Feedback Required Which additions would make the game world more vivid and lively

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 22, 2019.

  1. Traveler

    Traveler Ensign

    Mar 8, 2021
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    For planets, seasons and better weather. And more importantly, caves, at least I haven't found any yet.
  2. VISION305

    VISION305 Rear Admiral

    Dec 17, 2016
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    A: For planet playfields

    1- Weather that can be seen at a distance. Instead of a radiation storm suddenly appearing over me as I enter the promethium area it would be fantastic to see a green toxic cloud over that area. That would make a night and day difference to the immersion of weather. You could also see the storm coming at a distance. It would be incredible.

    2- Id like to run into a POI and see Polaris dropping troops and attacking a Zirax outpost. I have seen some mechs on a planet shooting aliens which was cool but maybe expand on that to give a sense of a galaxy that is alive with or without player input.

    3- Even more new creatures and plants to give even more variety to the planets. Underground worms would be awesome or bugs. Flying creatures. Spiders or bugs climbing up walls or trees. Swarms of bugs attacking your base on some planets. Similar to a drone base you would need to kill the nest POI.

    4- More aggressive looking meteor showers. They are cool but could be much better. A mix between small rocks and larger ones falling. And instead of the shower to abruptly end, a more natural end of the shower.

    5- Lightning storms that actually can damage you or your equipment if you fly through them without shields.

    6- Epic creatures that are larger and more threatening to be messing with.

    B: For space playfields

    1- Faction ships attacking each other.
    2- Walking inside ships that are moving.
    3- Being able to board a slower moving ship by maybe matching speed and attaching mid flight
    4- An improved EVA movement experience with better animations
    5- Seeing weather on a planet from space
    6- Getting planet information without having to fly into a planet (If it exists I cannot figure out how to do it)
    7- Other Faction SVs flying around not just CVs - (probably replace space drones with SVs )
    8- Less nebula colors everywhere and more black space
    9- Some kind of space weather or events
    Searcher, 3ndM4n, tahaan and 4 others like this.
  3. Ente

    Ente Commander

    May 20, 2021
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    A. For planetary playfields:

    1. Caves
    2. Ground Texture/Tech rework, especially the mountain areas look somewhat dated
    3. Polar Regions! Nuff said.
    4. Some exceptional regions on planets. Think about a glacier ontop of a mountain area, a really big vulcano, coral reefs, giant abysses, canyons, Waterfalls and Rivers etc. Not whole new biomes, but noteable Landmarks.
    5. Planet-exclusive resources. In most playthroughs I end up in a situation where I spend rarely any time on planets as there simply is no reason to go there once you start mining asteroids. As an exception to this, one of the best times i had with the game was in a survival where I wasn't able to find any gold asteroids and had to actually fight Zirax for the resource on a hard Lava planet...

    B. For space playfields:

    1. Drone spawning: currently Drones just spawn somewhere on the playfield in seemingly random places. Would prefer if they actually got spawned as Squadrons on POIs and hunt you from there.
    2. Diverse resource Asteroids. Have a quick look at the pentaxid Asteroid growths in Reforged Eden, that is an idea that could be expanded on.
    3. Space Base Attacks!
    4. More (sane!) escalation events. Let e.g. a Destroyer call in Reinforcement drones from a near POI. Or have a corvette jump in to aid a frigate. Just dont throw random Toveras at people...
    5. Drone respawning: Currently you are pretty much safe in space once you mopped up the initial drone wave (ignoring patrol craft for the moment). Having drone waves reoccur after some time and tie them to the POIs (see also 1.) could actually provide an incentive to fight enemy space POIs.
    6. Rework the despawning of de-cored ships. Having a shipwreck despawn just because you left the 3 km zone around it for a couple seconds is just disheartening. Especially in situations where you fight multiple harder enemies and have to resort to hit and run tactics. Seriously, why is despawning wrecks outside of respawn-timers even a thing?
  4. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    On planets
    1-I support the caves.
    2-I want the fauna and flora of each system to be differentiated. So that we can differentiate that we have traveled to a different place and it does not seem that we are still in the same place.
    3-The sands on desert planets are very empty of dangers. It would be necessary to put some danger under the sand. So that running through the sand is not only the heat the most dangerous thing you have.

