If there is homing missiles which in a CV battle hit 100% of the time because you really cant just be running from them, we need a counter. Point defense to be able to shoot them down. Think the whole combat system and guns need re-work to make combat more dynamic. Instead of just who can shoot the most shots on target in the least amount of time. Suggestion 1: possible weapon capacitor which depletes when firing? various drawbacks and buffs for the different weapons other than just more or less damage or fire rate.
None of my homing missiles hit 100%, you need to aim reasonably well, they are not fire-and-forget. Same for drone fire, if you move sideways they'll miss and if you die you are still in the explosion range with a mediocre armor value of your suit.
I think a PD would be nice to have in the game. Right now if you fly past one of those POIs it would be handy to have because if you have no shields you can easily get one-shotted out of the sky. The question of balance is another but having some type of defense for that would be a great idea.
point defense weapons would be nice. If we could convert spare cpu to make weapons fire faster and hard that would be nice. we need more dynamic cv to cv combat
Something like this? This is from space engineers running a weapons mod - the little thin red beams are my little point defence lasers (1x1x1 block fast tracking laser inside a black glass hemisphere) dealing with incomming missiles (the explosions near the enemy ship). They are too weak to deal with anything else, but very effective vs missiles and meteorites. More generally - it would be nice to have beam weapons too - I do miss these huge beam weapons when they start cutting through a ship
В продолжение темы: можно делать не только лучевое оружие, которое сбивает ракеты противника, но и зенитные пулеметы, противоракеты, средства радиоэлектронной борьбы (во всех ее проявлениях). Это откроет огромный пласт конструкторских возможностей и разнообразит боевую систему. Имхо. Прошу прощения за машинный перевод In continuation of the topic: you can make not only ray weapons that shoot down enemy missiles, but also anti-aircraft machine guns, anti-missiles, electronic warfare (in all its manifestations). This will open up a huge layer of design possibilities and diversify the combat system. Imho. I apologize for the machine translation