Single player totally cocked since 1.5: Regeneratable POIs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Thor'sHammer, Aug 12, 2021.

  1. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    OK. I can, like many, be ... Umm ... passionate ... about my view of things in EGS, but this one has me totally pissed.

    No sugar coating, 1.5 has ruined single player. Fixed the Story, broke the game.

    Whoever decided that POI's should all be regeneratable in SINGLE PLAYER was out of their {EXPLETIVE DELETED} mind.

    It's SINGLE PLAYER you dummies! Fine, in MP I get you can't have a player cock up a POI by replacing the core. Got it. Makes sense.

    But I should NOT have to go to God Mode to play normally as a single player vanilla. This "Can't place a Core in a Regeratable Base" nonsense totally kills a perfectly valid gameplay strategy.

    Add to it: "You cannot do this here, Enemy Base nearby"
    and the ever stupid:
    "Can't spawn Drone near an Enemy Base" (WHAT? That's one of the biggest uses for a drone!)

    It's a SURVIAL GAME at it's core. You would TOTALLY kill a Drone Base and claim it as your own. You would TOTALLY re-Core a floating derelict CV (like the 553 in the Minefield) and repair it as a starter CV.

    In fact, I completely reworked that ship previously, adding Warp, weapons, etc. It was one of the most fun games I've played! I renamed it the 409 (after a song from the '60, Beach Boys, you old farts get it). Still have it in my Factory, never published it.

    Now? You can pick at the Cargo Boxes but forget re-coring. Why? So you don't muck it up for someone else.

    WHAT??? Are you nuts? It's not even part of the the bloody storyline!



    Besides, if the logic of not blowing up the storyline by regenerating the POI's if damaged is a given, why the heck can you still not touch it AFTER you've done that story item?? And why would an abandoned base or ship continue to be protected? But that's for STORYLINE Bases and Ships. Why are ALL the POIs protected?????!?!?



    Get it? ONE player? So the players cannot now interact with the things they find?

    I'm out of words on this. This is so dumb from so many angles.
  2. Pembroke

    Pembroke Commander

    Mar 26, 2017
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    Do you mean you can't put your own core into a story campaign mission POI even after you destroy the original core? You can definitely salvage them. Or, at least, in my current v1.5 game I dismantled the whole UCH Heidelberg after destroying its core and dumped it into the Factory. As usual. It's a nice way to get your first CV reasonably quickly...

    But I didn't bother putting in my own core. Is that no longer allowed? Can't really see the reason why not as you are anyway allowed to salvage the POI as the core is set to destructible. If you've completed the mission the POI is part of then it's no longer relevant to the progression of the game so the player should be allowed to do with it whatever he wants, at least in single-player.

    So, you destroyed the core and the tried placing your own and it refused? Huh.
    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  3. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    You have regeneration enabled.
  4. ASTIC

    ASTIC Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2016
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    You can accept POIs if the setting
    RegeneratePOIs: False
    is set in your gameoptions.yaml
    Unfortunately this switch does not affect POIs that have already been created.
    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  5. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Instead of throwing a Tantrum why did you not write a BUG Report?
    If the Regeneration is actually ON in SP...THAT is a BUG worth of being reported. For sake of all Single Players.
    Consider it, yes?;)
    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  6. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Does it happen with all or just a particular POI?

    The game files need to be manually changed for that to happend and by what you're describing you may be standing on the map border

    It's not usual for POIs to spawn close to it but not unheard of and the messages are not helpfull but chek the map to see if you're close to the border that goes from top to bottom

    You can not do nothing at the grey area around the map border
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2021
    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  7. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Yes and Yes As a matter of fact it means that the UCH Heidelberg can be looted multiple times! It's a Regenerable POI, so it resets itself, restoring core items like loot boxes so the storyline can't be broken by a noob who loots it early.

    No, no longer allowed, hence the rant. This part is my exact point.

    Before, if you re-cored a POI it allowed you to "own" the Base, Ship, etc which allowed you to add or remove blocks and devices with your Multitool, so you'd get a generator or constructor, not just some steel plate & fiber optics cable. This new setup changes that. You only get parts or occasionally an intact item.

    You could also then repair the POI and use it as a Base or Ship, although a lot of ships are actually cored as bases ... a different discussion I'm good with (that battle has been fought many times on here). I'm not objecting to that part, I get it.

    Ahhh.... No, I don't have it enabled, the Devs did this to Single Player, the whole point of this post. :(

    Yeah, that's an option, but it goes to the whole point of this post; the Devs turned it on in SP. As a player I shouldn't have to start hacking config files to make the game work the way it should and did. Plus, as you wisely pointed out, it doesn't affect already created POI's, but thanks very much for the thought!!:):)

    And last, but CERTAINLY not least :p:D @Germanicus - Hi there.


    This one's got me looking at that chair. but, as usual, you're right. :p:p HA!
    Sadly, SP don't get much love these days. MP is how the majority play, and I get that, and that the Devs have to worry about the larger group, it's always been thus. So, yes, kind sir, I will go do my duty and file a Bugger report. Thanks for stopping by to pat me on the head and calm me down.:D

    As to why I haven't ... the Devs have a lot of their plate. My instincts are to try not to pile every little thing I find wrong in the game on their plate until I've run it by the community, to ensure it's not some bonehead mistake I'm making that can be fixed easily. Eh?

    Despite the rant I LOVE this game, as you know.

    Cheers! off to file my report and direct my wrath in the proper direction! :mad::mad::eek::eek::D
    Thanks all!
  8. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Quote: Sadly, SP don't get much love these days
    Nope. That isn't the Case at all. But every time ELEON decides to upgrade UNITY a can of Worms get opened.

