Help needed Config file no longer the go to for editing?

Discussion in 'Custom Playfields & Systems' started by Liang, Sep 27, 2021.

  1. Liang

    Liang Captain

    Jul 10, 2018
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    So, been away from the game since around April and decided to come check out some of the great updates since 1.5 and have found a major issue with trying to edit some items for an Config.ecf file. Nothing I have changed and placed into the file is taking in game. I even made two copies, one for the /mods folder and one for the content folder yet nothing is taking in game.

    Browsing the forums I have seen some mentions of doing other files like BlocksConfig instead, but no mention of making a new file specifically for the Mods folder or not or if the new file should only contain the changes or not.

    What, if any are the new rules for modding?

    Example of one of the changes I want to make is, to increase the limits on the amount of solar panels that can be placed, increase the amount of ammo in the assault rifle clips.
  2. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    No the config.ecf doesnt work anymore

    You need to use the BlocksConfig and ItemsConfig.ecf

    Those files need the full file, otherwise it wont work
    Liang likes this.
  3. Liang

    Liang Captain

    Jul 10, 2018
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  4. zaphodikus

    zaphodikus Captain

    Oct 1, 2016
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    Also been away a long while.

    Is there a chance we can remove example_config.ecf file, or at least replace it with a file with a comment line to indicate what you just said there Taelyn? I'm pretty sure it would cost 15 minutes at most to make this easier?
  5. DigitalRommel

    DigitalRommel Ensign

    Oct 8, 2023
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    If configuration and def files were in XML, we could use XSLT for our simple transformations that would not need the whole files repeated (and corrupted with every update).

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