Feedback Required Three things you absolutely LIKE about Empyrion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. gaming

    gaming Ensign

    Oct 24, 2020
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    Hello , I advanced today with my farm ship to a corner of the universe of an area.
    On the way there: Many systems are PvP, but with 42 max players on a game server and the elevation of so many worlds (systems) you don't meet anyone anymore. Building a base on remote system as an outpost I find only in PvE systems (if at all!). Why should you? All resources are available near your main base. I could build anywhere without being attacked. Almost all systems are empty. Even the planets and moons rarely have a building from an NPC faction (or even with a territorial claim) and that in their own systems and sectors. Here and there a few wrecks. In the last sector there were two ships flying around and they didn't notice me, although I was 2km close to them and they were enemies. I thought the closer I got to a central point, the more difficult it would be and the more enemies there would be in the systems attacking me. Nope ... just nothing.
    I collect points in the ranking list for visited systems, planets, moons, POI's and and ... but otherwise? I fly back to the main base and process the ores I still brought with me. What now? Fly to another corner of the universe ... does it look different there?
    I farm exclusively asteroids because everything is easy to get here. This makes planets and moons as good as uninteresting. Or I let mining drones work in PvE. Refuel them and collect tons of material in a single day. The only thing is Xeno ... I can only get that from a base.
    PvP an option ... okay but where do I fly to and how long do I wait until someone comes? If I set a building and get an alarm, great ... but it takes time until that happens and if I am far away or my teammates of the faction are not online or far away? Until I'm back - it just takes too long. If you could at least see where others are hanging out and look for them in a PvP sector and hunt them down.
    But now to the 3 things:
    1. NPC factions: Enemies or friends with NPC's. What are friends for, when you can get everything that way. Apart from that, once you've shot down an NPC ship, no new ones will come along any time soon, will they? Their systems are easy to fly through and farm out. There should be resources I need that are only available in certain regions with certain factions. If I don't want to be constantly attacked, I should have an interest in having you as a friend. That would make sense. Inevitably with another one then an enemy. Which makes it hard for me to maybe get another resource. But like this ... it doesn't matter ... does it?

    2. food: You grow protein and in the survival constructor you can build and carry hundreds of bars. This undermines the whole food theme. Completely missing the survival idea. At most 10 should go in there and that's it!

    3rd theme: Dying: Apart from the fact that my deaths are listed in a ranking list and it bothers me personally, there are no consequences. No loss of an ability, experience or a temporary restriction of an ability or abilities. For example, one day in-game I can no longer use my vehicles as efficiently and fly 20% slower, die again 25% etc.

    Hope is the right place for this here ... I love this game and see many potential to optimize and extend this game ... Thanks on the developer for so great game.
    zaphodikus likes this.
  2. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    Welcome to the galaxy @gaming . Thanks for your inputs, do join in the general forum threads for help an how to find a "server" where some of your questions may, in fact have answers.
  3. gaming

    gaming Ensign

    Oct 24, 2020
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    Hi, I play on Eleon Studios - Official EU Server and have a own server for testing. Many tousend hours in the game and I am not a beginner. I'm not really looking for answers or a discussion. That was probably the wrong category. It should be in dislike, if that's right or should I put it in there again? sorry. Could you move? Because there's a lot that's missing from the game, and I'm not alone in my opinion. Optimisation and additions should be made here. I'm describing what the topic is. I would like to give impulses and share what is in discusses in my fraction. I am not yet a forum expert ;) sorry have not used it much previously
    zaphodikus likes this.
  4. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    1. Freedom in all ways: be it making allys or foes of the npc, choosing if i want to play alone or mp, choosing own goals, building my ship as i like ingame, adding a mod or modding myself.
    2. its in space AND on planets - fight with guns AND with spaceships.
    3. the fact its a sandbox, but with npcs that seem a bit alive (could be more npc-npc-interaction)
    Germanicus likes this.
  5. Pembroke

    Pembroke Commander

    Mar 26, 2017
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    1. Exploration content. There are animals, NPCs, plants, ships, bases, enemies, friends, you know, "stuff". The universe feels alive. No, this is not "of course there are". It's a huge thing.

    2. It has story content but it lets me to do it in my own time as fast or as slow as I want, and there's the freedom to try original solutions for them. So many bad games that force a linear path on you, or worse put you on a clock. Empyrion does the story telling right and lets the player have fun.

    3. Survival aspects. Well, duh, I like survival games. Otherwise I wouldn't have bought this game. This one is obvious but still worth mentioning. It defines your target audience.
    byo13 and Germanicus like this.
  6. Darinth

    Darinth Commander

    Jan 11, 2021
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    1. Effective but simple physics. Don't get me wrong, I sunk a lot of hours into Kerbal and enjoyed playing with all of it's physics, but it's also nice to have physics that are a little less complex (not less realistic, because lets be honest... Kerbal's physics aren't realistic...). The ships generally behave roughly like you'd expect them to. Placing thrusters at the right locations generally has the effect you want. Yeah, you end up with ships that can turn themselves over despite having no upward facing thrusters (because the ship just calculates how much rotational force it has based on thruster distance from center of mass) but it's close enough to not generally be too immersion breaking while still being a lot of fun.
    2. Having an enjoyable story in a survival game. Lets face it, most survival games don't have one or certainly don't have one that's enjoyable. The story here isn't some super-compelling, tear-jerking epic... but it's enjoyable. You have fun with the story itself.
    3. Freedom. Yes, I still occasionally find the things that I should be able to do but can't, like take over planet AI ships, but there's still generally a huge variety of different actions I can take and ways to go about doing them. I can use the motorcycle that base turrets have trouble tracking to make my way up to the front of a building and blow the door open. I can take a hover tank and level the outer defences. I can take a huge CV and just fly over the base and level the entire thing basically from orbit. It feels like there's always more than one way to deal with a situation.
    byo13 likes this.
  7. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    1. This is probably the only space survival game I know that I can browse though 35.000 SVs in the workshop, find one I like, download a small file under 1 MB, gather resources to build it, then after built, change everything I don't like about it like guns, increase storage, save template.
    BDAKiwi likes this.
  8. Kaloriaa

    Kaloriaa Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    1.) Building I find ship and base building very fun. Loving the Blueprint function as well.
    2.) Space Exploration being able to land on planets and setting a base on them for exploration.
    3.) Traders and the Market. I like the concept of being about to buy and sell.
  9. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    I was thinking about this the other day when I was considering to buy Red Dead Redemption 2 or Cyberbugs 2077.

