Frame rate

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by elmo, Jun 15, 2021.

  1. elmo

    elmo Captain

    Sep 26, 2017
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    Need some help people. Played experimental 1.5 single player and coop no problems. Change to public release started single player, got 2 hvs, basic base no problems when travelling in Hv. Son joins game in coop and suddenly my frame rate drops below 12 when going about in HV. His frame rate is fine. Started another new game and problem still the same in coop making the game unplayable for me. It is not my computer because son says mine is better rig than his and he doesn't know what is causing problem. Help would be appreciated so that I can get back in game.
  2. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Configuration of PC that hosts the co-op? Also does it meet the minimum requirements for this task? If his PC is stronger than your try hosting the game on his and join. Saves can be copied.
    elmo likes this.
  3. jlego

    jlego Captain

    Oct 18, 2016
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    @elmo’s son here. Haven’t tried hosting it my end, but that’s not really practical because @elmo plays it in SP when I’m not available, so we’d have to continually move the save game around. There seems to be some kind of performance issue when hosting in Coop/MP, so I’m not confident that would fix it either, only transfer the issue to my system (although if the game does not multi-thread effectively, then it might, since single-core performance is far better on my system). We’ve been playing this way for most of the time we’ve been playing the game, and it’s only now we’re having this issue.

    @elmo’s hardware is: Athlon 860K, GeForce 1660, 16GB RAM. Mine is Core i3-6100, GeForce 970, 24GB RAM. Both of us run the game and Windows from SSDs, @elmo has a SATA one, and I have an NVMe one.
  4. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Using the stronger PC to host a co-op will be the best choice.
    Germanicus and elmo like this.
  5. elmo

    elmo Captain

    Sep 26, 2017
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    The game is hosted on my computer because I am the one who plays the most in SP until @jlego comes on when I put it in to coop. We have always played this way and I have almost 7000 hrs invested in game with very few problems. Hosting it on his and moving saves about is not an option for me as I do not understand all the technical stuff. As I said before I played on the 1.5 experimental and never had a problem but it was only when I started on public version that problem started and not in SP but only in coop. If I cannot play coop on my machine then looks like I will have to leave game altogether. Thank you for trying to help.
    jlego likes this.
  6. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    One other thing I can propose is to use both PCs even when you play alone. @jlego can move the saves to his PC. Then you will have to always start a Co-op PC and play from your PC with your character. It will be like if you both play but when he will not be at home you will play alone in a Co-op game. It is a hassle but it is suitable for your needs. Otherwise you will have to buy new hardware. Both configurations seem weak already for Empyrion. Trying to play co-op is just another parameter making things heavier on the host.

    Finally you can find a server that can host your game and play there. You will both be the players joining together or not, but the hard work will be on the server to host your game. Having 7000 in a game means you love it and I hate to tell you to quit. Those two are my last options to propose.
    elmo likes this.
  7. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    The main FPS-Killer is the IN-GAME Setting of Screen-Resolution.
    I fiddled around with several settings to find MY most advantage Solution.
    Had to reset it after getting a new but weak Graphic Card and about 2 Months ago a 4K Monitor. They don't like each other..:rolleyes:.

    I keep my ingame Resolution at the lowest possible setting that my Graphic Card can handle with ease - 1600x900
    It 'could' handle a higher setting BUT the Framerates drop by about 20% for each higher setting in the 16:9 Ratio.

    So I am currently get 100-120FPS outside, and between 70-80 inside POI's

    @elmo & @jlego engines:
    GeForce 1660 - 1920x1080 max better 1600x900
    GeForce 970 - with problems even 2560x1440 but also last good 1920x1080

    I suggest to do the same as always - give the game a few patches until the background tweaking reaches a degree where things get 'normal' again.:rolleyes:
    Was each major patch that way. At least on my side.;)
    elmo likes this.
  8. jlego

    jlego Captain

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Wouldn’t even try 4K (or even 3K) on a GTX970 or 1660, but I get good results in even newer games at 1080p, despite the age of the card (5 years, as is most of the rest of the system). I suspect CPU is the issue more than GPU, but this wasn’t an issue even in experimental.
    elmo likes this.
  9. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Each of the major Updates started, when fresh in public, with massive performance problems. And always, after a few patches, the performance improved. So I do believe it will be the same with this Update.

    Btw., the 28" 4k Monitor I bought only because it came cheaper than the 27" 2560x1440 which I had so far. (cheaper by approx. €200.-)
    elmo likes this.
  10. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    There was an update today. We are on 1.5.1 now :D

    @jlego Use a monitoring tool like MSI AB or EVGA Precision to see which one CPU or GPU is more loaded during game.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2021
    elmo likes this.
  11. jlego

    jlego Captain

    Oct 18, 2016
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    True, and I hope so with this version as well. Just need to wait and see.

    Yeah, totally get why you’ve got one. Even running at a lower res it’s worth it for the lower cost (4K is pretty cheap right now, comparatively speaking). Plus, if you get a better GPU in future, you have the monitor to run it in 4K, so win-win :)
    Germanicus likes this.
  12. jlego

    jlego Captain

    Oct 18, 2016
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    That escaped my notice. Need to test that, thanks for letting me know :)

    Yeah, we both have MSI cards, so I’m used to using Afterburner. Just haven’t got round to doing it, it’ll be pretty time consuming because of they way we need to do it (seeing as it’s only coop that’s affected).

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