Not a fan of baby spiders

Discussion in 'Experimental Features Discussion' started by Zenopath, May 27, 2021.

  1. Khaleg

    Khaleg Commander

    Nov 5, 2020
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    You know... more drama... more survival :p
  2. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    I rest my case.
    Germanicus likes this.
  3. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    A flamethrower for some POIs is godsend
  4. Miznit

    Miznit Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2020
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    Ok, to all of you that posted after me.....Thanks for the nightmare fuel!!! It's as if you guys WANT me to curl up in the corner and whimper while you laugh and point!

    <J.K. It's all in fun. But yeah, nightmare fuel.>
  5. Lol, sorry about the nightmares....
    Just having some ideas is all.

    Hopefully the devs eventually listen to the player base and give us an arachnophobia mode in the game settings.
    I've seen more than enough people ask for that now, it IS something the devs should seriously consider for the future (hopefully sooner than later).
    It's a common enough phobia after all.

    It really shouldn't be that hard to make happen either. It should be a simple model/sound effect replacement if the setting is active. That's how other games accomplish it anyways. Just replace the model with cute kittens or something like that, like other popular games do.
  6. Miznit

    Miznit Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2020
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    Arachnophobia mode would be great. I give the idea 10 million votes.
  7. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    This must be your favorite scenario then : No Spiders for v1.4 I hope one day you will over come your fear. Until then play safe and have fun...

    PS I do not want your votes. But say a word or two to the original creator of the scenario. He has 5 versions of no spiders and obviously he will make more in the future assuming he still plays. I suppose a supportive word will keep him going.
  8. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    The Flamethrower has an "area effect". That's why you should not aim too close or at your feet ... old model without security measures, you know. Just like the Talon said :D
    Timothy Smith, Pach and Germanicus like this.
  9. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Then, nothing more fun and accurate then good old shotgun.
  10. Miznit

    Miznit Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2020
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    Yeah, but it doesn't get rid of the spiders in POIs, and only in the open world. And there are a few POIs that are terrifying because of the spiders. If I know they are there, I can force myself to do it. It's when they pop out of nowhere (or I forget about them) that breaks me. For early game, just after landing and before getting a tiny base, it's great though.

    Ente, Myrmidon and Pach like this.
  11. Ente

    Ente Commander

    May 20, 2021
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    I also got my problems with spiders. It is not that bad that it breaks anything for me, but it is bad enough that I dont enjoy any encounters with them and avoid POIs that I know to have spiders. The new little ones definately make things worse.

    So, an arachnophobia mode would indeed be great.
    That said, the only game I know that did that, instead just displayed a pixelated cat head over them. Which didn't help much, since those things still moved and behaved like spiders.
    Germanicus likes this.
  12. Khaleg

    Khaleg Commander

    Nov 5, 2020
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    To all people with fear of spiders, with all my affection:

    I do not want sound rude, but I think that you should confront your fears. For bad or good, we have to share this world with all these little, and not so little, creatures, and take into account that every being has a role here. In fact spiders are beneficious, even for you, because they eat little animals even worse to the human being. If you think in cold, all animals have the same origin, even we. You must to think that spiders, when they see you, they feel fear from you. First of all you are much bigger, more strong, and indeed we are natural predators for them. They do not want hurt you, they only want escape. If you have been ever bitten, it has been by accident.

    Think about this, the Kevlar, the material used in the bulletproof vests, and that has saved thousands of lives around the world, was discovered thanks to the spiders and theirs webs. Investigate about this that produces fear on you is the first step to win over. If you leave apart your apprehension, you will discover that all these creatures are indeed fascinating, and even some ones are beautiful.

    All of us are part of this living ecosystem, and all of us have a function here. If you ask me, the most dangerous creature in the entire world are we, the man. We destroy entire ecosystems, only for enrichment, we annihilate entire species. I really ask myself who is the real monster here.

    Sorry if I made you feel discomfort, I only want to help, honestly.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2021
    Lyceq likes this.
  13. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    Okay. After reading about the queen and small spiders ... Could we ask just that? A POI whose juicy prize is in the deepest, where a huge spider has its nest? I thought of a great Alien but I know that it will never come so that the most possible at this moment are the spiders or a queen of those damn scorpions that I hate!