    SP as still the largest but MP/COOP are the Loudest:p.
  9. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    ROTFPMP Well, current company excluded of course ...
    OK, that statement probably isn't true but I have to be dramatic don't I? :rolleyes:

    Unity - yeah, I hear that. I'm sure much hair tearing occurs on their part for sure.

    BTW - Bug Report submitted.
    Germanicus likes this.
  10. krosbonez

    krosbonez Lieutenant

    Sep 30, 2020
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    Sorry you are having this issue. I am thinking it is a bug on your end as I have started several Vanilla playthroughs since the last big update and the following patches and have not seen this issue. I can core almost anything in Vanilla except for a few POIs. I just started another playthrough last night and cored the Heidelberg to retrieve whole devices.
    You might consider validating your game files?
    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  11. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    You have poi regeneration enabled, or you have encountered a bug.
    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  12. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Have done that twice already. FYI I fix computers for a living ... :)

    It's also persisted through three separate (NEW) games played since 1,5 released, so ...

    When you say you cored the Heidelberg, are you referring to REMOVING the core or REPLACING the core? The latter is what this is about, and it's on ALL POI's that have previously allowed RE-coring. Thanks for the help, it IS appreciated!;)

    I heard ya the first time, my Friend. But this is on a Single player, Vanilla, with a COMPLETE reset of config files (no mods done) after the release of 1.5, before starting any games in it.

    Anything that's "enabled" was done by the Devs, not me. Now, I'll give you there may be a corruption there, but Steam Validation doesn't find it.

    I tend to try and leave my configs alone, about the only thing I remember changing since I started playing over 1800 hours ago (since A6 IIRR) is upping the number of solar panels allowed on a base. Interestingly, that base was the "Abandoned Outpost" POI which does not allow re-coring now. Tried that last game.

    Remove the core & loot, yes. Place Player core, no. Virgin configs, no molestation occurred.:D But thanks for the feedback. One day I'll wander over into your world(s) for a go at it. It keeps calling me in a soft voice ... {Come try me, come try me...}
  13. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    {Gleefully replies to his own thread ... :rolleyes:}

    OK All - I made my bug report and was promptly answered (the care this Dev team has for it's people is incredible, I've had issues with games that took weeks for there to be a reply and then it was surly).

    As @ravien_ff and @krosbonez both said, Regeneration WAS indeed on (and I was sure it was too), but I was informed it was NOT supposed to be on in Singleplayer by default. Changed the gameoptions.yaml file to RegeneratePOIs: False and all's well. (At least on the one 'Wreckage' that I tested).


    That leads me to the question of; does that mean for a Single player that the Storyline POI's are NOT protected?? Doesn't matter to me personally, but I was under the impression all this was to protect them. Are they protected individually?

    I think I'll wander by the UCH Heidelberg and check if it allows a core now. I'll report back tomorrow.

    Another aspect of this that bothers me is the endless looting that having an auto regenerative POI creates. Seems like a bit of a cheat mode. If you clean out a POI I don't feel it should suddenly refill it's loot boxes.

  14. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Thanks, but the map border wasn't the issue (I've been down THAT road more than once LOL, it sure confused me the 1st time). Never saw a POI spawn there, but that would blow a noob's mind, for sure.

    For some odd reason (read "Glitch" the ever popular bane of computer life) my RegeneratePOIs: True was set in my gameoptions.yaml file.

    I plead not guilty!! :) I leave the configs alone for the most part. Just glitch, now fixed, but there's more to the story if you care to read about it.
    Thanks for the post tho' !
  15. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    Well the game options file for me has regeneration switched off so for me at's off by default without me having to change anything.
    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  16. Arthmoor

    Arthmoor Commander

    Sep 30, 2020
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    Weird. With 1.5.6 (build 3446) starting a new game doesn't set the POI regeneration for me.
    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  17. Pembroke

    Pembroke Commander

    Mar 26, 2017
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    They should have an Admin Core making them protected against accidental destruction *but* the Cores should be set to be destructible (or at least most of the Story POI's should be so set) allowing you blow up the Core and loot the place. Of course, if you do that then you obviously are doing it deliberately so works ok.

    Seems then that the actual bug here is that the regeneration options is set ON by default in single-player. Which it shouldn't. Or was it your game only and not occurring everywhere? Haven't checked my config file...
    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  18. Question.
    Did you perhaps start the game with the "Invader vs Defender - Conflict of Cygnus" scenario by chance?

    I only ask because the gameoptions file in the save you provided in your bug report looks very suspiciously like the same gameoptions that comes with that scenario.
    Yes it's a scenario that comes with the game but it is not the default game.

    That scenario is set up to have regenerating POI's on by default, even in singleplayer mode. It's on purpose.

    The gameoptions in the save you provided looks nothing like the vanilla default game. It's either the scenario I mentioned above, another custom scenario, or somehow you possibly swapped something somehow(?).
    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  19. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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  20. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    I suspect that was the problem, just a personal glitch. Take a look at the link posted above for what the Devs said. My understanding of it is that there's a "Master" gameoptions.yaml file that is copied each time you start a new game, with the changes you selected at the start incorporated. THAT file is then the one loaded each time you start that game. Again, as I understand it.

    Interesting, but I have never played a scenario, just plain Vanilla.
    Just found out about Scenarios right after 1.5 released. Seems I'm a bit of a slow learner sometimes :confused::rolleyes: {Blushes}

    Seriously, I was "WHAT there are SCENARIOS??!? wAs i AsleEP? I also still haven't tried the Edens, plan on rectifying that next run through.
    Also will check out Invader vs Defender... although I'm not sure 'bout those regenerating POI's - HA!!

    Haven't played today, I'll report on the UCH Heidelberg later.

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