Feedback Required Your TOP3 MOST WANTED feature addition or change?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Sep 26, 2019.

  1. Larkas

    Larkas Ensign

    Apr 1, 2021
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    1. A way to lock blueprints in place, so we can check all sides and angles before comitting it to the world.
    2. More shapes and angles for windows.
    3. A way to automatically repair bases like we have for vehicles.
  2. Wakfu

    Wakfu Commander

    Apr 19, 2017
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    1) orbital scan
    2) better AI. Better ship AI, hover, tanks, enemy on foot. Can't stress AI enough. You should focus a whole version or two on this, to bring the galaxy to life, with all the nice features and emergent gameplay available now. Would be cool to see AI mining vessels mining asteroids...mining deposits...transporting stuff back to their base, trade routes, bring the galaxy to life with AI doing tasks the player does. Faction warfare. Make NPCS do stuff not just sit around or spawn in.
    3) More alive galaxy, factions attacking other factions...ability to receive/send distress calls and AI help turns up or not.......factions attacking each other assets, so just overall AI which makes the universe alive and brings the factions to life.
    michaelhartman89 and Kyodai like this.
  3. markis007

    markis007 Lieutenant

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Ability to have a new BP class: "Extension" i.e. BASE, HV, SV, CV and EXT

    An "Extension" bp is a extension module that can be added to any BP simply by allowing and requiring the BP to have a "Connection" block.

    The in-game object i.e. a Base can then be extended modularly using the "Connection" block - This block must exist in the Base object to be extended and in the new BP extension modular object to be spawned in and connect to. The "Connection" block on both objects - i.e. on base and extension module will determine the object orientation and connection point to spawn in the extension and allow the new extension module to then "merge" into the original base object and "extend" it.

    Modular building on all current objects, (BASE, HV, SV and CV) would also allow extended functionality and progression as the player progresses in experience and levels and allow objects to grow throughout the player life cycle.
  4. CyberMech

    CyberMech Commander

    Jun 23, 2018
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    1. The ability to sort devices on the hotkey bar. For example, do this by manually sorting these devices in the device list.

    Empyrion - Galactic Survival Screenshot 2021.04.12 -

    2. Bring back the display of your own or allied ships' markers at a distance of 1.5 km on the HUD. No, these are not current static marks displayed across the entire galaxy, but exactly as it was in before version 1.2 it seems. It was more convenient. I am not saying to remove the current display model, but to add that dynamic display of the nearest ships and allies.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2021
    Polnoch likes this.
  5. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I am aware of what you want here but...did you check about the "Sorting" by installing the Weapons in the wished Sequence?
  6. CyberMech

    CyberMech Commander

    Jun 23, 2018
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    Manual sorting of weapons in a group of weapons, sorting weapons by name, or sorting by installation time (I tried to install in turn after re-entering the game) does not give any effect at all.
    Experimentally, it was possible to find that the game itself sorts the weapons on the panel according to their distance from the longitudinal axis of the ship, where the # 1 button is always occupied by the guns at the ends of the wings, and the last button in the list is the ones closest to the center. And this is wildly annoying.
    Germanicus likes this.
  7. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    No but that is not "his most wanted" features, it's from the guys who don't write/ understand English and are unable to post on forums, which he represents. Come on !
  8. CyberMech

    CyberMech Commander

    Jun 23, 2018
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    In this case, it's from me. Although I may have chosen a slightly not quite necessary section of the proposals, I'm not sure.
  9. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I'm just pulling your leg. :cool:

    But I have a really, genuinely hard question for you :

    What are your top 3 most wanted features, additions or changes ?

  10. paelleon

    paelleon Ensign

    Apr 13, 2021
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    Hi to all. here's my top 3 features wishlist:

    1- make boarding/capturing of moving vessels possible. A boarded warship will not start the self destruct timer (5 minutes?) untill its crew is reduced to 1/10 of the initial complement OR when the number of the boarders is 2 times that of the remaining crew. A boarded freighter will call for help immediatly (countdown to warships arrival), the little crew present will then abandon ship. Boarded ships will activate internal automated security and seal all blastdoors (players have to destroy them, no hacking). Destroying the core will stop the countdown, but starts a 60 seconds count to despawn (any POI or vessel without a core will despawn after 60s). Replacing the core will capture the ship.

    2- add new body stances. Like crouching, prone, lean from corners.

