Fixed SIGMA ZERO Bar and station console BUG

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by El_Globo, Apr 30, 2021.

  1. El_Globo

    El_Globo Commander

    Jul 2, 2020
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    I tried a second time the sigma zero quest, and when I go through the beginning, evreything seems OK until I have to speak to the bartender.

    When I speak to the weapons sellers, it's OK, they tell me to speak to Ben to the bar. When I'm there and try to speak to Ben (The Talon I guess, since he's alone) all I get is the error popup message.

    No matter what I try, it is still the same. Sadly, even if I manually complete the quest phase it is screwed at 100% I can't even try to communicate with the IA through the consoles to retrieve the quest messages , and manually completing the steps do nothing.

    At some point I had a token in my inventory named like token ??? and I saw through my advance that I needed some specific code token like "token 8729" (not exact number, don't remember).

    I guess that from the bartender, the scripted dialogues give you tokens or something, needed to end the core quest...

    I have sent through the error message my log by mail as provided, but I got no answer by the team yet.

    I played all through the base, using the console when necessary, but of course I felt no personal achievment, and I would have liked to replace the core instead of seeing it explosing the quarter of the station....

    I have looted EVERYTHING and didn't found specific tokens (only 1 or perharps a second token ??? but I thing it was before the bug).

    It seems that some stories steps in Empyrion are VERY restrictive and unstable, like the TITAN quest on the moon. If you don't speak to the consoles in a correct order to retrieve the messages parts, it got screwed everytime.... At least for these ones I could manually complete the step and go further.

    Question to the designer : I wonder how the questlines work : if there are some ID scripted checks on items or actions that are somehow linked to a string text or ID that could be corrupted by a translation.
    I'm french and I have downloaded empyrion through steam, but as far as I remember there isn't a specific download by langage. You choose in the game option the langage you want to play.

    Even if I'm playing with my own custom ecfs now (they don't corrupt existing ids and work 100% fine), my first run through sigma was 100% vanilla.

    I wonder if a full game reinstall would do anything, but I'm not too willing to do that for nothing...

    PJ : last log at the error time

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  2. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Hey El_Globo! Did you try this mission in the current EXP version again? Any changes? At least I cannot reproduce the CoQ in the v1.5 at the moment... maybe have a look if you have the time. Thx!
    Germanicus likes this.
  3. El_Globo

    El_Globo Commander

    Jul 2, 2020
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    Hi, I'll give a try in experimental 1.5 but I do not believe that it will be resolved....
  4. El_Globo

    El_Globo Commander

    Jul 2, 2020
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    Hi, I just tried on a speedrun the sigma mission on a new game, activating it with the console 'pda rwdchap 8' and managed to make it. This time, Ben dialog and console text search were functional but in english (I play in french). I did have a message "this door require element 8748" in front of core room, and after I got to speak with the quartermaster (?) it was opened... I shot the core and spawned a new fresh with IM / H option... The IA told me that there was a core in a container but I didn't found it in the room... I thought the replacement would have been activated by a lever on the wall but they were inactive. In the previous games were the mission was screwed I was able to randomly activate these levers and exploded half of the base (which I didn't wanted !)

    Personnaly, I don't like stories mission for many reasons. Technically, they often crash if you don't do them strictly in the way the maker intended (titan wreck for me crash 100% because I don't activate console in the right order, or looted half of the ship with my multitool before). The first time I looted all the valuable ore of remnant planet and found difficult afterward to follow the "lights" !

    Furthermore, there should be more not to say systematic HUD marker, to show the next plot location in solar / space sectors. Especially when you drop the mission and get back to it after a few level up / ressuply runs !

    I still wonder why the mission crashed each time before. Is it related on previous missions results ? I did it without making any previous this time.

    Anyway, thanks for having asked
  5. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    I am not sure to be honest - maybe I fixed that in v1.5 already and did not remember. Glad it now worked.

    Will check the info with the core .. I think I removed it because the POI is now too easy (and even if you capture it, the CPU will be OK and not over limit)

    @HUD markers: yep, that would be good. .. but as the solar system names are all created randomly, there is currently no good way to "mark" a solar system .. maybe we'll come to that in the future :)

    Thx for retesting & the feedback!!
    ravien_ff and Germanicus like this.

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