Some simple feedback on CPU

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Fractalite, Feb 24, 2020.

  1. fa_q2

    fa_q2 Commander

    Oct 30, 2019
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    And they destroy any semblance 0f design in any PvP server. What matters is what is on official and the way they have it set up does not simply encourage single groups to dominate but requires it. Like I said, it does not matter if it is in a single or co-op game but they flatly do not belong in PvP servers.

    And there is no specific case for the adv core, they are universally useful. It is also not like a 'Level 99 Diamond Sword of Gods' as that does not negate a complete system. Finally, you give a bunch of scenarios where one might be required all of which do not exist.

    As an asset that a server might access or a modder may use when implementing such system is not at issue either.
  2. fa_q2

    fa_q2 Commander

    Oct 30, 2019
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    Normally I would have a CV as well and all my sv and, no matter when they are placed, are specialized. SV does not have the cpu for more general builds. But if your problem is what he is complaining about then there are ways to address that problem. It really is not an inherent problem with CPU, it is one of design.

    I am not even sure if the AI will target CPU tbh - you can likely design your ship CPU to be essentially invulnerable even if it would look really silly.
  3. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Tell that to server owners. That's not a general CPU problem, it's the neverending problem of server owners trying to get Eleon to do all their work for them.

    You can look the other way and tell me you don't see what I'm pointing at, sure.

    Simply stating that conslusion does not make the CPU core "invalidate all CPU". In fact we can play with words for eternity but Advanced Cores were made for a purpose, and if not used for that don't blame the tool, blame the users. That device removes all CPU limits, as it was designed, it does not "invalidate all CPU". This is like saying that "doors invalidate walls".
  4. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    CPU is no better now than its inception.

    Because it utterly fails to do what it was, ''said'' to do, specialization.
    It is not that.

    True specialization comes with distinct flight controls for each class of ship, something it looks like Empyrion will never see.........

    Game OVER for specialization, game over.

    Go and check any game based around tons of flying, they are all defined in class by them flight controls........ .OOPS we simply fucked up.

    Anyone can invent artificial restrictions and try to call it specialization, but it will never achieve what proper flight controls for ship classes could and would have achieved, ever.

    Its really sad that so many people dont understand how proper specialization works in computer flight games, Empyrion has literally hundreds of hours of flying....again OOPS, seriously missed the mark of quality control for this feature, CPU is completely garbage for that purpose.

    Empyrion took the approach of punishing people for not building the way you are told to build, do it our way or we will punish you via your crappy flight controls.......and make them even worse, HAHAHAHAHAHA we are not cynical turkies.....

    Stick, not carrot......

    Empyrion should have opened the door to true specialization with proper class of ship tied to flight controls, it means new starter blocks and a whole new range of flight controls, whoopy doodar.
    Literally the precise system you already have now, just multiplied with a heap of new flight controls, you know NEW TOYS, but no, lets just screw up the toys we already have with CPU restrictions how utterly BACKWARDS in every way.

    Something the game seriously lacks now, oh, flight controls.
    We still have to this day one set of modified for all ships flight controls. SV they were, then modified for CV, yea that worked like a charm with CVs turning on a dime.........
    Proper flight controls for each class completely fixes those problems without needing to attempt to manipulate some artificial system you invented to attempt the same thing in a completely backwards way......
    Utterly sad effort, utterly the worst part of this game without any doubt, and CPU has done to me, a veteran of the game with an average of I dunno 6 hours a day of this game for years and years and years to, literally hardly playing it now days......

    Thats what your CPU has done to tons and tons of veterans of this game.

    Thats your feedback.

    That no doubt will be ignored yet again, a failure to better the mistakes made is in no way a success.

    And the real irony, the REAL IRONY is that right now, you could add these things and actually bring true specialization to this game, CPU wont effect that.
    You could bring to Empyrion tomorrow if the devs really wanted to,

    Scout class
    Drop ship class
    Fighter class
    Corvette class
    Frigate class
    Destroyer class
    Battelcruiser class
    Carrier class
    Super Carrier class

    Utility class SV
    Utility class CV
    Utility class HV

    So just there, in literally 20 seconds I have the blueprint for a truly successful flight control system for this game, how long have you been trying to balance CPU now, and the fact so many to this day complain about its balance and how they want it changed is just all the more reason to bring proper flight control class of ships to Empyrion.

