Discussion in 'Projects and Challenges' started by spanj, Mar 25, 2021.

  1. spanj

    spanj Captain

    Oct 12, 2016
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    I cannot build the number of POIs needed for this faction to be added to the game by the Devs, I need your help!
    Can we get the Brotherhood added to the game?

    The Brotherhood of Farr are a fanatical religious cult who on the surface are very friendly, helpful and even benevolent, they believe in spreading prosperity through wealth and charity over brainwashing doctrine and gently try to convince people to follow the path of Farr.(edited)

    Farr is their prophet, not a god, they know he is a man but Farr brought Parthix (the brotherhoods home planet) out of a dark time and introduced them to the Polaris who were very willing to relieve them of thier gold for many nice technologies and luxuries. Farr is an alien that crashed on Parthix and used alien technology to pull orbiting asteroids, rich in gold down to the planet, with this gold he bought influence among the locals and managed to construct a communication device to contact the Polaris. As soon as the Polaris arrived he vanished, leaving the Brotherhood and the Polaris to figure it out.

    The Brotherhood revere gold, they see it as the path to salvation and prosperity, they adorn their ships with it, their structures are decorated with it and they celebrate Farr in all they do.

    I have three POIs published for the Brotherhood:
    Farr Point Station:
    Prosperity Class PV:
    Temple of Farr:
    @Vermillion and I recently started work on a Gold refinery POI you can watch the stream here:

    There are many more POIs that need to be built however.

    If you would like to participate in this challenge, Please choose a POI from the list below, or come up with your own concept using the same architectural principles. More than one person can submit a POI of the same type, variety and number are key. I will be doing videos covering, reviewing and eventually testing all submitted POIs to this challenge.

    Possible Builds:

    description: small, above ground, open air or enclosed with 4 to 8 traders and stalls, similar to trade stations but more stone texture and basic, like the Talon. a fusion of old style building with technology infused would be excellent. (concrete/steel/wood only)(edited)

    Description: similar to Talon farm type buildings but infused with technology in places, outdoor grow plots, maybe with truss framing around for irrigation and lighting, similar to the civilian farm POI but again with more basic construction materials. (concrete/wood only

    Comm center
    Description: Small above ground POI, lots of tech and Farr architecture. Secure structure with robot mobs inside. Player must attack door to gain entry and go hostile with the faction. If you can work in some shady comm logs inside using LCDs that would be excellent, something along the lines of 'treatment of new disciples' reference a procedure to calm unwanted thoughts etc. (concrete/steel only)

    Description: Large above/below ground structure with lots of industrial RP, use existing industrial POIs as a template, modify them with Farr architecture if thats easier. (Concrete/steel/hardened steel) Industrial side of the building can remain industrial, in Farr colors of course. If there is an administration element to the building, use Farr architecture, adorn with gold, lots of splendor and luxury, contrast with industrial tones will look interesting. have fun with it. A secret room/section under the POI locked behind a puzzle or code revealing more shady comm logs or goings on not related to the refinery would be excellent.

    Description: Small/Medium structure above ground, old building materials, think more Talon than Polaris with this one. (concrete/wood/ some steel). The brotherhood live in luxury but they only recently got modern tech so their living space will be basic but plush, some tech in communal areas is good. No shadyness needed on this one but plenty of reminders of the Brotherhood and Farr.

    Description: Medium sized build above ground but with a shady underground section locked away. Old build materials but with modern tech inside (concrete/steel/ plastic only) Imagine a cold war hospital has been renovated with modern tech. some parts of the building will be old stone walls but surgical rooms will be sterile and nice, but still creepy if you know what I mean. You can have a lot of fun with this one, its a hospital so go nuts but keep it in the theme of Farr, at least on the outside, a chapel room with Farr stuff would be great. The shady bit under the hospital can look like some dodgy experiments happen, maybe some holding cells and the cleanliness rating took a nose dive. The player will have to attack the door or solve a puzzle to get in, some loot and robot sentries guard the area.

    Description: Small/Large above ground build, lots of Farr symbolism and architecture, this is the first place visitors see so it have be very plush, lots of gold adornment and luxury. No shadyness needed on this one, it should be a bit like an airport, gates, waiting areas, schedule boards, I have something similar set out in Farr point station you can copy. Its a modern build so lots of tech (concrete/steel/hardened steel) some loot hidden in a locked control room maybe, the player has to attack the door to gain entry and robot sentries inside.

    description: A burial site, small above ground presence but a large underground dungeon. Sacred ground, lots of Farr symbolism and gold stuff. Statues/monuments etc. the Talons Elder tomb is a good reference but maybe with less spider Player can access freely but looting any tombs would of course turn them hostile. Maybe a shady secret area with modern tech hidden under a tomb, use traps or signals to gain access, inside is some high tech lab or something, have fun with it, the Brotherhood are up to no good but no one really knows what they are doing. Robot sentries and some loot in the secret area would be good. (concrete/wood only for the main area. Steel and hardened steel for the secret area).

    Fulfillment Center
    Description: A super shady building. On the face of it, its a recruitment center for new disciples where they can learn about Farr and join the brotherhood. In reality its a brainwashing machine. Medium sized above ground structure with a small underground section. Modern structure ( concrete/steel/hardened steel) Secure structure, player must attack to gain entry. Lots of small rooms/cells for the residence, communal areas and secure areas with lots of tech. Farr Symbolism everywhere. (think like, insane asylum) Underground section, lots of hard mobs and defences with good loot.

    Description: Farr police, a mid size above ground POI with underground prison. Shady areas for "secret police" (Farr Templars), maybe some reporters / spies are kept in the cells. Lots of Farr symbolism throughout, very plush and luxury main entrance area. Old style build with modern tech infusion. (Concrete/hardened steel). open access to the player to main area but all locked/coded doors after that. Lots of security robot sentries.

    Description: A place for political rivals, dissidents, heretics. Super secure build. Large above and below structure. high level dungeon. Player must attack to gain entry. one of the only structures to have exterior turrets for defense. large number of robot sentries and sentry turrets, lots of prisoners from other factions in cells, signals to open cells buried deep in the POI and free prisoners. Super shady area in the basement where legacy creatures are locked in cells and lab experiments are taking place. lots of loot throughout, high level loot at the end. Use Vermillions Missile base as a reference point in regards to dungeon progression and difficulty but with slightly more loot.

    Hand of Farr
    Description: Defence building, small, above ground, 5 turrets (gats/ flak only)(hardened/combat steel) modern structure. some Farr symbolism and decoration but mostly about the guns, If you can make it look like a hand or stylized hand that would be great, a turret for each finger for example but honestly any cool looking design would be good.

    Eye of Farr
    Description: Defence building, small space satellite for guarding space assets, 4 - 5 turrets, laser & flak only (combat steel). Shielded if possible. If you can use the obelisk feature of the Farr architecture there, that would be great but again any cool looking Farr style defence satellite would be great.

    Description: Orbital Patrol Vessels, Use the Prosperity as a base for style of boat, the sort of armament they would have, We will need larger & smaller type PVs, some freighters too. Name suggestions: Charity, Grace, Guardian, Protector, Halcyon, Elegence

    Orbital Market
    Description: Unlike the planetary POIs, Brother orbital POIs will be modern and full of tech but few and far between, they are new to space. The market should be similar to most trade stations but adorned with the usual Farr style architecture and symbolism and complete with a shrine, use FARR point station as reference but ideally much smaller, Farr point is a one off.

    Orbital Shipyard
    Description: A well defended space station used to build smaller ships (the larger ones they buy off the Polaris) full of tech and the usual Farr symbolism, some loot for those brave enough to take it on. Farr defend their new shiny space assets from pirates who want to salvage the gold they adorn all their stuff with, so reinforcements to any Farr space POI should be quick and severe. Stick to lasers and flak for weapons, combat steel and hardened steel build. Mostly industrial style with some Farr symbolism inside.

    Feel free to join my discord and discuss with other builders there, also you can contact me there to ask any questions you might have about the faction etc.
    If you're new to building POIs, check this out: Check out this video I did on how to build a POI:

    Also @Escarli did a great vid on OPVs:

    More info on the Brotherhood:

    You can submit your builds here, or via discord, just tag me in and I will see it.
    Thank you.
  2. spanj

    spanj Captain

    Oct 12, 2016
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    @Hummel-o-War I am almost ready to send you the first batch of Brotherhood POIs, (about 35, including space and planetary stuff) do you want them all in one zip file with an info sheet for all their details etc or one at a time as their own 'ready for review' post here on the forum?
    gaspra, stanley bourdon and ravien_ff like this.
  3. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Feel free to send me the .zip. No need to create individual posts ;)
    ravien_ff likes this.
  4. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I sure he would have loved it to post it one by one...;):D
    Hummel-o-War and Escarli like this.
  5. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Individual posts are of course a chance to promote the creator and his work. But that’s up to the ones in charge ;)
    Germanicus likes this.
  6. spanj

    spanj Captain

    Oct 12, 2016
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    @Hummel-o-War here is the first batch. I have also included a spreadsheet with details such as group names, descriptions, airtight, traders, station services etc. Hopefully you will find that helpful. All POIs have been spawn tested and play tested and adjustments made. Please let me know if anything needs further adjustments.
    I am looking at batch 2 which is another 20 blueprints. I'll post those here as soon as i can get them organised.

    Let me know if you have any questions about the faction itself, I'd be interested to know if you think there is enough here to make them their own standalone faction?


    Attached Files:

  7. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Hey awesome! I will look into it over the weekend and report back with feedbacka asap :) Feel free to
    BUMP if takes too long ;)
  8. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Question for integration:
    - Does the Brotherhood prefer certain planet types (maybe split where they are overly interested in = main planets and planets that are in their interest, but only see a lower engagement in terms of count and type of settlements = Secondary planets .. and maybe some that they do not settle on at all ?
    - Any preference where the territory should be placed (due to their ties with the Polaris, I might have placed it next to the Polaris territory more in direction to the galaxy center)
  9. spanj

    spanj Captain

    Oct 12, 2016
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    Yes, they would prefer habitable/breathable over all others, they are new to space travel so not quite as experienced at settling on hostile worlds as the Polaris or Zirax etc. Still, they could still have some small outposts on more hostile worlds, after all they will want to spread their religion farr and wide :p

    Parthix itself is an arid planet so they are pretty used to heat, so desert, arid planets would be fine, the colder planets, again, if breathable they would be able to do it but would be less preferable over hotter or more temperate worlds
    Germanicus and ravien_ff like this.
  10. spanj

    spanj Captain

    Oct 12, 2016
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    @Hummel-o-War @ravien_ff the 2nd batch of Brotherhood POIs is ready, again i have spawn tested and play tested them so they should be ready to insert into playfields.
    I had some trouble with the BAO_FarrProspectTS blueprint only wanted to load in as Zirax for some reason.

    Spreadsheet within the zip has two tabs, this batch is on the 2nd tab.

    There is a new groupname 'FarrColonyT1' /2 these builds I thought would be perfect for the more hostile worlds, spawned in a cluster with some of the defence bases.

    A lot of the ruins in this batch could also be used elsewhere if you like.

    The FarrHQ and FarrBank POIs are big and pretty tough, ideally these would appear only on the brotherhood homeworld

    I will be working on 4 more POIs required for their lore and backstory;
    - the Gold refinery
    - Temple Prime
    - Farrs crashed ship
    - Archives

    I'm giving the go ahead for people to submit any more POIs they build directly to the submissions thread so this will be the last 'batch' I send.
    As always, any problems or questions with this lot, let me know.


    Attached Files:

    MatCz, Hummel-o-War, Spoon and 3 others like this.
  11. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Two questions/requests:

    1. Do you have a "promo picture" which depicts what the Brotherhood of Farr stands for/represents it in a good way (can be a montage)
    2. I have set up the Brotherhood with its own territory, but it requires a color for it. Maybe you can have a look in the factions.ecf and give me a color code that I can add.
    spanj and ravien_ff like this.
  12. spanj

    spanj Captain

    Oct 12, 2016
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    I will have a look at both those points asap

    in the meantime, a couple of updates.
    - The abandoned reactor ground offset was incorrect causing terrain issues
    - The Sanctuary shelter had the wrong group name.

    Attached Files:

    Germanicus likes this.
  13. spanj

    spanj Captain

    Oct 12, 2016
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    a couple more updates

    Replace BAO_BOFTradingStation with this one please

    Attached Files:

    Germanicus likes this.
  14. spanj

    spanj Captain

    Oct 12, 2016
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    OPV-BOFFortune was flying backwards, this is now fixed, also corrected the filename to underscore from hyphen.
    OPV_BOFFarrsGrace was saved with turrets off, now fixed.

    Attached Files:

    Germanicus likes this.
  15. spanj

    spanj Captain

    Oct 12, 2016
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    1. whats the promo picture for exactly? I will need to make something up.
    2. Their color is gold but as Polaris already use that shade of yellow/orange it would be too close to them to use gold. So I think we should go for a very light yellow ish color. How about " 1, 0.9, 0.7 "
    Germanicus and ravien_ff like this.
  16. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    For the blogpost planned today ( in about 1h). Sry, was a bit of short notice, but I think I picked a quite nice one. Feel free to add promo posts to this thread (For later use and for everyone coming to this thread to learn more about the Brotherhood ;) )
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2021
  17. spanj

    spanj Captain

    Oct 12, 2016
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    A couple of lines missed from the spreadsheets of batch 1 and 2

    batch 1
    Batch 2

    The POIs (epb files) were there just not their entry in the spreadsheet, sorry about that.

    Also an update to the BA_FarrBank - fixed problem with turrets being off and some doors not coded correctly

    Attached Files:

    Germanicus likes this.
  18. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Thx! :)

    Please everyone also make sure to
    - ONLY use the game default traders and NPCs (had to fix quite a few) ;)
    - Set all doors to 0000 (at least those that are not behind a code or logic puzzle or shall not be opened anyways)
    - Set all equipment to 0000 (the players should be able to use the faction POI stuff when they are friendly with them!)
    ravien_ff likes this.
  19. spanj

    spanj Captain

    Oct 12, 2016
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    Thanks Hummel, sorry I missed so much, didn't test all the benches :p

    With the traders, which ones are the default ones? Is there a list, I guess with project eden/reforged the traders in the drop down list are shared?

    Some doors are set to no code to force the player to attack the POI to gain access, or they could just walk their way through the entire POI without getting challenged (assuming they are at least neutral) and then just C4 the core at the end.
  20. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    /updated bank.

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