v1.3 - Commodity Trading (first pass)

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Dec 16, 2020.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Most of the POI in the game, including Trading Stations, now have "Commodity Traders". These do buy and sell items that have no actual "use" other than being traded for making money.

    In this first iteration, the CTs on Trading Stations do buy and sell, while CTs in stations of the factions often do only buy OR sell certain items .. depending what they need to run their place. For example industrial sites will ask for robots and workers and sell other componets for a lower price, while in trading stations, the CTs will buy the same items for a higher price and sell for a lower price compared to the local station. As far as time permits, we will iterate on that system, make it a lot more granular and adjust the pricing.

    Feel free to not only send us feedback about CT in general, but also feel free to suggest more Commodity Items. :)

    Watch out for the new Traders and Droids. They are often (but not always!) used for the Commodity Traders.

    Note: Commodity Items are planned to be available through loot and other mechanics as well in the future

    JCataclism likes this.
  2. garyice

    garyice Ensign

    Mar 6, 2021
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    It is good to have. but a automated info tab would be even better to have.
    Like if you "meet" one of this all it's pices would be listed in a PDA page or something.
    So when you meet a lot of these guys you would have a mean to quickly check where to buy and where to sell.
    I hope it is understandable the way I tried to describe it.

    Basicly just an option to see prices of visited vendors from afar too.
    Even better if we can see/search/get listed the lowest and highest prices for each comodity everywhere (only visited traders of course)
    maybe with a % of the profit.
    So for instance you mentioned industrials need robots and workers.
    But how can I know (If I do not take notes of all the prices on paper) that selling the cheaply bought human crew (from a Free colonists station)
    Is better to sell in "A" system's mining station or better if I sell them on "B" system's minging station? Or even better If I sell them in System C to a Gas station... ALSO Where did I see them crews at the lowest price (my buy price of course)?

    So when I visit a COL station to buy crew... In game I could have an indicator that all of the known (to my character) options, where should I sell it and how much profit I could make... And even IF I have a better option to buy them elsewhere according to my knowledge.


    As for new comodities...

    1. PETS
    And means to "aquire them" via other methods as well. like collecting eggs and hatch them dinos. Or just picking them off from planets.
    Therefore some kind of a tranqualizer gun would be cool too :D
    And of course small aliens (cats and dogs alikes or "equivalents" or each :D )
    (pets could be "useable"/placeable too like NPCs, not just commodities)

    Or even substances which are forbidden in some systems and free and cheep to buy in other systems... so where it forbidden...if you go near a patrol having some in your inventory or ship storage... could make trouble with the locals.... BUT could bring very big profits to sell in a system where they are illegal.

    3. IMPLANTS Or real organs?
    Not to mention farming these as well :D But I am not that kind of animal. :D Simply buy and sell is perfectly okay for now. :D
  3. Average Spearman

    Average Spearman Ensign

    Mar 27, 2021
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    A simple addition to the on-hover description to tell me the amount per unit I bought a stack of commodity items for would be handy. Stacks with differing prices that get merged could just have their "bought for" values weighted and averaged by quantity
  4. El_Globo

    El_Globo Commander

    Jul 2, 2020
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    Speaking of traders, please insert assault rifle V2 into traders stuff ! It's still missing for sell (I did a posdt for that).
  5. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Really like this direction, but...

    1. By and large, the profit margins are, well, marginal. There is also little to point anyone in the direction of a "good deal", save a lot of guesswork.

    2. For-profit trading can be a complete zero-risk venture. One only needs the reputation to use a local teleporter or two, and trading can be done via teleporters with no risk at all. But even hauling a shipload of commodities is relatively safe, as the AI is only interested in blasting your core and could care less about what cargo you may be carrying. Even if there was an interest in your cargo, there's no real way for the AI to interact, either through dialog, or even by attempting to raid a ship for its cargo.

    3. There is still only one means of intra-player transactions - the Trade Terminals, for a fee. Personally, I'd like to open a restaurant where players can gather, purchase food, enjoy a meal and a nice view and then go back to blowing each other up for no real reason at all - without having to rely on either a trade terminal or an active player-to-player "drop your credit chits in this box, get your stuff from that box" clunky trade.
  6. MoronWMachinegun

    MoronWMachinegun Ensign

    Aug 5, 2021
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    I think the idea overall is great. I'd like to see "system states" and "sector status", similar to Elite Dangerous but simpler. A star system can have two separate variables - a fixed one represents the current tech/size level of the system (outpost/settlement/metropolis) - this sets the supplies it needs and produces (outposts need finished goods and produce minerals, metropolis needs minerals and produces finished goods, etc).

    Then there is a variable one that represents current demand (boom/normal/bust) that sets rough prices across that system that varies each week. And a separate sector status (poor/ok/rich) for a sector within a solar system to set final prices. So you can make OK money transporting goods between two planets in a solar system, but much more lucrative to transport money between solar systems in different states. And finally, some goods get cheaper/more expensive based on faction - humans might love narcotics (high price), while Pirates make them (cheap).

    It was fairly easy to find a trade route in a single sector that netted 40% one way (hint: look for alloy production facilities). And one time I found a station with a buyer and seller placed right next to each other. With 40% each direction, it didn't take long to get to millions of credits.

    A pretty simple "solution" would be trade credits cause pirate clans reputation to fall (1 pt per 100 credits maybe?) - unless you buy/sell at pirate clan stations, which causes a reputation fall at Polaris or Colonists. And now when you trade too much - you can get hunted by a faction! And with the "perfect" trade route ever-changing, and potentially through a dangerous star-system, you now get some conflict occurring,
  7. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    These guys standing around with a display (thread screenshot) always have crap prices, I never buy or sell anything at them. So they are pure decor for me. The reason is there are lots of alternatives which yield you better than average prices to sell or lower than average prices to buy, and they don't even have exceptional rare goods in their stock.

    I think you should replace them with squeletons because in real life they would die from hunger :)

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