What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    The AI doesn't work with SVs I believe. Would be nice if it did though, there's been some good SVs made by people that would be cool to see in the game as ai controlled :)

    And the one I posted (Eternal Torment as I've decided to call it now) hasn't even been completed yet. Started out as a mining CV, which I still have to complete, I was looking at the back half and realised I could turn it into a combat CV. I don't make many in all honesty and my only other proper one is over a year old now. Will be interesting to see how it handles itself as an OPV, but in my defence both the glaze and the syphon (warlord faction) are easy ones. As is the Tesch Vector, so on the whole....I haven't built that many 'tough frakkers' as you put it :)
  2. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    Keep up the good work Escarli. I like your paint scheme. It's reminiscent of the Lego Rock Raiders Theme.

    I've more or less put my survival game one hold due to a bug in this thread. I might start a new game and see if that helps.

    I've been working on a new CV to replace my current Tier 3 model for survival. I've tried twice for a double cargo box design similar to the Columbus class from Gundam and failed miserably both times. The 1st time I couldn't keep the size class down. It was approaching 9 at one point and simplifying the blocks killed any hope of shaping. The 2nd time was better size class wise but I was unhappy with how the interior space turned out due to the dimensions. Trying to fit everything was frustrating so I put it on hold for now. I'm now on a 3rd attempt which is progressing more smoothly on every front. I approached construction a bit different this time. I started by building the CV in pieces with the nacelles being 1st in line and then started melding everything together. It's been successful thus far. I've already reshaped several sections of the hull multiple times but I believe I finally have the deck and sides dialed in. Still a lot of work to do though. I think I may raise the bridge a bit but we'll see.

  3. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    It's been a while since I posted here.

    I realized that I had not followed my normal pattern when I released the Crow.
    Normally I build the top-tier version then post a second (downgraded) build.

    I never posted a downgraded (starter) version of the Crow.
    So, that was today's project.
    I took it from a LVL 25 CPU tier 3 build down to a LVL 10 CPU tier 2 build.

    It will be posted once v14 goes live.

    CV-Crow v1.jpg
  4. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Wow, that has the potential of giving me a big head.
    I said that I would post the v1 version of the Crow after v14 dropped, and v14 dropped the next day.

    As promised, the v1 Crow has been uploaded. The v2 Crow has also been re-uploaded with a few changes.

  5. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    @Robot Shark I know right. Maybe the CV docked vessel bug is magically fixed. I'll have to check.

    I've spent way more time then I care to admit working on the bottom of my CV getting the landing gears and boarding ramp to work properly with partial blocks involved. I finally got everything to work without making the entire bottom flat or the land gears jutting out. They still fail to deploy on occasion while testing though. Next time I'll put more thought into this early in the process.

    Although unintentional I noticed my CV looks like a helmeted head from behind.

    Can someone please confirm this is the correct vanilla turret limit? I'm getting to the point where I'm considering placement.
    8 sentry
    12 minigun/cannon
    10 rocket/flak
    10 laser/plasma
  6. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Yesterday, I did a little testing with the new explosions of fuel tanks.

    In the first part of the video, I thought the noise of the explosions weren't being captured. Listening to the video after, it occurs to me that the microphone was picking up the computer speakers. However, I had set OBS to capture sound output by the computer through the headphones I use, so when I realized that OBS wasn't showing any sounds from the computer out, I switched over.
  7. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    @bluemax151 Prior to 1.4, I concur with those being the turret limits for the standard game. I haven't checked 1.4, but I don't recall seeing any note in the changelog about turret limits. Didn't even think to look at that since the limits have been relatively unchanged since they grouped the turrets--miniguns and cannons used to be separate with a limit of 6 each.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2021
    bluemax151 and Germanicus like this.
  8. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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  9. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    @jadefalcon I hope your Ocean type has larger land masses then the last one I visited :)

    My new CV is basically complete so I've been testing it in a survival game. Decided to make a small T2 Space Station just for production and repair. I call it the Lug Hub. Each lugnut will hold an Adv Const/Decon/Furnace and the main body has power generation and a full cargo. I've added a docking tube that will connect to the side of the CV and it's fiddly but works well in conjunction with the simple LCD guides I added.
  10. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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  11. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Been a month or two since I posted. Decided to start with a small survival HV and then it turned into:

    20210211230619_1.jpg 20210211230633_1.jpg 20210211230643_1.jpg 20210211230658_1.jpg

    Steam link if you want to take more of a peak:


    In the end I am not as pleased with this design as I was hoping to be. Kept forgetting things like CPU and shields. I normally cram things on the under-side of my HV's, but this got kinda ridiculous. It does look neat though - I could not help myself with the flame LCD's out the rear thrusters. :D
  12. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    I started a new Survival game on a private dedicated server so I can experience the persistence without actually playing MP since I'm a misanthrope :p Having fun so far after giving up on an Ice Planet start and going back to Arid. Not sure how you're supposed to progress on an Ice Planet. The 1st time I immediately got hail and after that I kept getting a weather condition that made it extremely cold so I would get hypothermic in seconds. Decided to finally use monktk's "Iconic" Base that I subscribed to a while back after some modifications to bring it up to the current game version. All the standard glass makes it a bit impractical from a defensive standpoint but I love the look and RP of it. I managed to make it to the moon and get the materials needed to armor the glass so no worries now.