    Empyrion is the perfect game for me. I would waste money on other games and leave them rotting in my virtual shelf.
    In the past I always enjoyed freedom and crafting stuff.
    Age of Empires 2 is still one of my favorite games of all time. You could gather resources, explore and build things. But it was somewhat limited to crafting military stuff and fighting. That's alright though.

    Then I found Settlers 4 and was instantly in love. Users found the combat to be clumsy but that was not what made me play that game for years. It was the complexity of building stuff, one resource depending on another, so many different resources to take care of.

    Some time later I found out the classic FPS sandbox games like Far Cry, Crysis. etc. They all have a special place in my heart.

    I don't play GTA V, RDR or other games too much. I do play them from time to time but I have no patience to follow a linear story line or step by step missions. I prefer freedom to play. Sandbox games allowed me to do that but in the context of action.

    Then comes Empyrion with a vast galaxy to be played the way I want to play it. I can gather whatever the amount of resources and items I want. I can build bases and ships everywhere with no limitations (SP). I can steal bases, loot them and tear them down, look for trouble in ultra planets/sectors, trade, change things in config files to fit my playing style. Even No Man Sky (which is also a great game) gives you 6 ships maximum and base size restrictions and that's it.

    So, for me, Empyrion is the best game I have ever played because it fills every part of what I think it's great in a game. And I've been playing games since Doom. :D
    BDAKiwi likes this.
  10. Wakfu

    Wakfu Commander

    Apr 19, 2017
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    emergent gameplay...
    more exploration dynamic
    faction vs faction wars and territory and enlisting the player to one cause or another. distress calls from a faction assets under attack on the planet or in space.

    hire me as a game designer. ill work for free.

    I could give you a 1000 little EASY to implement ideas, which goes well in hand with what you have already made possible Empryion.
  11. Mac Moun10

    Mac Moun10 Ensign

    Oct 8, 2020
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    1, The open world, I'm not tied to quests all the time, Freedom
    2, Building, building and more (you got it) building, then destroying .
    3, The ability to play (back to freedom really) solo or in a MP game as I wish.
    3a. the challenge.
    byo13 and Germanicus like this.
  12. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    1) The overall good diversity of POIs through the game and the new size of the galaxy compared to other games
    2) The big potential of additional quality scenarios and custom POIs that can be added to the game, plus the survival aspect, this combination makes it a great game.
    3) For the detail level that I expect in this game genre, the building mechanics are already amazing.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2021
    byo13 and Germanicus like this.
  13. Snaky

    Snaky Lieutenant

    Feb 20, 2021
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    Hi all,

    Three awesome things i like :

    1 - Freedom for exploration !
    2 - Investigating abandonned bases and droping cool stuff
    3 - Building things as you want ( bases, ships, need some land vehicules to be more fun :p )

    Kassonnade likes this.
  14. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I, and other players, want this very much, but you can't imagin the amount of flak I received for wishing this... :cool:
    Casey likes this.
  15. fa_q2

    fa_q2 Commander

    Oct 30, 2019
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    As everyone else has said many times: the building. Mainly being able to build something that you can fly and fight in which is mostly lacking in other games.

    Logistics. Love the logistics system. This is another thing that I miss when playing other survival games, it is just so much simpler to manage inventories.

    The scale. The universe may be pretty empty at this moment but it is huge and there is a lot of space to stretch out in.
  16. Balthazod

    Balthazod Lieutenant

    Mar 3, 2020
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    1. Building, but could do with more shapes
    2. mods Project Eden/Reforged Galaxy.
    3. The land scape scenery but the npc models are pants.
  17. Casey

    Casey Lieutenant

    Feb 26, 2020
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    1) Open universe to explore, finding new POIs, equipment, or factions

    2) Attacking and taking an enemy station, whether on the ground or in space. The difficulty level is fairly good - I die sometimes, respawn, and eventually I make it through feeling satisfied at taking the station.

    3) The ability to adjust every block on my ship. I hit an enemy or station that takes out half my ship. I repair it, and have to redesign it to take on the more powerful enemy.
  18. hydrogenmissle

    hydrogenmissle Ensign

    Aug 6, 2021
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    creative freedom, the immersion, the fact npcs have their own in planet territories and POIs, CVs being a mobilel base, theres not a whole lot i dont like about this game i think its pretty damn good
  19. AmicusJose

    AmicusJose Lieutenant

    Aug 10, 2021
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    Three things I absolutely like about Empyrion:
    1. The game let you create your own ships/base; the game let you spawn ship/base from blueprints.
    2. (placeholder)
    3. (placeholder)
  20. Ente

    Ente Commander

    May 20, 2021
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    1. Lets me build stuff and use it. Creative freedom isn't just a word in this game.
    2. The story. I really want to know how it continues.
    3. Community involvement. Having player developed factions and player built POIs and Ships in the game is great.
    Don2k7 likes this.

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