Fixed Building with an axis [7854]

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by Durham, Dec 29, 2020.

  1. Durham

    Durham Ensign

    Dec 29, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Build: 3209
    Multi Player


    Summary: Blocks break down

    Description: By building with an axis (mirroring every placed block along the axis) blocks sometimes break to the ground as if the structural integrity is critical. If one places the blocks manually on the side it broke down, the blocks are placed as they should and the integrity is normal.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1) Set an axis on your base
    2) Build blocks upwards several levels
    3) Add blocks to the side of the top block
    4) Check for different results on both sides of the axis
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2020
  2. Yeah, structural integrity is still all kinds of broken (and has been for a LONG time now).

    SI is only properly calculated a specific distance from where the player character is standing.
    This leads to all kinds of issues when building in symmetry mode, and also has extreme issues when spawning in a very large base from blueprint (everything turns red when it shouldn't a lot of times because that part of the structure is too far from the player).

    Once it gets calculated incorrectly you can't simply move your character closer to that spot and have it update, you have to actually make changes to that part of the structure to get it to recalculate. This can lead to pieces breaking off when they should have been perfectly green, but due to SI issues they are red.
  3. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    @Durham , you may want to search the know issues and ideas thread out before creating "defect" tickets. There is a current thread about SI running, which should explain some of the issues. Any ticket with a low reproducible value is going to get ignored, specific steps that will reproduce a issue at least 50% of the time stand a much better chance. There is an audio clue when SI fails that sounds like a thud of something falling to the ground. It's detail, but it helps work out what is wrong.

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