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Discussion in 'Official Eleon Server' started by RexXxuS, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Try if its fine now
    Germanicus likes this.
  2. Kegann

    Kegann Ensign

    Aug 12, 2021
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    It is better, but the base is gone as well as all the collected resources. Guess it can't be perfect
  3. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    I would need the name or Id of the base for this
  4. Kegann

    Kegann Ensign

    Aug 12, 2021
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    The base was dr1 on Korro but if it is too much trouble don't worry about it.
    I am going to take a break from this game for a while It is a bit demoralizing to put in the time and have it all disappear.
    Thanks for your help
  5. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    It got deleted because you broke the Rules

    Korro is a Starting Planet. You have 7 days after placeing your core.
    If you didnt move away in those 7 days your things get removed.

    Ive restored it. Means you have again 7 days from now. If you dont move away it will get removed again
  6. Kegann

    Kegann Ensign

    Aug 12, 2021
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    So let me get this straight. I was in the process of building my capital ship to leave the area when I logged off. Somehow I got reset back to level 1 my base was there for my alliance to use the entire next day while you sorted out he issues. Then you delete my base and I lost all of the mats I had in the factory building my ship. AND you say I broke the rules... I will not return to this game. I intend to ask for a refund as well, and I will not be recommending this to anyone.

    Thanks for your time.
  7. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    The system deletes your base, not me.
    Iam not checking everyone's structures all day long who is longer then 7 days on a Starting World.
    Its all automaticly done.

    We (me) only interact on the Server when a player needs support

    You created it on the 5th. You had 5 warnings from the tool with the latest warning on the 11th that it was going to be deleted.

    Since it was set to a Faction. EVERY faction member saw this warning


    This Personal Wipe Timer is nothing new. It has been there for ages.

    Personal Wipe
    Personal Wipe Counter means that each player in the starter system (planet + orbit) has 7 days for their spawned structures. Each player and each structures independently (personal). You can always check the remaining time of your structures with the command "cb:wipe".
    If you spawn / built a SV on 3th of a month and you try to leave the starter planet Eleen on 13th, the SV will be or is already removed. The Base you spawned / built on 8th however stays (2 days remaining).
    It's easy if you check your cb:wipe counter regulary (and of course only on the Starter Planets + their Orbits). It does not count for all the other playfields!
    I never have a problem with restoring people there stuff. As anyone can simple forget about it. I just warn them what will happen if they break the 7 days again. (what is a rule.)
    Because you will lose it again. And I simple wont restore it a second time as now you should know what happens

    When something gets restored you get it all back. Including the inventory of the Containers
  8. Kegann

    Kegann Ensign

    Aug 12, 2021
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    So again this is my fault. The game reset me to level 1 before I logged in on the 11th (which would have beat the reset timer) I should have been able to complete my ship to leave then; however, the GAME SCREWED UP!!!!!! I do not see how you can justify this in any way. The more you try to say I am wrong on this; the more I want to write a review of the game. Please just accept that you have lost at least one customer as well as my friends.

    Again and hopefully for the final time, thanks for your assistance
  9. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Your level got restored. Your Structures got restored. You got everything back.

    So whats the problem?

    Your are continueing causeing an issue over something that got fixed.

    Iam not blaming anyone here. Iam just stating how it is.
    When it comes to it, i follow what our Tools say UNLESS the players comes with proof that its different.
    You are playing on our Server. That means you have to follow our rules aswell.
    If you do not want those rules, or cant accept them. There other Servers out there or create your own.

    However if thats how you feel :)
  10. boo

    boo Commander

    May 8, 2019
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    you should put a big warning on starter planet saying player here have 7 days to leave the starter planet before the wipe, most of new player didnt know their base and ship will wipe after 7 days here.
  11. fzmnm

    fzmnm Ensign

    Aug 21, 2021
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    Some problems about the starter zone rule

    1. howto use cb:wipe command. At first I thought it uas an console command. It takes me 8 days before I realized I should type this command in chat instead of in console. I think it is a good idea to clarify it on the wipe rules page
    2.When I enter the space I received a message that I can not warp back to the start zone if I exit it. But I'm confused whether the starter zone is a planet or a solar system.
    3. How do I pick up my friend after I leave the starter zone? Do I need to teach him remotely until he builds a capital warp vessel?

  12. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    CB Commands are all typed in the Game Chat. If you have a faction you have to type them in Faction Chat. If you dont have a faction you may use Global Chat

    A starter zone is all planets moons and space inside this one sector

    F.ex. Atlon, Mato its moon and space is a Starter Zone

    You either have to wait for your friend and deal with the 7 days timer. Or he has to build a simple SV or CV and fly his self
  13. fzmnm

    fzmnm Ensign

    Aug 21, 2021
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    Some of the OAM are not working. The refuel time is wrong set to 1900 year
  14. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Thanks, will be looked at

    EDIT: We checked it, its not a bug. You have to put more fuel in it for it to work
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2021
  15. Affamole

    Affamole Ensign

    Jul 13, 2017
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    Hi there,
    I am unable to join Offical Server | Vanilla | Default MP Scenario,. I get the loading screen but oncce the cclient has loaded the structures I end up with the background image of the menu screen with music playng and nothing else happening, I can not close the client, I have to 'Alt Cintrol Delete' & use the task manager to close the client.

  16. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    PM me your client logs AFTER you forced closed the game
    Germanicus likes this.
  17. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    I'm trying to determine if I'm experiencing an issue. Playing on official US server and I believe I'm having issues with the Explorers Guild. Traveling to moons or landing on them is not adding a new log or token. I have "barren" already but nothing else is completing. Also I hit level 21 but the only reward I have received is the epic drill. Is there documentation that shows what reward is given at what level? The Polaris Trade Station GIN console only gives me an option to turn in reward tokens and the pedia doesn't appear to catalogue this info.
  18. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    You have to open the GIN and look for the reward list. After the Epic Drill you should receive an epic Autominer.
    Eventually try to verify by STEAM. Maybe you're missing a file.
  19. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    Verifying doesn't seem to have helped. Of course maybe I'm doing something wrong?
    This is all the GIN console in the Polaris Trade Station shows me

    The pedia doesn't elaborate on the conditions for discovering planets and moons. Still can't seem to unlock other moon types.
  20. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    Hi, There are no rewards at this point on the Official Servers
    Germanicus and bluemax151 like this.

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