DEV BLOG Version 1.5 Dev Blog: Story & Missions

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Hummel-o-War, Apr 25, 2021.

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  1. ac_blazer

    ac_blazer Lieutenant

    May 13, 2019
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    Wow a lot of passion, waiting sucks, is it done yet :p
  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Yes how dare I! A particularly angry player called my scenario "stupid" and called Vermillion a "lazy dev". I just have to laugh at things like that.

    I get being frustrated that something you like isn't in your native language, but there's a big difference between being frustrated and being entitled.
    Demanding that a small game give you a translation, or that a modder gives you a translation, is so entitled. Especially when you insult them.

    Here's the latest demand posted on our scenario (ran through Google translate since the original poster couldn't be bothered): "bugged crap and without"

    Like that really doesn't give me any incentive to ever bother taking the time to translate anything for them.
    Last edited: May 8, 2021
  3. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Well it's time you start doing something else, right ? :p

    Maybe it works like this in Russia ? Can't say, never been there, but I did read strange stories...

    Surely you must have done something wrong for them to do that. People don't react that way for no reason ! :rolleyes:

    Look at me : I ask simple questions, and get insults in return, pretty much randomly. I get painted all kinds of colors, even some guys who showed their kitten constitution on their webcam threatened me to teach me some lessons if we were to meet in person, without any clue of who I am or what I may look like.

    For others, it's always OK to insult for (reasons). For me ? Looks like I earned it. Sometimes they try many times before I hit back with the same, and when I do they jump all over the place yelling "You insulted me! Who are you to give lessons?"

    Too often the real message is not told. People say things to try to get something unrelated, like our buddy here. Being logical, someone really wanting something would try what is offered or seek a way to get some results, so obviously here it's something else. Something like wanting to be told, once in a while, that he's right or he has some qualities or has a nice avatar, whatever...

    That's the Empyrion paradox : players don't mind waiting for crafting, waiting for blueprint completion, waiting for ore to pop in inventory when holding LMB, waiting for water /02 gen to produce a bottle, etc.

    But they can't bear waiting for updates, so they can get back to waiting in game...
    Last edited: May 8, 2021
  4. Kratos

    Kratos Ensign

    Jan 30, 2020
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    I'm not talking about only one Russian language, but about all that are included in the game interface.
    Further. I do not ignore, let alone distort your senseless answers, which in no way help to resolve this issue. After all, what does everyone answer me here, like zombies with bullet holes in their brains?
    - Go translate into your own language ...
    - Instead of wasting time, I would have translated 3 chapters of the plot text ...
    - You want a lot, but you will get little, because you are acting ... And there should be no talk about the translation of LSD screens in the game.
    - Do not go to them, helpless, because they are such a small studio ... The little ones should be pitied and indulged in their recklessness.
    Why else is it blamed on me for ignoring all this nonsense. Here so many times they snapped at any of my words, that it is for sure, they could have already translated the whole plot into all languages. Yes, in your words, these are the people who can help me in translation. Do not be ridiculous, they can only create a false image of Aelion, without asking themselves if it was possible to do so.
  5. Kratos

    Kratos Ensign

    Jan 30, 2020
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    See, that's what I'm talking about. Translation should be done not by one person, but by a localizer, if there is none, then the studio that releases the game. And most importantly, so that there are no various nasty things on the head of a player, a volunteer, all responsibility for translation should be borne by the localizer studio (author). And do not be surprised that you had to hear this, people have different moral ages, and you should have been ready for this. And this shouldn't upset you, but you should be critical about your translation. Maybe they will really write something sensible.
    But in general, the desire to get a love slap on the butt and a kiss from the same place seems to me a strange incentive to get started.
    You said that studios are not required to provide their product in a particular language. And I will not be too lazy to remind you again. That the game's translation language = audience reach = number of copies sold = studio profit. If you don't want to translate, then you should have released it in the Mayan language, as I said. Or in Roman, or in some artificial language (which is much better than English).
  6. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    Hi all,

    a post about a patch mainly dedicated to plot: how is possible I'm joining the discussion just today? :)

    Well anyway someone here may already know me and even know that I'm a fan of plot in games so I'll add my 2 Cents to the thread.

