What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    If you can move PvP-Players NOT to vandalize/utilize Functions in the Game (to get an advantage over their 'victims' aka. EXPLOIT) such things as removing the Public Function from the Game won't be necessary.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2021
  2. SteveEmpyrion

    SteveEmpyrion Lieutenant

    • Developer
    Oct 25, 2016
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    Looks really awesome! And yes, I know how difficult it is to bring now models for blocks into the game, so really good work!

    Because you are also using emissve: you can switch the emissive on/off with the ship being powered. Do you know how to do that?
    Kassonnade and Germanicus like this.
  3. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Would love to know myself. :D
    Kassonnade likes this.
  4. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

  5. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Jep, in meinem Bahnhof, als POI, hab ich LCDs als eine Art E-Books in die Schränke gepackt. Es wäre schon klasse, wenn man dort Nachrichten speichern könnte und die auf dem Boden liegen lassen kann. So wie die Dinger, die man in Subnautica findet.
    Jep, in my train station, as POI, I put LCDs in the cupboards as kind of e-books. It would be great if you could save messages there and leave them on the floor. Like the things, you find in Subnautica.[/QUOTE]

    Great stuff! The supply canister was very cool, indeed. The warehouse was very interesting. Can it be spawned FULL or do you have to build it and fill it?
    jepbindawernoch likes this.
  6. krosbonez

    krosbonez Lieutenant

    Sep 30, 2020
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    Today I tried to start a new survival game in Vanilla. I forgot how much easier and pleasant it is using the hand drills in Vanilla verses the ungodly grind using them in Reforged Eden. I understand they adjusted the damage of the hand drills to help extend the early game, but in reality (for me at least) it only extends the most grindiest part of the game....uhg!
    I also realized that after playing many, many hours of Reforged Eden, I can never play vanilla again unless the devs made several changes that follow RE's example. Too many things to list that just make the game feel "right" in that scenario. Here's to hoping those guys keep updating that scenario!!
    So delete the new vanilla game and back to RE for me.
    Germanicus likes this.
  7. jepbindawernoch

    jepbindawernoch Commander

    Dec 19, 2017
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    Oh, die bösen PvP-ler. Ich frage mich immer noch, warum die so genannt werden. Müssten die nicht eher CvP-ler oder schlimmeres genannt werden? (C von Cheater/Betrüger) o:
    Oh, the bad PvP guys. I still wonder why they are called that. Shouldn't they be called CvP-lers or worse? (C of cheating)

    Danke, das Regal ist voll bestückt. Die CPU liegt mit 1000 und ein paar gequetschten über dem maximal zulässigen Wert. Daher hab ich das Teil nicht auf den neuesten Stand gebracht. Die Detectoren wurden automatisch ja gegen die schöneren kleineren Teile ausgetauscht. Dort wäre Platz für alle CPU-Bausteine. Eventuell wird nach dem Entnehmen ALLER Detectoren nur einer wieder nachgefüllt. Da gab es ja mal eine begrenzende Änderung. Bei den Kanzeln sind nur 2 erlaubt. Ich hatte früher 6 verbaut. Wurden alle 6 entnommen, dann wurden nur 2 aufgefüllt. Das Regal ist nur noch bedingt fahrbar, um es auf den Reparatur-Stein zu bewegen. Man muss damit rechnen, dass einem die Generatoren um die Ohren fliegen. Was dann alles in Folge mit explodiert weiß ich nicht. Ausgeschaltet, mit gespeichertem Template, funktioniert es noch einwandfrei.
    Thank you, the shelf is fully stocked. The CPU is 1000 and a few squashed above the maximum permissible value. So I didn't bring the part up to date. The detectors were automatically exchanged for the nicer smaller ones. There would be space for all CPU blocks. It is possible that only one detector will be refilled after ALL detectors have been removed. They changed the limit. Only 2 cockpits are allowed. First I used 6. If all 6 were removed, the repair station refilled only 2. The shelf can be moved, to get it on the repair block. You have to expect, that the generators will fly around your ears (lack of CPU). I don't know what will explode in a row with it (Kaskade). If it is switched off and the template is saved, it still works perfectly.
  8. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    There are always black sheep's among the flock - in any community, not only Gamers but in RL too.*sigh*.
    jepbindawernoch likes this.
  9. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Yup. I can't say I only have fun, but for the most part even if it feels like "work" it's still worth it, because these things are never really "lost" and can be used in other projects.