    Nothing you build without those specialized flight controls, is actually truly specialized, period.
    Because technically you can do what you did to your ship to literally any other, as they all have the same flight controls there are no real gains to be had and before you say design design design, how is that any different to before CPU.......Its not, and thats absolute proof CPU is a failure at its stated goal of specialization.

    Empyrion needs proper flight controls via new starter blocks and new flight controls tied to said starter blocks.

    Feedback from your oldest players, will you Eleon ever fix this, I mean there are a heap of us that would work on flight controls for each class, you literally would need to just look over the flight control parameters to add them to game, get us to do all the work is actually a good idea and Im sure Im not alone in who would help with that, its such a huge advantage to have in the game.

    Anyway, if you actually listen to some of us old shitheads cos we are not as stupid as you might think with this topic, being some of us play flying games with seriously awesome flight controls daily, like DCS and warthunder and ace combat etc you might even learn a thing or two yourselves.
    Because its really obvious to every player on Earth thats into flying games, that Empyrion devs either could not be bothered with proper flight controls or are not capable.?

    Which would be a fair excuse, if they ever actually replied to that question.

    Empyrion needs proper, class specific flight controls.

    Make it happen devs, or forever let your game miss out on thousands of potential players.

    This game, workshop, and Utube channels would be an instant hit with proper classes of ships, if we had video's of actual Destroyers taking on 3 actual Frigates, would be epic.
    We will never see anything like that as it is now, its all fake.
    We are pretending this is a frigate and this is a destroyer even though technically they are the same.......

    I mean how many examples of how pathetic this feature really is for the task of specialization do you need.???????????????????????
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  5. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    I came late to the party and I don't have all the tl;dr.
    But to this day, even though my current CV (I have almost 20 of them in my game now) is capable of mining and defending itself, I still use SVs for mining and scouting on planets and HVs for harvesting wood.

    Why? Because they spend much less fuel.
    Also I can leave them landed close to an enemy POI while I fight to their core and loot them.
    I leave them on most of the times because they have fridges to store food I find along the way.
    And some of them have a shield to protect themselves against enemy reinforcements so I can get inside and do my thing. :D

    About the CPU limits I leave them on and was never disappointed with the way they work. I may have scratched only the surface of the limitations but I kinda enjoy it there is a limitation for more advanced devices.
  6. xerxes86

    xerxes86 Commander

    May 7, 2018
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    Yes, that would be the specialized tasks I mentioned in my post. I never said I do everything in a CV. My point was, why would someone have trouble fixing an SV, if they have all the resources to do what the person was suggesting. The point is just fix the SV, or scrap it and bring in a new one. It wasn't that you should never use an SV once you get a CV. That is stupid.
    byo13 likes this.
  7. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Aside from not having bottomless pockets, or the ability to pick up a small building-sized device, shove it into your portable extra-dimensional space, along with 27 more just like it, and being able to walk, run, jump and jet-pack your way through the air - what, exactly, do you not like about Mass/Volume?

    I turned it on the day it was released and never looked back.
    Yes, I have gotten a little furrow-browed when finding a red or purple container with 100 alien steel blocks and med unit I can't stuff in my shirt pocket as well, but... I've learned to adapt.

    Likewise, I've wrinkled my nose learning I can't simply cart around 2500 concrete blocks to build a small outpost either, but I've learned to adapt to that as well.

    Not saying what you do is "right" or "wrong", just trying to understand where you're coming from here.
  8. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    That's assuming a shield is some sort of electro-kinetic field, where it could be magnetic, radiant or plasmic. And who still uses the phrase "dielectric constant" when talking about relative permittivity any more?
  9. xerxes86

    xerxes86 Commander

    May 7, 2018
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    Same here. It's not the same game without it for me. For some reason, not having to deal with the logistics, really diminishes the game for me.
  10. fa_q2

    fa_q2 Commander

    Oct 30, 2019
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    And me too. I cant play without both on and I severely dislike inventory management. Being able to carry everything everywhere though hard breaks the game. A hover with one ground repulser can cart away enough resource to build 10 bases - its just silly.
    xerxes86 likes this.
  11. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Wow I'm impressed you respond to a post of mine that is over a year old just to say something about how I write. Have I insulted you or something?
    Germanicus likes this.
  12. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Wasn't about how you write, just stuck out, as it's a phrase I have not heard used in a very long time. I'm known for my occasional use of the archaic form as well.
    Germanicus likes this.

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