CV The Lightning II Super-Battleship

Discussion in 'Showroom & Submissions' started by ARInsa, May 6, 2021.

  1. ARInsa

    ARInsa Ensign

    Nov 9, 2020
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    What is the Lightning II?

    The Lightning II is the answer to every question a fight-loving jet-fueled killer ponders as they kill their way through space.

    Such as:

    Can I destroy my enemies while eating my morning Bagel with the other hand?
    If Chuck Norris played Empyrion, which ship would he fly?
    Can I core & loot this Dreadnaught before the server reset in 6 minutes?
    Can I kill things with such efficiency and haste that I never have to mine again?
    Can I 1-shot this corvette as I fly past?
    Can I go hit the crapper with a drone swarm enroute?

    Yes, yes you can.

    You Yaw & Pitch at 75+, with a matching roll. You have an SV's handling, if not better. You have nearly 20 layers of frontal xeno composite armor between you and your vital components. You roll and dive like a god damn champ, you can zoom & swing into blind spots and angles unthinkable in slower, unyieldy ships. You can strip the arms off a dreadnaught without lowering your shields, you are a PRIME shield-fighter, bobbing and weaving like Mohammed Ali, with deliberate and redundant low-slung decoys and a forward profile that rolls up from the bottom, to avoid shots as you roll up and over.


    You might be thinking... "Okay, but it's expensive...".

    You get what you pay for. This is a true "End-game battleship". I have other ships which fill the role of Non-quantums, and Light-quantums ( if you'd like a much lighter version of this ship, The Ayamara is an excellent choice ).
    The Lightning II is a BIG BOY TOY, for BIG BOYS! For those who have the resources, and want REAL value & function for their quantum-investment.

    At some point, you're going to have the quantums and you're going to want to use them, rather than piling them onto a ship that was never designed for as much stuff as youre trying to put on it, which becomes deformed, ridiculous-looking, and will never perform as well as you'd like, choose instead a ship which was specifically designed for maximum function and efficiency as an end-game 10 million CPU battleship.
    With 6 Forward/Back Drive thrusters, 7 Up, & 4 down. You can easily perform all combat maneuvers with 100+ Heavy Turrets and 5 Kilotons of Ammunition. Compare this with other ships of similar mobility, shield-fighting abilities, frontal armor, and weaponry... Just kidding, there are none.


    You are an unholy and terrifying bringer of death and devestation, and all of that is good and fine, many ships are...

    What those ships will not do is roll, dive, and avoid 99% of damage while yielding the game's maximum armament. THIS SHIP DOES. It brings over 100 Guns to bear while dodging nearly all fire, and it gives you the freedom and opportunity to do it from a full-view-front-mounted, top-mounted, or totally secure cockpit.
    The Lightning II also gives you redundant safety and convenience features.
    What are safety and convenience features?

    Core fail-safe: Your core sits 2 blocks in front of your component section, right before your ship would normally fail catastrophically, your core blows instead, the enemy stops firing, and you can request retrieval/help, or replace your core and get out of dodge.


    Suicide cockpit/access: The ability to pilot from the Bow of your ship is an unappreciated and wholly misunderstood feature in PvE, a good pilot knows the limits of his ship, and has an eye on his shields. Theres no reason to pilot from 3rd person if you know what you're doing, and once you do, youll never want to pilot 3rd person again.

    360 degree armored Ammo compartments: The Lightning II features 6 isolated, redundant, and individually armored 320k Ammo containers. Despite them being somewhere nothing should ever hit them, I armored them anyway. Because **** happens, right? Done & done. She also has internal space for as many as EIGHT more 320k's, if needed ( these can b placed in the Staterooms in your main hall, or, less optimally, in your nacelles ( the weight will reduce your roll, I'd advise against this )

    Door-less motion sensor assisted movement through your ship, fluid design: Never walk through a corridor or navigate elevators to move from inside, to outside your ship, you have 3 different cockpits, each with their own appeal, want to grab voidium or harvest crystalline moons? No problem, you have a secure cockpit directly adjacent to your rear hangar, you can pick things up and harvest easily and quickly with almost no movement through the ship. Want to kill and harvest the same way? No problem, you have a suicide cockpit, with direct frontal view of the action for shield-fighting and dreadnaught harvesting.

    Precision Coring: Need to core enemy ships? Can't see what you're aiming at? Now you can, you're in the thick of it, the tip of your nose, your cockpit is less than 4 blocks from the front of your ship. Core, aim manual weapons, and immediately jump into space from the best location for it! Your artillery battery is kept laterally-tight in relation to the cockpit, making coring precise at close & long range, and completely devastating. End the fight before it starts & without wasting ammo, you can core like a champ in this ship.

    Smooth damage absorption throughout the nose, utilizing the entire armor profile. You're not getting cored through a pinhole, all of your armor needs to be blown away through the destruction of multiple, vertically, and horizontally dispersed decoys throughout your forward armor. What good is armor if it never gets hit? In this ship, nearly all of your forward armor will be destroyed before any system failure. Armor is heavy, so we make sure it's being used to maximum effect.

    Secure Quantum & Bastion-shield Storage: Your entire component section can be obliterated and your quantums and Bastion will be fine, theyre protected by a double-xeno wall, and surrounded by armor, even from behind. If you are cored or disabled, your best stuff will still be there!
    Beyond the very practical and functional aspects of the Lightning II, this ship makes a statement. Playing online? When you arrive in this ship, you're telling your teammates something without saying a word. "You can count on me".

    You are the backbone of the assault group, you are the face-tank, if needed. You are the acrobat & the flanker. You are the corer & sniper. Hell, with 6 Forward drive thrusters, you're even the damn tow-truck. This ship can do it ALL, and it does it WELL.

    For 6+ Million CPU, you expect the best, and I give you the best.
    Welcome to the Lightning II.

    The Lightning II can be paired down to size class 6.1 by removing the internal deco and external glass and railings.
  2. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Question: This is a Reforged Eden / Non-vanilla build?
  3. ARInsa

    ARInsa Ensign

    Nov 9, 2020
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    Yes it is Hummel, built for Reforged Eden.

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