    I left the "knobs and switches" aside a few days to focus on something else : making my own "rig". The ones that come bundled up with Blender are cute, but they imp^ly having to turn on and off lots of "switches" when animating, and they use lots of code that does not translate well when ported to Unity. So I built one the old fashioned way, with finger drivers, no IK (just Blender's janky auto IK for some rapid posing) and I'm testing it now with an unfinished character (made from 2 different models "merged" together). I still have to do some weight painting and assing vertex groups (this is just with auto-weights) and need to refine the topology a bit more.


    Well I seem to have missed the party here during this time! Thanks @Taelyn and @SteveEmpyrion : I will go check the thread, plus the new shiny toys we just got yesterday ! Yeeee ! :D

  10. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Back to making knobs, like a small break as it's easy stuff that doesn't require lots of thought.

    When we think "Capital Vessel" or "base" and we see what we have in terms of details, I think we could have more, just for immersion. I found this page to get some ideas :


    That's a bit different from the simple interfaces we have to control huge ships and structures... I also checked lots of hydraulics and electrical engineering things, to make all kinds of weird stuff...
  11. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    The "Glass Cockpit" is great. The "rocket communication control panel" looks perfect for a block texture if not an actual block. All very interesting. I saved it in case I should happen to learn how to do this stuff,o_O
    Kassonnade likes this.
  12. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    I was trying make some adjustments to the config.ecf with zero effect. I then went into BlocksConfig looking for solutions and found none. What I did find was this:

    # only on GV when we introduce S,M,L CV blocks

    Anybody know what this refers to?
  13. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Today marks 5 years since I started my journey with EGS. I had already had a taste of SE, but at the time, I found certain aspects of the game lacking to my taste. It was 6 months later that I joined the "community". I had never done that before and occasionally found it intimidating. As time went on (it went on rather quickly as I was playing 50-60 hours/week), I soon found it a great source of help and inspiration.

    There have been many, and some names I've forgotten (forgive me, I AM rather absent minded) but I would like to name those who stand out in my mind, some of whom may no longer be with the community:
    @Theurgist, @Razorwire, @binhthuy71, @WolfEyes , @rucky , @Tyrax Lightning, @Brimstone , @Ephoie , @Jenniphurr, @Germanicus , @dpburke2 , @Vermillion , & @Kassonnade

    I'm sure I've overlooked someone and I apologize. It's for lack of memory, not for lack of appreciation.
    I thank all of you, listed and unlisted, and hope we can all enjoy another 5 years and then some. :)
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2021
  14. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Probably a leftover from ancient times - maybe they once had in mind having different sizes of large blocks?
    But it seems odd this comment is only on the HV/SV door blocks list.
  15. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Check at the end of the BlocksConfig.ecf file : there's a "test" section with all blocks commented-out. You will see some building blocks that cover more that the 1x1 standard that we had since the beginning (ex. HullBigTest is 3x3x1). Most probably, the "S,M,L CV Blocks" mean small, medium and large blocks, and that can't be in the past.

  16. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    If this comment had been on a cube block, then I might had that thought too - but on a door?
  17. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    The way I understand it is that when the new S,M,L blocks become a thing, then this specific door type will be reserved for GV only.
  18. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    I see what you're talking about. As usual, I don't understand any of it other than they appear to be referring to blocks that can
    "AllowPlacingAt: "Base,MS,SS,GV", display: true". This sounds like small block shapes might appear on bases & CVs at some point in the future. If true, it would open up a whole new world of creativity. Time will tell.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  19. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    I downloaded your shelves (HV) for my shipyard site. I should have realized it was separate from the surrounding structure. All in all, very clever and well done. I like that you made the cockpit into a forklift. It took me a while to figure out why I couldn't drive it away. :confused:
    jepbindawernoch likes this.
  20. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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