Blueprint Group: OPVWarlord Blueprint Spawn Name: [ARC] Freighter Type L (Steelblockhull) Turrets: 2 Plasma Turret 4 Flak Turret Alien Loot Containers: 4 Rare + normal storage boxes 2 controller inventorys NPC CPU Status:
Blueprint Group: OPVWarlord Blueprint Spawn Name: [ARC] Freighter Type H (Hardenedsteelblockhull) Turrets: 2 Plasma Turret 6 Flak Turret 4 Turret Enemy Orange 2 Turret Enemy Cyan Alien Loot Containers: 5 Rare 2 very Rare + normal storage boxes 2 controller inventorys NPC CPU Status:
Little note: doors (any, incl. hangar etc pp) should be set to 000 (so the players do not destroy the whole ship accidentally .. except thats intended of course
Aye Sir, i keep all public doors with 0000 and when i do a coded door chain , like ive did with Outpost Jeremy, there is decent signage for the player, at least something that gives him a idea where to look for a code, otherwise anytime public...