    Ok. Despues de leer lo de las araña reina y las pequeñas... Podriamos pedir justamente eso? Un POI cuyo premio jugoso se encuentra en el lo mas profundo, donde una enorme araña tiene su nido? Pensé en un gran Alien pero se que no va a llegar nunca así q lo mas posible en este momento son las arañas o una reina de esos malditos escorpiones que odio!!!
  14. WhiteWolf0100

    WhiteWolf0100 Ensign

    Jun 16, 2021
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    This unfortunately isn't a solution. Bad game design is including common phobias. Spiders (and many insects in general) are one of the most common phobias. And the thing about phobias is, they're not a rational fear. By definition, they're an irrational fear. I myself have severe arachnophobia. I understand they're small, more scared of me than I am of them, and that they're not really much of a threat in most cases. Yet on being near me causes me to lock up, often throwing my hands up and yelping as I back away. I'm a 6' 1", 230 lbs. male, with a rather large beard. I look pretty manly, yet they completely fuck my brain, it shuts off. No amount of rationalizing or learning about them helps with it, despite knowing that they probably shouldn't be a big deal. Yet they are to me.

    And I've heard the argument of exposure to overcome my fear of them. And yes, exposure treatment is a thing. But exposure treatment requires very specific circumstances, gradual lead up, and can go very wrong with unforeseen circumstances, like a spider attacking someone, or getting to close or crawling on them before you've worked up to it. You have to be very careful, or it can cause more harm and worsen a phobia. A good example of this is a personal case of mine. I've worked on it for years, and had gotten much better, to the point it felt less like a phobia. As long as a spider didn't crawl on me, it didn't bug me, and seeing them in media didn't bother me too much. However, while pulling some very large weeds one weekend in my garden, 4-5 spiders went scattering as I gripped one of the weeds. 3-4 were a bit bigger than a quarter, and one was about the size of a silver dollar. It completely overrided my brain, and left me shaking and unable to work for about 45 minutes afterwards. My skin was crawling and I was very uncomfortable. Since my arachnophobia has been worse than ever. To the point, this game, that rarely bothered me with the spiders, now has me unable to deal with them more than a couple every once in a while.

    Point is, telling people to get over their fear, especially a phobia, is rude, inconsiderate, and shows a lack of understanding of how phobias work. Fear is the most debilitating thing we as humans face, and it's usually there for a pretty good reason. Phobias may not be there for a good reason, making them even worse due to having no rational basis. So point is, requests for things like an arachnophobia mode in games is increasing, and it's a pretty reasonable request. People need to stop with the "get over it" type arguments. It's like telling someone who's infertile to just get over it and have kids already.
    cmguardia likes this.
  15. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Seriously? I want the spiders. Easy meat = food, in early game. As for those with phobias there is a solution out there. As I said play a scenario without them.According to what standards you blame games with phobias as bad designed? I think they are not suitable for those with the phobias. For some one with no phobias there is not bad design at all. The latter kind of players are the majority, as you well know.
  16. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    Spoken from someone who doesn't understand what it's like to have a phobia
    Germanicus likes this.
  17. Khaleg

    Khaleg Commander

    Nov 5, 2020
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    Do you know what?: I have my own phobias too. I am not perfect, and I have strong fears that are affecting me in many ways. I have one of the worst phobias that you can have: Phobia to the needles. Imagine what happens when I have to go to the doctor, imagine what happens to me when I know, days or weeks in advance, that I have to visit the lab to extract a blood sample from me. Imagine my life during all these previous days, that are a true agony for me. At least you can treat of avoid spiders, but if you are ill, you cannot escape from the doctor or the test, and even worst, you know what will happen and when, many days before.

    I do not want seem a cheap psychiatrist, and of course that the trip looking for a cure requires a good psychologist and a planned approach. I did not say this, but everyone would assume it, because it is logic. To overcome your illness or psychologic situation you always will need a doctor.

    So, as you see, I am not fully alien to the theme of phobias, now you can still be free to think that I am rude, inconsiderate or you can continue having whatever bad feeling about me, and I am sorry for you and your problems, but you are not alone. I can only say that judging people without knowing the person is risky and the majority of the time, is plain wrong.

    I really hope that you overcome your fears in the future.

    Oh, I forgot to add. Your comparison "It's like telling someone who's infertile to just get over it and have kids already" it could not be more erroneous. Being infertile is a physic condition, the majority of the times. Having a phobia is a psychologic condition. On the first one, you cannot change how your body works without external intervention, on the second one, you can change how your mind works or your brain thinks. I am not telling that would be easy, I have not succeed in this, but these two conditions are way different.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2021
  18. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    You and me too, wish that. For anyone.
    Khaleg likes this.
  19. PickleJar

    PickleJar Lieutenant

    Jul 13, 2020
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    If you're afraid, phobic even, of some of the content in a video game - then you don't play that game. It is your phobia, it is your responsibility to manage your life with it.

    Phobia of zombies? Don't play zombie games. Phobia of the dark? Don't play dark games.

    Phobia of spiders? You can still play 99% of Empyrion. Just run away from the spiders.

    Or don't play Empyrion.

    This is an absolutely asinine argument to make.

    Your phobia should not, and thankfully does not, dictate the design of anything, anywhere, ever.
  20. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    won't find spiders in any poi i make

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