    3- add the capability to comand multiple turrets at once. I would like to fire all or some of my turrets at the same time, at the same target (volley fire).

    michaelhartman89, Sup and Polnoch like this.
  11. Wakfu

    Wakfu Commander

    Apr 19, 2017
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    switches to power on/off turrets/engines/weapons etc from the hud. button on the hud to go in control panel. basically hud buttons for the most used shortcut keys...
  12. Taski

    Taski Ensign

    Apr 24, 2021
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    Make the crew of the ship (base) IN DEMAND! Let them reduce the CPU load, improve the performance of the equipment, depending on the profession. Let them require sleeping places and food in the refrigerator. In the later stages of the game, growing ingredients for food becomes irrelevant. During the assaults, it falls from the enemies so much that it is pointless to maintain a vegetable garden. And so, at least for feeding the crew, it will be possible to grow it. Apologies for the machine translation
    Sup, Wanev, Criss Hansen and 2 others like this.
  13. Ishi

    Ishi Ensign

    Apr 26, 2021
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    Three small features to reduce micromanagements:
    1) Docked SV/HV draws power from BA/CV for refrigerator- less micro managing due to spoilage while parked. Like a real world ship or plane takes power from an umbilical while docked.
    2) Factory can take supplies from container (even with container linked toolbar, reducing the clicking and moving stuff around is better)
    3) Copy block shape AND copy block texture (self evident to speed creations)
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2021
    Sup likes this.
  14. nyla

    nyla Ensign

    May 15, 2021
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    1. A way to take resources OUT of the factory.
    2. A way to switch power consumption to/from generators/solar capacitor i.e drawing FROM the generator rather then the solar capacitor at night time.
    3. Being able to put in more than 15 solar panels

    If there's already a way to do these things, I'd very much appreciate someone telling me how to do them ^.^
    Also love the game, keep up the great work :D
    Miznit and Germanicus like this.
  15. Criss Hansen

    Criss Hansen Ensign

    May 6, 2021
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    1) Conquer Game Mode : The ability of player (player's faction for co-op/mp) to conquer areas (with map borders , like AI factions) through a procedure , maybe a special device at your bases, that costs many resources and draws the attention of other factions that claim also these lands (more attacks etc.) Can be a Scenario also with victory condition to conquer a X% of the planets/areas.

    2) More alive world. Would love to see more often AI faction interact with the world (fight between them if they are enemies, see them explore neutral/unexplored zones, large trading caravans with guards / ships etc.)

    3) Mission Boards at Space Stations of Friendly+ factions. Randomly generated missions that are refreshed every X days like Bounty Hunting, Explore a PoI, disable an enemy's post/base etc. Missions difficulty increases at time passes by for greater challenges/rewards. Each Space Station might have limited number of Missions so the player have to explore to find new ones.
    michaelhartman89, Sup and Taski like this.
  16. Niviryd

    Niviryd Ensign

    May 24, 2021
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    1. Wheels to make actual wheeled vehicles, let's make hover tech a higher tier and more advanced tech.

    2. Treads. We can make proper tanks. again, let's make the hover tech a more advanced tech.

    3. Hover cycles, think speeder bikes from star wars as a higher tier very fast exploration or scouting option or even POI harrasment option (granted lasers still basically hitscan but it would still be fun)
  17. Wanev

    Wanev Lieutenant

    May 19, 2021
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    If I only get 3, I will say 2 for now and save my third one for when I think of something good

    1 - Improved fuel beyond fusion. Something to fuel my late game gas guzzler CVs

    2 - Craftable medium and heavy armor

    Maybe one or both of these can be crafted with Zascosium? I always seem to have a surplus of that stuff late game.

    I will also +1 to what was said earlier about crew providing some benefit beyond aesthetics. Improved CPU and/or fuel efficiency would be cool.
  18. Thorwine

    Thorwine Commander

    Aug 3, 2017
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    1 - I would like to see a "power connection" from CV to BA when it's docked, so that the power can be drawn from the solar capacitor(s). Especially on MP servers that would be awesome, to run the fridge and growing lights on the CV over night, without burning fuel.

    2 - Factory rework - some kind of constructor or furnace inside the game, with necessary storage capacity (BA only).

    3 - "Repair to Template" for BA (by drones maybe).
    Kostriktor likes this.
  19. Micheal

    Micheal Ensign

    May 27, 2021
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    Only one thing I’d like to see changed, the motorcycle needs to actually turn more than 5degress
    Kostriktor likes this.
  20. Polnoch

    Polnoch Lieutenant

    Sep 26, 2017
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    1) rework bike and heater/cooler to consume energy - bring more science in the sci-fi
    2) NPC Crew which can be assigned to the crops (like in Fallout 4) - let NPC crew to harvest crops and store them in the fridger
    3) please finally fix a bug with SV under textures of BA

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