Ha this might take a while , what are the steps to get started for the virtual backpack / clan backpack
You fill find the mod package here https://empyriononline.com/threads/mod-my-mods-astic-compatible-with-the-v1-5.49107/ and the docs here https://github.com/GitHub-TC?tab=repositories
On my own dedicated server, the Backpack Extender also works fine without problems, but with a cooldown of 60 seconds.
The cooldown can be configurated in the JSON file in the savegame mod folder - and the default cooldown for vb is 60sec
BackpackExtender in action for cross savegame (here Reforged Eden 1.5 (compatibility fix) to a new final Reforged Eden 1.5 ) support on the Fractureserver ;-) Access the items/blocks via names not via id.
I have a dedicated server on GTXGaming. They enabled FTP for me and I uploaded this and the Empryion Scripting mod. Scripting mod is working fine but this mod causes me to lose connection to the playfield when I attempt to invoke it. I did not use a mod loader but it went in the correct folder and it created a config in my existing save on first launch of the server after install. Are there problems with the latest release of empyrion? I am running the newest Empyrion with the latest Project Eden.
The ModLoader serves not only as a decoupling of the API 1 mods but also fixes some of the errors of this interface. Therefore just take the whole package of the API 1 mods which you can find in the ModLoader.zip file here https://empyriononline.com/threads/mod-my-mods-astic-compatible-with-the-v1-5.49107/
Thank you very much for this clarification. I downloaded the ModDownloader.zip. So just put that entire file structure in my content/mods folder (Except for the individual mods I don't want)? And that's it? So there would be a separate mods folder within this structure? "Therefore just take the whole package of the API 1 mods which you can find in the ModLoader.zip file here" Assuming whole packages means the entire contents of the zip?
@Viperian Exactly, the entire contents of the zip file. The API1 mods are in there in a subdirectory and are loaded by specifying the file "[EGS]\Content\Mods\ModLoader\Host\DllNames.txt".
Got it working thank you. Had to have GTX place the .exe themselves but once they did everything works great. Thanks a lot!
@ASTIC Thanks for your great work. However I have a few problems with the instructions sometimes. I am currently setting up a cross server VB (with shared folder), and as you propably know you will then have different IDs on items. The named items seems to be the solution, however i am not all that clear on where i get the nameidmapping.json from, and if there should be 1 such file for each of the 2 servers?
You must then specify the mapping file, which is provided e.g. by EmpyrionScripting RELATIVELY in the Config of the Backpackextender. The current directory is the respective EmpyrionServer. e.g. Savegamedir here is DefaultRE Code: { ... "NameIdMappingFile": "Saves\\Games\\DefaultRE\\Mods\\EmpyrionScripting\\NameIdMapping.json", ... }
Problem is that i cannot find any nameidmapping.json from empyrion scripting and i am unclear how to get it from the savegame. As you can se here, this is what empyrion scripting has left me: