Hey all, new to Empyrion. Been playing for about a week and while I'm enjoying it for the most part, I'm having trouble with a few things. The most immediately pressing is a sudden increase in hunger to the point where I went from 500 hunger to starving to death in about 15 seconds. I found this happening while on a moon uncovering a poi. Out of nowhere I dropped to starving and the killing health drop was so fast, I was unable to get back to my ship before I died despite it being right outside the poi. The thing is, I never got any debuffs or indication of any reason why my hunger suddenly dropped so fast. I am really hoping someone knows why this could have happened, and keep in mind, I was at max hunger one minute and the next, starving with no debuffs. Thank you for any help.
Likely too cold. Moons can be cold at night. Hypothermia will drain your stamina which then drains your food to regenerate it.
I can't remember what my temp was at, but I didn't see the "Too Cold" debuff ever pop up, in fact, no debuffs ever popped up, so I'm not sure.
Getting 'bitten' by Crawlers or a Horror drains your Food level also quite fast. But nevertheless if no Debuff was visible... eventually a Bug that you may consider to report in the Bug Report-Section here-> https://empyriononline.com/forums/bugs.24/ by using the Template with all required informations. Spoiler: Template Build: (The build number the bug was found in (for example A12.3.2 B3024) Mode: (Creative, Survival, Freedom mode) Mode: (Singleplayer, Dedicated Server, Peer2Peer Coop) SERVER NAME: (If the issue happened on a public server, please add the name here) SEED-ID: (Please always add the SEED-ID for SingleplayerSurvival games; Open the console. The Seed is noted somewhere to the "playfield loaded" dialogue) If applicable: MODIFIED PLAYFIELDS: Yes/No/DontKnow (<- YES if new planets or non-default playfields are used. Use DontKnow if you are not aware if anything has been changed) Reproducibility: (Always, Sometimes, Unable) Severity: (Trivial, Minor, Major, Crash) Type: (Global / O2Rooms / Temperature,Radiation / Player Armor,Boosters / Repair / Teleport,Portals / Instances / Triggers,Sensors / AIVessels / Gamestart / ... ) Summary: (1-liner = can be the same as the thread headline) Description: (short description: 1-2 sentences) Steps to Reproduce: (steps to reproduce the issue. This is ESSENTIAL for a bugfix!) Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links: ( Note: for more complex reproduction usecases that require quite some "setup", please create a savegame and upload it to a service & also attach a copy of your client log (& crashes log if a crash occurred)