    • Before answering the questions of the first thread message I'd like to quickly add a point to the discussion: EGS is now a mature game and (in my opinion) it deserves an intro too. I know Eleon is a small company so I'm not here just asking but also proposing: here follows a link to what in the 16 bit years an intro meant. If you don't have Blizzard or Bioware power then in my opinion it would be fine something like the following link: I guess an intermediate artist could spend a week to do everything. Of course I'm referring to bring in-game the story described at the site. Here is the link for a possible quick and dirty (today, at the time was more than enough :) ) idea:
    • Concerning EGS plot: first of all I admit I like the plot and above all I like the way it accompanies the player into evolving itself. But to answer to the questions:
      • one month ago I started building the CV to go into the system where chapter 7 requests to go so I know the story until that very point.
      • Personally I don't like the quest where you fall into the pyramid where you need to break a panel to reach the switch. It's a nice idea but the quest description lacks in details so if you're not used trying to break everything probably you won't think at that. Bad thing too is that all the blocks are undestructible except that very one so, in my opinion, either the quest has to be better detailed or some hints has to be given. I do not know maybe scanning the area for weak structure location may be a good idea, just one of the moment.
      • The Ilmarinen is my best especially for the loot you've at the end of the quest. Unfortunately also in this forum at least a 50% of people have not finished the quest as expected so they don't even figure out that there is a loot at all. To finish that mission is a pain I must admit so the loot is well deserved and probably the quest shouldn't complete unless you've done also the last action where you risk your life we know. Apart from that a very bad thing is to see the monsters falling right in front of you: that's not good for the immersion. If there is something to do to fix that maybe area spawn I do not know or even fixed but not visible spawn is better. Furthermore EGS has nests: why monsters didn't generate from nests? After all the Ilmarinen is a huge flying nest of something.
      • The mission I hate most is the the first within Zirax base: literally too long but it's fine an action mission once in a while. The problem is the detail lacking even here: the quest is even too clear -> go right and do that.
    So my points have in common one thing: the quest description which is too short without any extra detail and without any strong and clear reference. In games with story, events are connected and the GUI to look at the quest steps in each game adds details both on the main story and also on the general context and so on. Sometimes I even found myself 'questioning' the reason for which I should do that because sometimes EGS story seems made of independent events: so adding a link between the quest some sort of consequence, not the obvious ones, but some general view may help. I'd like to see also reference to the past: so we've found a starship in Antarctica so can we describe it as a Zirax one or maybe a Legacy one? Furthermore: why not adding a quest just to discover who visited Earth in the past and then link everything togheter?
    About the GUI I'd like to see some truly dedicated section: you may point that EGS has a dedicated tab but to me is just a tab with some generic lines on a set of quests. As above I'll try to report something I've ever seen in games with high quality story:

    • Quest/events recap DB: the modern concept of that is Horizon Zero Dawn but maybe it's too much. The ancient one may be Baldur's Gate where in a sort of diary you're reporting your thinkings on top of the quests events. The TES games have a section full of details and lore and books and remaining on the EAccess games we may look at Subnautica where the discoveries you've made are reported in a sort of encyclopaedia section within the game. Mass Effect has a real encyclopedia in game but again that's too much for the type of game EGS is. The important thing here I think is that the player must appreciate the GUI section he is accessing where instead in EGS the story dedicated section is some sort of brief and it constantly gave me the impression of looking to a sequence of tasks and not to a story. Doing this sort of DB section could also integrate science discoveries and the tab about research may be removed and substituted by a dedicated research terminal at the base: I'd really like that and maybe research collaboration with friendly factions and hiring someone... ok I'm putting here too much :)
    In the end some quick optional points: EGS lacks anomalies it would be nice to add something like that and a device dedicated to that or a scanner upgrade or something. Last but not least: maybe a set of archaeology missions could be a nice touch: a secondary set of quests that can join at a later point with the main questline.

