egs for weak pc

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by cgw 2, Apr 28, 2021.

  1. cgw 2

    cgw 2 Commander

    Oct 19, 2016
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    Guys adapt egs for weak hardware
    due to difficult years, the demand for old weak iron has increased.
    pentium4 4gb ram (vram from ram)
    it will also allow you to port the game to Linux, Androd, iPhone.
    this will give you a huge audience and income, in order to start anew on a new platform, on a new engine to create a super game egs2, already for core i11 16-32gb ram 8gb vtam in the future.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2021
  2. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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    I can't imagine it being anything else. Even in countries where it's hard to get current hardware, or current hardware isn't affordable at all, they have better specs than that.

    Reads like it's been through Google translate a time or two as well. If this weren't someone that has been posting for a few years, I'd think it was a spam bot.
  3. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Click on the profile name, click "go to profile", check "all postings by..." and read. Lots of stuff in there, it shows the style. You don't like it ?

    You can clearly see it's not a native English speaker, it's not someone who seems greatly aware of how game development works, and he just uses hyperbolic style to show what he wants. Calling him a Troll does not surprise me coming from you. Do you require him to post his curriculum ?

    You're not even interested in the spirit of his message. It's quite easy to see what he's asking for.

    Last edited: Apr 28, 2021
  4. cgw 2

    cgw 2 Commander

    Oct 19, 2016
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    I am not the first who raises the question of adapting the egs branch for weak hardware.
    Top-end hardware is easy to buy, but 90% of everyone I know has laptops, notebook, etc. weak iron at the level of pentium4 2-3ghz 4gb ram is the standard.
    people take the cheapest.
    there are also a lot of such machines on linux.
    linux 60% windows 40%.
    Android 95% iphone 5%.
    This is your small market.
    You are targeting a small circle!

    If you look at the steam reviews, we will find a lot of such complaints about egs that the computer does not pull egs anymore.
    make a separate branch of the game, and sell it separately.
    Reduce size the map,
    reduce the map draw range.
    Reduce the number of spawn npc and base,
    Simplify 3d object models,
    Reduce textures, adapt for 720p resolution,
    remake the menu and make control from smartphones,
    unity allows porting to smartphones, also linux steam os.
    Reduce sky box. no effects.
    cut off all special effects, weather, shadows, reflections, grass,
    thin out vegetation and stones.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2021
  5. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    That will end in a simple NO GO!
    My Rigs are, a Laptop and a PC, 8 and 6 Years old and struggle already with the demanding Graphics.
    I have no €500-700 lying around for upgrading and so does it not many other Players.
    Having a Gaming Engine means for EVERYONE to constantly upgrading it in a, at least 5 Year interval, to keep pace with the ever increasing resource demands of the Gaming Industry.
    And to keep a certain Level of Quality a Game MUST evolve into the best Possible experience manageable. Even if it means to lose the Low-End PC Owners which are too poor to keep up with the growing demands.

    In short:
    A downgraded Version of EGS will not happen - ELEON does not have the Manpower to weed out its game to make it playable (again) for those who can't follow.
    The Car Industry does not produce a Car without any Electronics to solve the Loss of Customers 80+ who can not cope with all the Electronical NONSENSE that you'll get with buying a new one these days.
    Taelyn likes this.
  6. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    I realize this isn't the point of your post but the game runs just fine on Linux through Steam Play (aka Proton). It may not be native Linux but in my experience most game that don't have additional and aggressive DRM or anti-cheat work flawlessly. And yes this does include Empyrean.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2021
    Germanicus likes this.
  7. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    He uses google translate, so a lot of his messages get lost in translation. I understand what he's asking for, and it's not feasible.
    Noob42 and Kassonnade like this.
  8. cgw 2

    cgw 2 Commander

    Oct 19, 2016
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    You are right, even if you cut off egs so much, it will cease to be egs, it needs to be cut off much more, even by changing the map. I tested some games on such hardware and they really give out terrible fps of about 7-10 frames per second, sometimes even less. It’s not worth it.
    Without thinking, I said nonsense. Sorry.
    Germanicus and Kassonnade like this.
  9. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Graphics scaling to monitor resolutions is a minor issue. Behind the graphics of EGS there are a lot of calculations and code doing stuff to generate what you see (and hear). You can not remove such stuff without changing the workings and functions of the game.

    The game were set to "Released" too early. Still not finished (for me it is still "Early Access"). Probably more optimization to do.

    Is like asking for EGS to be played on a Commodore 128. Many newer games need good hardware to be playable.
  10. Milarwen

    Milarwen Lieutenant

    Jul 3, 2020
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    Not sure what the average rig among EGS-players are but if we look at the steam average, your claims that many has as old machines as pentium 4, that is just not true.Very few are probably gaming on that as a primary computer. I have a Pentium 4 as a retro gaming rig, for the purpose of running games that doesn't run so well on modern hardware. Although my old computer isn't among the statistics as it runs Windows XP without any network or internet.

    The most average computer among steam users is something like this:

    OS: Windows 10
    CPU 4 Cores 3.5Ghz~
    RAM: 16 GB
    GPU: Geforce GTX 1060
    SylenThunder and ravien_ff like this.
  11. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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    Just to add to this, the Pentium 4 was a single-core CPU. It's wasn't until the next generation that we saw chips with two or more cores, and the Intel Core 2 Quad that is just after the Pentium 4 and Core 2 Duo actually meets min spec for this game.
    Single-core CPU's only count for a mere 0.21% of overall players as of the April 2021 Hardware Survey. That's a 0% change from the previous survey, and to be honest, you're only going to see that number drop. Not increase.

    After that the chart is more ambiguous because it's only counting the number of cores. 4-core system account for 40% of hardaware, yet that accounts for over 12 years of chipsets.
    ravien_ff likes this.
  12. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I remember getting my first dual core pc. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. Two cores!
    Germanicus likes this.
  13. Milarwen

    Milarwen Lieutenant

    Jul 3, 2020
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    I think this game uses unity as game engine and that is probably is the primery factor this game isn't easy to optimize, specially for slower hardware. I have seen lot of games using Unity that struggles to keep steady performance, over that if you tailored your own game engine for a specific game.
  14. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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    It's not so much an issue with Unity, as it is an issue with the Voxel nature of the game. Voxel data calculations require a lot more of hardware than a static 2D or pseudo 3D environment. I've posted some detail on this here.
  15. Milarwen

    Milarwen Lieutenant

    Jul 3, 2020
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    Voxel games have been around for nearly 30 years. Not sure what your point is. Either you make a game engine based around voxel terrain, because that is one of the main features of the game play, or you slap some voxel engine into a game engine not designed for this purpose specifically, in which the last one probably will have optimization issues.

    That is to say. EGS does a lot with the Untiy engine, but a special tailored engine would probably run better. The limitations becomes quite clear when you see that there is just one big plane of water , that cuts through the landscape, never to create lakes with different altitude.
    Last edited: May 26, 2021
  16. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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    Unity IS tailored for voxels. This was it's primary selling point when it released. It was doing more with voxels than any other engine when it first came out, and has expanded a good bit since then. There is currently no other engine that supports the level of complexity Unity does. Even with UE, it's only a plugin support for Voxels, and that's only been around for a few years. It didn't even exist when EGS started development. And sure, the use of voxels started close to 30 years ago, but hardly any games used them as more than a small feature in the overall engine. Look at how it was actually used in Outcast to get an idea.

    And just a note, Empyrion's terrain isn't fully voxel. It's a mesh hybrid that requires a lot less overhead.

    You take me as someone who is trying to uphold an argument without being fully aware of what exactly is going on in reality. You've managed to pluck just enough information from the internet to state your point, but lack the knowledge behind it to actually support it.
  17. Milarwen

    Milarwen Lieutenant

    Jul 3, 2020
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    I know that, but it is more loosely used term these days. It is close enough. Just wasn't my point. Voxel in my opinion isn't the issue with EGS at all. You say Unity was made with voxel in mind and I take your word for it. But you say it is the voxel nature of the game that is the reason for the current hardware requirement.

    No I don't. You probably know more about commercial game engines than me although I have been working in both Unity and UE. With the focus of content rather than the technical side, game engines like Unity has it advantages, but they do come with disadvantages. By making an in-house/ground up engine allows for more freedom and optimization, allowing you to form the engine to your needs.

    EGS is a pretty ambitious game, for a game made with a commercial game engine, is my point.
    Last edited: May 27, 2021
  18. Feel My Burn

    Feel My Burn Ensign

    May 29, 2019
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    EGS is available for GeForce Now which has been how I've been playing lately (due to a similar situation) The only downside is that you're stuck with the default game. Workshop integration is non-existent with GeForce Now so that means no Reforged Eden, experimental versions, or workshop ships. You can however play it incredibly stable on a potato in vanilla.

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