    "Iconic" Base - Level 5 PvE, Alpha 7.5

    Decided to update my cheap starter SV for this playthrough. 100% + more styling and slightly more practicality. It's only marginally more expensive than the original. I also did a slightly upgraded armed version. Really like this cockpit with this front end. Good 1st person view.

  13. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Alrighty, so I kinda want to work on a smaller survival HV still.... hmmmm...

    Here is my what I am going for:


    On the left is Wisp, one of Jrandalls first designs and one of my go-to's before CPU/mass volume. Then CPU/volume released and I created Mouse(on the right,) which ended up being one of the best designs I have ever made and probably th e best all-around early-level survival HV on the workshop. So yay me. :rolleyes: The problem is, it is a touch more expensive than I would like, so my goal is to create something in-between the two of them.

    Should be doable, but also a challenge.

    Edit: And what the holy hell? It takes titanium rods now?


    Edit 2: Oh, right. CPU extenders...
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2021
  14. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    nice designs. :)
    Since I started in A11.1 to play on the dead Planets of the 'vanilla' Project Eden I have build a series of 7 Survival HV's in Game - Dead 2 Starter Planet forbids the use of the Factory;) - and learned to use Materials ACTUAL AT HAND in a Survival game. Not as most of those Beauties which have been build in Creative ignoring what Material may be found on the Starting/Planet.

    So I have a tiny, Level 5 HV, CPU T1, 5100 Cargo, 1200 Wood, Constructor, O², Armor Locker, Fridge and 2 additional Cargo Boxes.
    As a starter HV not pretty but suitable to keep you alive. No Weapons or Shields of course:).

    I stand on one of my HV's Thruster when using the Drone to dig or drill surface Rocks. T1 has 65° and T2 90° Celsius so actually you have to watch for those Heat-Problems rather those from Cold;).
    Especially when I go on the hills/Low Mountains for the Promethium Rocks at Temperatures of -60 to -90° C...
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2021
  15. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Had a fun little evening:

    To set it up, I am doing a lot of "design testing" lately. I am not a good builder. My stuff is simple, but works (usually). The MP server I am on is resetting and we are preparing for a fresh start, so I am trying to get my builds in order to get off the start planet, get into space, and meet up with my team. So, I spent some time designing a "get out of dodge" ship. Very simple...warp drive, cargo controller, 02, fuel, fridge, a few sentry guns and 1 gatling turret. I was relatively pleased with its simplicity and it didnt look horrid.

    So, in a SP Reforged Galaxy game I work to spawn it in. The kids are on my back about wanting to use the computer, so I say "Once I get to another planet you can have it." I salvage my starter base, toss all the stuff in the cargo container, and hit the stars. I warp to a nearby neutral system...and then the problems start.

    I only had around 60 pentaxid...the jump took 54 of them...so with my remaining 6 crystals I make it to a planet that shows pentaxid in the atmosphere. But, I am in a hurry so land and log off.

    When I log back in, I realize I have no constructor on board...and I left behind all of my survival constructors...and I only have 1 iron ore. So, I frantically search the surface for iron bearings. The planet I landed on has more Zasc/Erestrum/gold than Ill ever need, but all I want is an iron rock. I then realize that my new CV has 02, but not vent, so I am running down on 02, and the spare that I was building is sitting back on the starter planet. While searching for spare 02 I find a lone survival constructor that I randomly left in my old SV that I have slapped on the hood of my CV. So, I am able to craft a small constructor and crudely attach it to the tail end of my CV. Problem of making fuel somewhat mitigated.

    I set about mining a bit, but realize I am running low on drill charges, and ammo. So I need wood. I am on a lava planet and no wood around. But my savior is a nearby temperate moon. But I need pentaxid. I head back into orbit and do manage to find the pent asteroid, am able to mine around 100 crystals and then I see a ship approaching, a Pirate in bound. Now, my little CV is little more than cargo containers, duct tape, and sadness. So I flee bravely.

    All in all, I was able to finally slap an advanced constructor to the hull, add a fan to the inside of the cockpit area, add an armor locker underneath, and get to mining resources for a "better" cv.

    So...it was a good test. My little CV did get me mobile, and I was able to tweak it on the fly to get it more and more useful.
  16. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Yeah, I should build bigger shouldn't I? Hmm...
  17. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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  18. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    Thruster warming would have been a valid tactic if I got to build anything before I died :)

    I paid the price for rubber necking today. I was watching the new NPC Faction conflict today when I drew aggro and took a missile salvo in my SV. I lost about half the front of my ship and probably would have lost 1 of the sides too if the carbon fins didn't act as ablative armor.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2021
  19. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    A simple tunnel, to go with my Steam backdrop choice today.
  20. DarkMaid

    DarkMaid Commander

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Should've posted this when it occurred (about 5 weeks ago now) but I thought it was more of an event rather than something I "did". Anyway...it's the meteorite that almost slammed into my base (actually it probably would have hit my CV first). My gun is showing the trajectory so if it had been travelling 150m or so higher things would have gotten interesting.

    I got the warning as I was approaching the base while flying the smaller CV and watched the meteorite zipping in toward my base. It actually makes a rocketing sound not unlike the sound of a NASA space shuttle lift off. Scary but cool asf.

    I did some searching on the forum and apparently it is possible to have one hit your base although I did not find any posts showing such.

    If you look closely you can see my tiny mining HV parked beside the meteorite but before I went ahead and mined it I decided to go into godmode and take this pic for posterity :)
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2021

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