Challenge June POI Building Challenge: Space Wreckage

Discussion in 'Projects and Challenges' started by ravien_ff, Jun 2, 2021.

  1. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Thank you so much to Ravis, Don2k7, Fractalite, Robot Shark, Genza, Rex Shorman, and Movado for submitting blueprints for this challenge! The challenge is now closed and I have submitted the POIs to Hummel so they can get added to the game.
    Really incredible work on these wrecks and I think people will enjoy finding them. :D

    - - -

    With backend changes in 1.5 experimental it is now a lot easier to add new POIs to space.
    And with these changes comes a big need for more space POIs!

    This POI building challenge is for SV, CV, and BA wrecks for space.

    Salvaging is something many people enjoy but there's not much of a variety of space wrecks available in the game.
    I am looking for any blueprints of SVs, CVs, and BAs that you have turned into space wrecks. These will be submitted to be added to the default game and appear in various areas of space for all to enjoy. :D

    A disclaimer that submitting a blueprint doesn't guarantee its inclusion into the game, and that by submitting a blueprint you give permission for Eleon and other players to use and modify it.

    How to submit a blueprint:

    1. Take a blueprint either from your own design, from the game's prefabs or internal blueprints, or a blueprint off the workshop. (Give credit and a link back to original author if taking from the workshop).
    2. Turn it into a wreck by shooting at it with your favorite weapons, removing parts of it, cutting it up with the selection tool, adding destroyed blocks, blast marks, hull breaches, debris, etc.
    3. Double check that your blueprint follows the submission guidelines listed below and make adjustments as needed.
    4. When you are happy with your wreck, remove the core, any clone chambers or medical chambers, and save the blueprint with the save damage state checkbox marked.
    5. Find your new blueprint in the blueprint library and double click on it to open the blueprint settings window. Set the Blueprint Group Name according to the guidelines below, and the Spawn Name to whatever makes sense for your wreck.
    6. Submit the blueprint either by uploading it as public to the Steam workshop and posting a link here, or uploading the .epb file directly to this thread. Please provide a short description, some optional screenshots, and credit and link back to the original author if someone else made the original blueprint you used.
    7. If you have multiple submissions you can upload them in a single post. If you need to upload a revised copy of your submissions it's best to edit your original post.

    Blueprint Naming:
    You can use a Base, Capital Vessel, or Small Vessel.
    All blueprint and spawn names are case sensitive.
    You may choose any name that makes sense for the Blueprint Spawn Name. This is the name displayed in game.

    Blueprint name should be without spaces, in the following format:
    • Base: BAO_BlueprintName
    • Capital Vessel: CV_BlueprintName
    • Small Vessel: SV_BlueprintName
    • Example: CV_WreckedFreighterA27.

    Blueprint Group Name should be set to the following:
    • Base: JunkYardSpace
    • Capital Vessel: Graveyard
    • Small Vessel: GraveyardSV

    Submission Guidelines:
    • Make sure you use the default Creative Mode. Custom scenarios can have different blocks and parameters.
    • No replicas or likeness to other fictional universes or any other copyrighted content.
    • If using a blueprint created by someone else, post their name and a link back to the source so they can be credited. It's also polite to leave them a comment letting them know you used their blueprint.
    • No alien blocks such as alien loot containers, spawners, etc. The exception is alien turrets are allowed if it fits the wreck.
    • No T3 or T4 CPU Extenders, NPC crew, medical and clone chambers, or core.
    • Most wrecks should not have advanced devices, but if they do please limit it to 1 or 2 per wreck.
    • Try to keep the blueprint cost shown in the blueprint library to 500-2000 of any basic resource, and under 200 of any advanced resource like Erestrum or Zascosium. (Most wrecks shouldn't have any advanced resources)
    • You can add cargo containers and other decorative items. These will be automatically filled with loot when your wreck is spawned as a POI.
    • Please do not change the Container ID in the control panel of any cargo box. Leave them all as default.
    • Keep size class below 6.
    • Keep in mind these are free wrecks, so they aren't supposed to have a lot of loot or salvage.
    • You can see the game's internal blueprints in creative mode and use those to make faction themed wrecks.
    • And if you're not sure if your blueprint follows the guidelines or not, submit it anyway, there might still be a spot for it elsewhere in the game!

    If you want to upload a blueprint file directly, they are stored in the following location:
    SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Empyrion - Galactic Survival/Saves/Blueprints/YourSteamID
    Simply drag and drop the .epb files to your reply box here.