    In Space

    1-I already published it before. Space life like rain from some parasite that attacks the ship. Something random that can happen.
    2-Meteor shower that can damage the ship.
    3-A leviathan! Let it attack whatever it finds in its path. Make it a very rare and dangerous event.

    En Planetas
    1-Apoyo las cuevas.
    2-Quiero que se diferencie la fauna y la flora de cada sistema. Para que podamos diferenciar que hemos viajado a un lugar diferente y no parezca que seguimos en el mismo lugar.
    3-La arenas en planetas desérticos son muy vacíos de peligros. Habría que poner algún peligro bajo la arena. Para que correr por la arena no sea solo el calor lo mas peligroso que se tenga.

    En Espacio

    1-Ya lo publique antes. Vida espacial tipo lluvia de algun parasito que ataque la nave. Algo aleatorio que pueda suceder.
    2-Lluvia de meteoritos que pueda dañar la nave.
    3-Un leviatán! Que ataque lo que encuentre a su paso. Que sea un evento muy raro y peligroso.
  5. Miu_serp

    Miu_serp Ensign

    Jul 18, 2020
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    It is extremely necessary to justify the use of cargo and passenger ships(transportation of hundreds of thousands of cargo units and liners with dozens of passengers), this will bring a good profit, so it is necessary to create opportunities for multimillion - dollar (credit) investments and costs-for example: corporations-placing orders for the delivery of goods/raw materials/passengers, exclusive modules for ships(and ships themselves), hiring personnel-automation of simple production functions, luxury goods (possibly some works of art). Of course, all this will require NPCs capable of executing the order of commands
    Searcher and Odeoron Dream-Light like this.
  6. hydrogenmissle

    hydrogenmissle Ensign

    Aug 6, 2021
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    Its..uh.. its fish!... not fishes...
    Odeoron Dream-Light likes this.
  7. hydrogenmissle

    hydrogenmissle Ensign

    Aug 6, 2021
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    For planetary play fields id ike to have the skybox match the skybox u see in space but with the colors toned down a bit to simulalte being in atmosphere. Another thing for planetary playfields would be the addition of factions cities. Im not even talking about POIs which u could tear apart. i mean admin style cities for buying and selling things, driving around the streets with your HV, maybee doing daily "jobs" missions for something to do, buy temporary properties, and having access to the cities repair bays. They would have to be big enough with enough npcs doing things to feel like legitamate cities. maybee with the possiblility of occupying the cities for a ransom from said faction the city belongs to and then leaving with a large sum of currency. it would be more of an end game challenge than anything. Lastly for planetary play fields id like to see factions who are enemies with one another say polaris and zirax go to war with each other. one faction would sent drone strikes to another factions POIs or if u are being persued by the legacy and u r in range of a polaris turret. the polaris turret will open fire on the legacy npcs.

    For space playfields id like to see space battles, like u see in nms when u warp to a random star system u will jump into a space battle between enemy factions which u have to participate in in order to move on. i think it would add a new dynamic layer to keep things interesting
    Searcher and Odeoron Dream-Light like this.
  8. AlterDraconis

    AlterDraconis Lieutenant

    Sep 2, 2019
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    A device for attracting meteorites for the base. In order not to search for them all over the planet.
  9. Draven

    Draven Ensign

    Jul 21, 2021
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    -More creature based POIs
    -Perhaps an occasional massive slow beast that makes you want a bigger gun
    -Flying creatures

    -Random traveling merchants

    -POIs that spawn with an NPC(humanoid or computer) that can give you a quest
    Searcher and Odeoron Dream-Light like this.
  10. Odeoron Dream-Light

    Odeoron Dream-Light Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2021
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    Yes! GOD please YESSS!

