:
    Nope, nothing I do removes the stutter. It only happens when I am flying by structures. its like the whole structure is at 20fps while everything else is in the hundreds. Even if I chill my gpu out and stick to like 60-66 it makes no difference.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2020

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