    I hope my points will be useful (of course to an extent) but in the end the important thing I need to say to you is: thank you for EGS.
    Thor'sHammer, Khaleg, Kratos and 2 others like this.
  7. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    If you had to summarize this "intro" in a storyboard style, how would you describe it ? Could you link that up to the point where the player descends on the first planet in the escape pod ?
  8. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    I would for sure describe the situation on Earth: just 2 pictures in frames one with happy Earth and the subsequent one with the fall of civilization due to overpopulation and to distinguish with other on topic games I would put there also a representation of Earth with the water eating terrain.

    Immediately after those I would add some picture with the foundation of UCH and maybe the reason for which researchers chose exactly the Antarctica: not spoilering too much just a clue.

    Then the recovery of the spaceship but without giving too many hints, just an overall sketch. After that the building of our spaceships in underground shelters - I guess, considering the situation on the Planet.

    Next frame we could add what we like just to cover 100 years but nothing better I suppose then we can finally put the frame with the UCH Titan: Titan is taking off, maybe someone on Earth is even happy because we'll go looking after another Earth. Then a look at the Titan and the fleet in space, maybe also some lines about humankind glory and music reach it's climax just a second before the space jump.

    Immediately after that jump, a last frame with an escape pod which is about to leave some spaceship: I think it could be nice to hide the spaceship name for adding some mystery... and that's it: the movie is ready!

    Last minute addition: maybe, a huge maybe, one member of the research team could be the grandmother of your girlfriend or even yours but that's just something to enrich a story already good, in my opinion of course.

    After that video beginning the game in the escape pod I guess could be the 'right' thing to do... or at least guess so :)
    Khaleg and Kassonnade like this.
  9. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    This doesn't make much sense.
    English is the default language for games whether we like it or not.
    Programming languages used to create the games are all in English.
    Gamers are used to playing games in English since the 1980s when the games would never offer a language selection screen.
    You write in English reasonably well. So do I as I'm from Latin America. Having said that, the missions in Empyrion are far from difficult to understand. Also there is actually a team of translators here which I'm part of but haven't had the time in these crazy times to contribute.

    So I don't get it, man. I just don't.
    Khaleg and ravien_ff like this.
  10. Kratos

    Kratos Ensign

    Jan 30, 2020
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    I agree that English is the default language both in game development and in the game itself. And I have never shown displeasure with the fact that it is in English that programming is going on, why this phrase "do you like it or not"?
    When there was no choice of language, then there was no need to choose from anything else. Moreover, there was a strong need to save the production capacity of a computer or set-top box.
    And I disagree that people are used to playing in English. We played without a plot, mainly admiring other aspects of the gameplay, such as the variety of actions, the beauty of the picture, music, etc. And now, when there is a variety of options to choose a game in Steam in their native language, almost all my friends, when they use the search filter for a game in Steam, put a tick in their language. And if they buy by mistake the one that is not translated enough, they put it on the back burner until they fix it. They postpone it after the first steps in the game with the words "it's still not clear what's going on here."
    Therefore, if you know how to translate, but do not know how to sell your product, then I should only get sick. Why buy Empirion if you can still save up and buy something else? I hope I don’t need to list competitors.
    And I don't speak English so well, Google translator is helping me to translate myself now (thanks to them for this opportunity).
  11. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    You can still do that, having Empyrion badly or well translated in French or Chinese by players did not change this.

    If you want the English stories, they are there, but you're not forced to play them. If you want them in English then go to the russian sub-forum and try to get help for a translation :

  12. Nonamow

    Nonamow Ensign

    May 14, 2021
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    Well, I can understand you, but chill out. It's bad that the game doesn't have a full translation, but that's not Eleon's fault.
    Thor'sHammer and Kassonnade like this.
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