    All of that, and please, pretty please i would like to add a few thoughts i contemplated on while digging through the planets, but that just sums most of my wishes.

    A: For planetary playfields I would like to see

    • Larger Worlds
      The game already can create breath-taking sights and some pretty EPIC horizon views! Would it be possible to increase the size of the worlds from barely 50KM/28 miles across to maybe something like 1000KM? Not only that but perhaps adapt the speed of the engines or give players a faster engine specifically designed for supersonic speeds so that we can zoom through such slightly more realistic worlds.
      These huge worlds may be filled with plenty more POI's
      I mean there's only so much roleplaying one can do within a totally ridiculous 50km (if generous) play-field.
    • Deeper Terrain & Caves/Cave networks & deeper and larger ores
    Speaking of larger worlds, can we get cave networks? In that said, since the worlds will be bigger, the terrain should make sense to be made MUCH deeper. I mean at least 10 KM deep if not 50 or more.
    And in such a deeper crust of the planet can we get cave networks and deep and large dark caverns? In them adding to what Vermillion said about alien life all kinds of creepy predatorial alien creatures could live underground and have a whole type of alien flora/fauna, accompanying that, larger ores of materials as the deeper one goes into the planet the larger the quantities of heavier materials are.
    • Lava/Magma ocean instead of Bedrock layer
    And please change that bedrock layer which is SO overrated (minecraft) with something more realistic for a space age capable civilization to dig through?
    Which at the deeper end (past 50km deep) be met with a layer of impenetrable and insta-killing ocean of core magma/lava that would be present on most planets with a still burning core?

    B: For space playfields I would like to see

    • The one request... Destroyable asteroid/space rocks?
    All those space rocks that float about and around the planets, around their ring systems and in the asteroid fields, have a placeholder "container" 50% HP point system description that is indestructible.
    If there's ONE basic thing any space junkie like myself and me friends like to do or think the first thing to do in space is, shoot those rocks!
    Can you PLEASE make those asteroids share in the same type of resource system you placed on the rocks we find on the surface terrain of the planets?
    Those copper bearing/iron/siliocon bearing asteroids or simply crushed stone bearing rocks we take out with a drill?
    This shouldn't normally be too hard to do right?
    Sometimes the space rocks can even be quite bothersome because they can't be destroyed during a battle or a space chase (which does happen when i'm being chased by a CAPITAL VESSEL)

    Anyhow... they could be a brilliant source of secondary and abundant types of resources one can find in space.
  11. Odeoron Dream-Light

    Odeoron Dream-Light Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2021
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    Can we please have the building mechanic changed so that we can put several blocks on top of each other? Place blocks in the same space?:)

    Because every object takes up the space of a full block, and this seriously limits the way we can decorate and embellish the interior of a base/building.:(

    There are so many examples of what one could do if we could merge boxes into wall corners, or beds just below an archway corner, which would have to occupy the same block space. ;)
    The there's the block combinations where one would put a thin slab then bellow them thin or thick pillars and/or pipes and do all sorts of funky details.

    Not being able to merge blocks renders the game frustrating even though not unplayable. :(
    Miu_serp likes this.
  12. MoronWMachinegun

    MoronWMachinegun Ensign

    Aug 5, 2021
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    Player stealth.

    Instead of cheesing POIs by building embankments or digging a tunnel, how about this?

    Stealth Armor - Gives low armor, reduces your carry capacity, makes you invisible to *large* turrets, and hard to see for anti-personnel turrets/NPC enemies (reduced distance/slower reaction rate). When you run/shoot/get hit, your camo/invisibility temporarily drops.

    So now when you find a tough nut to crack, you hide behind a hill, throw on your stealth armor, and sneak into the base. You ninja around, avoiding turrets and NPCs until you find an armor locker to swap into your medium/heavy armor, and have to "live off the land" more with your ammo. Or you keep hidden and try to find switches/generators/fuel tanks/core to destroy to neutralize the big turrets and take over the base.
  13. AmicusJose

    AmicusJose Lieutenant

    Aug 10, 2021
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    1. Enable collision physics.