    Thank you so much for all the amazing builders out there.
    I will run this through the end of June and will collect all the blueprint files and submit them for the game.
    They won't make it in time for inclusion with 1.5, but hopefully will for the next update after.
    This is my first time running a building challenge so please don't hesitate to ask questions!
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2021
  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Reserved for further updates.
    KRanKO5 likes this.
  3. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Looking forward to the submissions! :)
    ravien_ff likes this.
  4. Ravis

    Ravis Captain

    May 17, 2017
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    A few of my wreckages I've made. Pretty sure only the Mediums qualify but you can have the larges as well :p (Too much iron mostly). Most of there spawn names are set to "Wreckage"

    (I should note, Lrg1 is also listed as the very creative name of 'Civilian Freighter' on the workshop and may already be in PE)
    BAO_FWS_Med1.jpg BAO_FWS_Med2.jpg BAO_FWS_Med3.jpg BAO_FWS_Lrg1.jpg BAO_FWS_Lrg2.jpg BAO_FWS_Lrg3.jpg

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  5. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Those look great! Thank you!
  6. Don2k7

    Don2k7 Captain

    Apr 27, 2021
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    Faction: None
    Spawn: Space

    Name: CV_DestroyedFortune
    Groupname: Graveyard
    Spawn name: Shipwreck Freighter
    Size Class: 2

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    Last edited: Jun 13, 2021
    Fractalite, bluemax151 and ravien_ff like this.
  7. Don2k7

    Don2k7 Captain

    Apr 27, 2021
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    Faction: None
    Spawn: Space

    Name: BAO_DestroyedSatellite
    Groupname: JunkYardSpace
    Spawn name: Destroyed Satellite
    Size Class: 1


    Attached Files:

    bluemax151 and ravien_ff like this.
  8. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Attached Files:

    Robot Shark, ravien_ff and Don2k7 like this.
  9. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    20210614025809_1.jpg 20210614025656_1.jpg

    Someone cut ZeroG's Starduster in half with a giant LAZOR!!!! Either that or it snapped in half because people are crazy and build with half blocks. *cough* @Jenniphurr *cough* I left some of the thrusters on it because I really need to get back to my instincts that players like loot and who doesn't want to cherry-pick for "that" wreck that has all the goodies(and nothin better than those sweet, sweet thrusters.)

    File Info:


    BP attached.

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    Robot Shark, ravien_ff and Don2k7 like this.
  10. Genza

    Genza Ensign

    Apr 30, 2021
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    Couple of SV wrecks for diversity. It is my first attempt at wrecks, so I hope they are usable for your needs.

    SV_WreckedScythe.jpg SV_WreckedEagle.jpg

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  11. Rex Shorman

    Rex Shorman Lieutenant

    Apr 12, 2020
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    I was working on some of my own creations ... crying as I destroyed them - LOL. Only question I have is "Where is the rusted texture?"
    Fractalite and ravien_ff like this.
  12. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    There is rust you can select under the texture and color tool's symbol tab! :D
  13. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Thank you everyone for the submissions so far! Keep them coming!
    -AKEVA-BANSHEE- and Fractalite like this.
  14. Rex Shorman

    Rex Shorman Lieutenant

    Apr 12, 2020
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    My pooooor pooooor babies ... :*-( ... LOL

    SV_Aurora_II_Miner.jpg SV_Aurora_Miner.jpg SV_Intrepid_Bomber.jpg SV_Intrepid_Fighter.jpg CV_Excursor.jpg

    You may want to check the Aurora ... the name showed up RED when I save it, don't know why. Also, I left 2-3 thrusters on each of these (a Jet Thruster on the Aurora II) and a turret. If it's too much let me know and I'll adjust for future submissions :).

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    Fractalite, Don2k7 and ravien_ff like this.
  15. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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  16. Movado

    Movado Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2020
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    Here are a few. I hope you can use some of them :)

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    ravien_ff likes this.
  17. Movado

    Movado Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2020
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    Here's a solar green house base & another CV that might be useful.

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    Last edited: Jun 25, 2021
    ravien_ff likes this.
  18. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Thank you everyone for the submissions! I'll be going over them the next few weeks to give them to Hummel.
    Genza, Hummel-o-War and Don2k7 like this.
  19. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Thanks a lot from me as wall.

    Looking forward to the results :)
    Genza, Don2k7 and ravien_ff like this.
  20. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Thank you everyone for your submissions! These are awesome wrecks and they have all been added!

    @Hummel-o-War :
    Attached are the finalized blueprints in a zip file. They are using the JunkYardSpace, Graveyard, and GraveyardSV group names.
    I have also attached an updated space_dynamic.yaml file for the SpaceOrbit playfield that can be used as a template for adding wrecks to playfields as needed. Just fine the line that starts with:
    # Wrecks - Add these to space_dynamic.yaml of any playfields that need them. Tweak counts and probabilities as needed.
    And then copy and paste and edit them as needed to add them to whatever space playfields you need.

    I also included a fixed version of SV_Destroyed1 to change its group name from Graveyard to GraveyardSV and I changed the group name of the control station BAO_DestroyedOrbitalDefence to GraveyardStory so it wouldn't spawn with the wrecks because the teleporter wouldn't be set properly then.

    Please credit the following people: Ravis, Don2k7, Fractalite, Robot Shark, Genza, Rex Shorman, and Movado.
    (If I missed anyone let me know!)

    That there seems to be a bug (I think) with compound POIs sometimes not spawning next to their parent one if the parent is set to a low spawn chance. I have not been able to narrow down what causes it, but it is reproducible in the playfield file I gave you by setting the spawn name of the parent POIs to the BAOBeacons group (see my notes in the playfield section) and then traveling to multiple sectors to check. I have been meaning to bug report this for quite some time but I have just not had the time to do it yet. This bug may interfere with the spawning of the wreckage compounds.

    Attached Files:


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