I went after the new update to change my food items, and misc other stuff to an old file that is no longer supported. Just changed mainly the food so it wouldn't rot away so fast, you know the perish times...anyway, put the file in and config_example.ecf, renamed to config.ecf went into the game and no perish times were changed.....did I miss a step along the way? Thanks....
I did notice that my BlocksConfig.ecf and ItemsConfig.ecf weren't loading from my scenario folder. They did in experimental, and I just copied the config over to the live server.
What about teleporter range values, can you not mod these ones any longer? The RangeLY is now gone from config_example and is now in BlocksConfig, can you enter other values except 0 or 1, what about RangeAU, is this gone totally? Thanks,
thanks...I got those things done, but I am wondering..went into blocksconfig, was going to change the armored and automatic doors that were still false for oxygen tight, changed the ones I could find to true, looked in the game and they are still false....any idea?
Seems as though when I edited the blocksconfig.ecf it will not accept the changes...changed some of the false doors for oxygen tight to true and now just tried to change the hull shield capacities higher (like on the previous designers file, that doesn't work) to their figures and none of them were replaced... Any help would be appreciated...... Thanks...
Are you trying to adapt configs from vanilla game or from a scenario? They're in different paths and changing one doesn't affect the other. EDIT: Folder for the scneario hides in steamapps/workshop/content/383120/... You'll then have to look through the folders to identify the specific scenario, if its Reforged Eden, it ends with 616.
not a specific scenario, just generalized game. A person on Nexus had a file changing values back in 2020 for cv weapons to use on planet, and more efficient solar panels, stacks, etc. We are so use to playing with it since it came out...we wanted to change our game back to it....
We? I guess you're playing on a server then? Did you restart after you applied the changes? And if you want help consider giving some more info here, like the server host, proper version number and whatever could be helpful and hope someone else here can help you. I read there are some server hosts where changing configs is a bit more difficult but as i am singleplayer I'm out as i cannot help you with this, sorry.
My hubby and I play coop server...and I tried on a single player after I changed it...no changes...thanks for the help
At the very least, the example config should be edited to have all the things that don't work anymore removed. How are players supposed to know what does and doesn't work in the config.ecf if the example file is broken from the get go?
Not any scenario just the plain jane vanilla game. I just want to make the base/ship shields stronger and make all doors airtight.
If you leave them at default directory they get overwritten Best is to coppy them to Root/Content/Mods for the Vanilla Game But this also requiers you update them manual when a GameUpdate gets released and changes are made to the files by us
It will not be removed neither changed. As ModAPI Modders need this file to get certain information for a API Call
I agreed totally with the statements before. I'm confused about the behaviour, too. The updater recreate/readd the "Example_Config.ecf" -> suggest's to use it. In the Example_Config.ecf still is the description to rename it to "config.ecf" to use it. -> suggest's to use it. Some settings in the "config.ecf" still takes effect, some not. The file is in fact not ignored at all. -> suggest's to use it. And at least it would be a good programming practise to inform the people in any way at game/server start if a "config.ecf" is present in the directory if it not should be.... Additionally confusing is how to work with the new files since the with "config.ecf" introduced "revision counter" is not used any more. And how it is possible to leave just changed entries in the different files to get a better overview over changed settings. Nobody knows how to deal with game update any more. ...just my view to this change...
left is the original file from Code: D:\Spiele\Empyrion - Dedicated Server\Content\Configuration right is the copied file emptied to just the needed config in the mod path like mentioned Code: D:\Spiele\Empyrion - Dedicated Server\Content\Mods But nothing happens. The vanilla game not changes anything from standard. What do I miss?