Feedback Required Your most wanted QUALITY OF LIFE feature?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Jul 3, 2020.

  1. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I had the same problem with very large builds (8km long x 4 km large by 500m high) and it occurred to me that the ability to use 3rd person view, while cool in certain circumstances (and abused with PvP DeathCubes) was not very immersive nor realistic to the smallest bit.

    What would an actual pilot do to see what he's doing in a mega-ship ? Obviously he would not simply hit "third person view" and while I can understand it can be seen as a "problem" it is not really one : there has to be a limit to the 3rd cam distance it can get from a ship, else players could use it to cheat (see over enemy base or details by zooming out and moving the cam).

    I used some turrets views to be able to precisely move my CV around. While "uncomfortable" this felt quite "realistic" to have to work all kinds of angles and see from several turret's views if the bottom of the ship was close to the space station or when simply moving close.

    But really, I'm sure that Star Destroyers do not go near other structures to that point. We can see very well around us depending how we make the bridge, and only trying to use the 3rd person to completely replace "real piloting" can be problematic, in very large builds. Being able to control a flying city with a bird's eye view also makes no sense apart when playing a management game with god view up high above.

    For screenshots we can simply get out of the pilot seat.
    garyice and zaphodikus like this.
  2. paradine

    paradine Ensign

    May 6, 2020
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    Adding crosshairs to options is my biggest quality of life after you changed it to a option and expect us to edit files to make it feasibleto use you have got to be joking lol Half these people I wouldn’t even trust flying a CV much less editing a file
  3. playlessNamer

    playlessNamer Lieutenant

    Jan 15, 2019
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    Really needed Qol feature:
    I will never use third person vision when walking but nearly always when in a vessel. Its so annoying to always when i leave a vessel to change the perspective too every single time when i go in and out and back in... it takes 2 buttonclicks instead of just one.

    Save the playerperspective separate from the vessel perspective.
    Skavn, garyice, xtended2l and 3 others like this.
  4. Apollyon

    Apollyon Lieutenant

    Dec 17, 2018
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    User interface.
    I play with this game for a few years now, I would like to see something... different.
    At least change the blue and blueish colors for something else... I would be happy even with a config file option for that.
    zaphodikus likes this.
  5. Daedalon

    Daedalon Lieutenant

    Jan 12, 2021
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    Here are 7 of my current suggestions regarding small changes that I think would be a big improvement.

    -Blueprints: Add 'Save Screenshot' toggle to the blueprint screen when you press ALT+O to save.
    You've framed your vessel for the perfect screenshot! Alas, now you'll either have to do this again every time you update the blueprint, or have to go copy the image out of the blueprint directory so you can copy it back in after BP updates. Trying to be clever and mark your screenshot as read-only doesn't work either, because it prevents Empyrion from considering the previous version of the blueprint erased.​

    -Constructors/Food Processors: Add the ability to re-order the production queue.
    We've all been there. You're crafting 100 Fusion Cells and need to make 1 Drill Charge, or your teammate just started crafting 1000 Carbon Blocks just before you realized you need to make a few rounds of ammo for you weapon. It'd be really nice if we could drag and re-order things in the production queue, just like you can in your inventory (when sorting is off). Having to cancel and re-request everything in the queue to move 1 thing to the front is such a drag.
    -Hover Vessels: Let players exit seats when speedometer is zero, instead of when vessel motion is absolute zero.
    Hover Vessels often bob or slide gently over the terrain. This frequently causes a window of frustration after coming to a perceived stop where all players on the HV trying to exit get a barrage of "Can't exit vessel while vessel is moving" messages.
    -Items: When a corpse's inventory is closed while empty, disable its collision.
    Defeated enemies stack and overlap; trying to loot each of them when this happens becomes a headache. Since I can already achieve the same result by dropping items on the floor as adding them to the inventory of an empty corpse, I think the ability to access corpses once empty is redundant and won't be missed, considering it obstructs the user's ability to loot other bodies.​

    -Items: Rocks and trees harvested by hand tools should be deposited straight into inventory.
    When you're scouring to get your first resources, having to spam the item pickup key gets tiresome quickly. So many more input actions are required to break rocks and trees one by one and pick up the pieces by hand, as compared to using a Drill or Harvester later where all you have to do is hold 1 mouse button indefinitely while resources are auto-collected.

