many of my blueprints are like 2 years old. im trying to update some of them, a HV, for example, needs lots of work; the thruster group has !!! before it so i tore everything out, still appears red; so i tore out all the components and it still appears red, so i tore everything out to just a shell i can rebuild in and it is STILL red.... then i star looking at the hardened steel blocks thinking it must be something about them as its all that remains... i see several that when i multitool over them it is 50hp and jsut says "retrieve blocks" no steel s or hardened steel s or any material listed. when i do replace all commands nothing changes these blocks, could this be the problem? this is what it looks like https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....705/447A9E0BD1169A9E19227DDD017CB4ABF6336329/ instead of : https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....223/44D2BA1FD187B1A1D3398AD5CDF453B2BB884456/
Yeah they've gone and made changes to blocks over time, updating them and/or splitting them between large and small sizes, and it can be a real pain to track them down in a build. Replaceblocks doesn't always catch them all. That 50hp block looks like it's an old one that needs to be replaced and it's probably not the only one in that build that needs it.
When updating some of my older builds, I find it's easier to lay a bunch of them out in a row, and strip them down layer by layer. Then build up from scratch copying and updating. When doing my primary SV, I was actually able to re-design the layout of components this way to fit in shields and warp without greatly increasing the size of it.
If the command does not report the forbidden blicks and your blueprint is red in the library, then you should make a bug report.
It's possible it's made out of the old hull blocks. Upload your blueprint here and maybe someone can take a look.
I suggest you read this here - > Could be some helping info included