    2. Make asteroids destructible

    3. Let players to hire NPCs to do simple tasks (guards, harvest, etc).

    4. Real water physics on planet. You don't drown yourself in your own ship.

    5. Lava damages ship hull.
  14. Odeoron Dream-Light

    Odeoron Dream-Light Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2021
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    Give us a colony management system too....

    Like part of the galactic economy, we can build a colony and populate it, then implement a taxing system of sorts...

    Then maybe even implement ways other colonies can send out invasions and we can make our colony attack other colonies and such...

    And maybe perfect the procedural mission thing? Like add a few more parameters for more advanced procedural missions.
    Miu_serp and AmicusJose like this.
  15. Odeoron Dream-Light

    Odeoron Dream-Light Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2021
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    I've got ONE thing to say --> This:

    Falling on top of a forest made my capital ship hangar bay merge with some tops of some really good looking trees - kudos on the job for the good looking models and game graphics by the way, but the point of the matter:

    Please give us more building models Along with the ability to merge blocks (Multiple blocks in the same space) as in hundreds more textures and hundreds more sci-fi themeded block models along with a lot of vegetation blocks such as what this minor collision box bug is creating - as in plants that we can merge with other blocks and put them like wild growing decorations on the walls of our bases or custom made POI's that way either making them appear overgrown by nature, or purposefully planted to embellish the building.:D:D:D
    Miu_serp likes this.
  16. Odeoron Dream-Light

    Odeoron Dream-Light Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2021
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    More on the not being able to merge blocks news -- This has happened today :confused::

    Just an update on the idea i gave earlier t0 show the irony of not being able to merge blocks in one single space...
    The chair here is 2 meters away from the table, while the hologram of it next to the table, would fit perfectly under the table if we could merge them.

    This is by far the only example as situations like these apply to meshes not being able to be placed on solid blocks space, and block models that would go absolutely exquisite if merged in a bigger context, such as an intricate wall...

    Anyhow this is my last argument here :D:p
    Miu_serp likes this.
  17. Miu_serp

    Miu_serp Ensign

    Jul 18, 2020
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    We need several mega-corporations that will buy resources from players at dynamic prices in industrial volumes (and also sell them). However, at the same time, you will need a place to invest large amounts of loans, for this you can enter a certain strategic game mode that calculates, in the background, the activities of any organizations and groups of ships [​IMG]
  18. Miu_serp

    Miu_serp Ensign

    Jul 18, 2020
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    It is necessary to transfer the production of large and complex devices (aggregates) from independent production to specialized enterprises(engine plants/shields/weapons), where they can be purchased at dynamic prices(an incentive to earn credits). At the same time, factories need different resources(to create engines/shields/weapons) that players can supply. If there is a shortage of resources, the production of such devices stops, and if there is an excess of resources, these devices (for example, engines) become cheaper[​IMG]
    Odeoron Dream-Light likes this.
  19. Ravis

    Ravis Captain

    May 17, 2017
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    The sun playfeild being one playfeild, I'd love to add drones or ships to the sun playfeild but if someone lost there ship I'd be hard to find again.

    Custom faction base attacks.

    Larger critters that can damage cvs or bases, currently if you land on a non faction world it's free stuff. Be nice to have some critters to worry about. Possibly give them a custom animal faction so they don't spawn on worlds with faction pois?
    Odeoron Dream-Light likes this.
  20. Minelaus

    Minelaus Captain

    Sep 12, 2016
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    whe have a lot off static objeckt in the game like trade and producktion poi's but only view things that connect them and make the worlds vivid , i miss thinks like sv cargo ships on planets that fly to and take a brake at a trade/producktion poi or a squadron of fighters or a Hover Vessel on patrol .
    Miu_serp likes this.

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