    After playing several new sessions, I find that this basically encourages me to rush to obtain a drill ASAP and go deplete the nearest deposits and asteroids. Any desire to take my time and explore my new starting world is quickly snuffed out by the thought that I'm getting less resources for more keyboard and mouse work. The smaller yield and longer harvest times for using early game tools is fair enough by itself, I think.​

    -Teleporters: Add a toggle to hide inaccessible teleporters.
    Navigating the teleporter destination menu becomes a nightmare later if you've explored lots of systems within 30 LY. It can become full of teleporters that aren't valid destinations. Being able to filter out teleporters you don't have enough faction to port to would be great. The existing filter functionality would also be better, in my opinion, if it didn't continue to list sectors that have no teleporter destinations. For simplicity and ease of use, I think being able to narrow the list of stars and sectors on the left to display only valid teleport locations would make this menu much, much better.
    -Waypoints: Implement Sector/System/Galaxy context visibility.
    Waypoints are super useful, but typically only when you're in the same area. Waypoints that are far away can't be used as warp destinations and become screen clutter. I think there's a very elegant and intuitive way to handle waypoints.

    Currently, Waypoints can be placed on all 4 maps: Galaxy, Solar System, Sector, and Planets/Moons, but can be seen from pretty much everywhere. My basic suggestion is to make them visible only from their own region. Based on my current understanding of how waypoints can be used, I suggest the following:​
    • If you want to see a Star from other Stars, place a Waypoint on that star in the Galaxy map.
    • If you want to see a Sector (Asteroid Field/Planet/Moon) from other Sectors in the same solar system, place a Waypoint on that Sector in the Solar System map.
    • Individual waypoints placed inside a sector/planet/moon continue to behave as before (except for not being visible from other stars and sectors).*
    • *Rather than display individual (stacked) waypoints, the name of the sector should be displayed as a waypoint, and a number next to it representing the number of waypoints present, for example if you have 5 waypoints: Akua Sector (5)
    The goal of these changes is to preserve all current uses for waypoints that I'm aware of (for example, as warp anchors for certain sun sectors) while making sure that only 1 waypoint will ever be drawn in the same location (star or sector). We also grant the player much finer control over when they want to see certain waypoints by using the existing map system context, rather than adding more checkboxes when placing waypoints.

    garyice likes this.
  6. Wayson

    Wayson Commander

    Aug 3, 2016
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    I follow what you are saying, I just think it would be a nice Quality of Life addition to the game, thanks for the response!
    Kassonnade likes this.
  7. OggieOgham

    OggieOgham Ensign

    Feb 21, 2021
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    I would like turn on an alarm on my ship, like the base attack alarm, so it warns whenever hostile drones, or ships are approaching or attacking my ship.
  8. BTB

    BTB Ensign

    Aug 4, 2017
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    Gravity for single player. When i turn off my ship why doesn't it fall? When powered off near a planet. Where is the gravity well? These things were in the game & have been removed. Was said they would be added later. And still waiting.
    Skavn, zaphodikus and Germanicus like this.
  9. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    Not having holes open up in the ground randomly every 2 hours, that would be cool. Literally, very little else.
    Germanicus likes this.
  10. Tarc Novar

    Tarc Novar Commander

    Nov 14, 2017
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    I am not aware of this problem. What holes?
  11. MrGReaper

    MrGReaper Lieutenant

    Jun 27, 2015
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    I have two and they are both born from playing Space Engineers.

    1) The ability to move around inside a moving ship. Not sure a description is needed for that but it is something that would improve multiplayer massively if the game engine can support it.

    2) The ability to "dock" onto other ships not owned by you, in space engineers this lead to some interesting tactics like using your inertia dampeners (the auto breaks in this game) to slow down or change trajectory of abandoned ships. Also allowed for boarding party mechanics (combined with above). In this situation the landing gear becomes a magnatic connection, no access to systems etc.
    Skavn likes this.
  12. garyice

    garyice Ensign

    Mar 6, 2021
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    1. More flexibility in the waypoint system. like an option to temporaly remove the distant ones from the hud but on will. so things don't get cluttered If I only want to find something close to me or important (like quest markers).

    2. Keyboard hotkey access to all the signals and group hotkeys.

    3. Better trading system (more options like buy all / sell all buttons) Trader windows should have the option to calculate storage items and place when trading.
    (So we could sell from our nearby containers, and the bought stuff could go there directly as well. )
    Maybe a rework of the current trade window... to be similar how you can use/see/handle 2 wifi containers. or shoping cart option. you chose what and how many you wanna trade then pay for it in one go. and do your other things while the bought stuff gets loaded into your ship. same for sell stuff. very difficult to mass produce and sell weapons for instance. and typing in all the time the amount you wanna buy is a pain in the ass. a button to sell all or buy all (or maybe sell 10/100/1000/all and buy 10/100/1000/all buttons would be cool)

    4. Ability to use small blocks too when building a base or a CV. So we could create much more details if we want to.

    5. Custom Color and Opacity slidders to window's glass.

    6. Better lighting system. Placing a spotlight on a drill ship... welll... no point right now. :D
    When you are good range for the drills the spotlight isn't affect the target at all. if you go closer you do not drill the thing where the crosshair is at all... But the good thing is if you are so close you actually see what you try to do :D

    ALL the lights should have color range and intensity options. ship's spotlight especially. BUT with range Waaaaay longer than just 20m.
    Speaking of spotlights... small attachable stlyed spotligths would be a welcome addition as well. like how the deco intake looks...

    7. Pets? Mounts? more waaaaay more wildlife and better NPC behaviours.
    Speaking of wild life... I do really like hunter games mechanics of shooting different intestines so maybe that too :D
    And possibilty to sell and buy wildlife (pets maybe :D )

    Better and more usefull NPCs. Own crew. Bases filled with life, not just standing deco pieces. "living" beings.
    Oh and perhaps first and foremost... bugfixed NPCs so they won't go side by side on top of the trading station's shop counter.... VERY IMMERSION breaking.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2021
    Noob42 likes this.
  13. nexus_absolute

    nexus_absolute Captain

    Aug 18, 2016
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    I have just returned to the game after a long hiatus in order to 'sterilize' my gameplay experience from previous iterations of the game. These are my observations from a fresh start. No particular order:
    • The ability to crouch/duck.
    • Smoother transition when switching between items on toolbelt. There often appears to be lag.
      For example; I will switch from food to gun quickly, and even though I am now holding the gun I will eat the food.
    • Information to identify what basic resources are in what produced materials. I found it especially confusing and frustrating trying to backwards engineer a product to identify what resources it contains. As an example, a flux coil might have in it's recipe description: 1.2 iron, 1.0 silicon, 2.0 copper, 0.5 cobalt (recipe quantities assuming 'ingots' and given as an example only - I haven't a clue what is actually in a flux coil these days!)
  14. Osskey

    Osskey Lieutenant

    Aug 30, 2016
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    Just a couple things; 1) Share map among faction members. We see POI's and Resources but FoW remains. 2) Share monetary resources among faction members. This would make it easier for anyone to do a supply run without worrying about if they have any credits personally.
  15. idx64

    idx64 Lieutenant

    Jul 25, 2019
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    Here are 10 things that I think are very necessary.-

    1 - Add the anti-radiation option to the heater-cooler.A storm at 5.5Rads can kill you at startup.- A storm at 5.5Rads can kill you at startup.-
    2 - Reset world selection on servers.-
    3 - More textures.-
    4 - Zoom for personal drone.-
    5 - Rotating solar panels.-
    6 - 1*3 door sizes.-
    7 - Double windows (inside and outside).-
    8 - Life form detector (like the TRICORDER from Star Trek).-
    9 - Manual landing gear, with access to the bar.-
    10 - Refrigerator Boost.-
    Miznit likes this.
  16. garyice

    garyice Ensign

    Mar 6, 2021
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    I guess he would have cameras set up all over the ship and watching the desired view. On a monitor. :)
    Kassonnade likes this.
  17. garyice

    garyice Ensign

    Mar 6, 2021
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    I would ask for an alternative option to place those...

    Just how LCD projectors work. A "simple" combo of sliders to set their relative position and maybe rotation.
  18. Kats

    Kats Lieutenant

    Dec 2, 2020
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    Actually, there is simplier. The computer and sensors simply build for him a 3d representation of the ship and what is around it for easy 3rd person piloting.
    garyice and Germanicus like this.
  19. Noob42

    Noob42 Lieutenant

    Sep 21, 2020
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    Stuff I want. Pretty simple. Sorta

    1. Logistics apply to group function. Eg: sensor x apply function to thruster. Select group, apply to group button.

    Same way it works when you change turret targeting. Save me some time when you just put 60 thrusters in a ship.

    2. Sorting logistics and automation. Furnace should be able to sort output and deliver to multiple bins automatically. Same with deconstructor and constructor. Too that end should be able to enable repeat process when more material is supplied.

    This way I can build automated factories to break down spoils of war. Sort it and start rebuilding it. I'd rather have fun building a factory then spend the hours doing this manually.

    3. Ship recycling. Drop it on a repair pad and rather than fix it, it dumps all the material into the repair bin. Also if I can do this can I have a tractor beam? Device that will force dock cored or faction ships. This way I can drag the entire kill back to base and salvage the entire ship.
    Foofaspoon and garyice like this.
  20. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    - logistics working for emergeny containers, terrain-placeables, corpses and everything in general.
    - hotkeys / makros for turret modes (eg i press shift-1 to get all guns to target weapons on cv and shift-2 to target drones, all configurable)-
    - multi-tool and multi turret also taking contens on containers when salvaging.
    - navigation computer (either a block device or just on the map) for route planing (also thru unknown sectors).
    garyice and Noob42 like this.

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