[Guide] Signal Loops

Discussion in 'Knowledge & Info' started by sulusdacor, Oct 16, 2021.

  1. sulusdacor

    sulusdacor Captain

    Nov 27, 2018
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    video explanation of the stuff above and some different loops/variations:

    the basic principle is the same for all loops:

    you have a start signal (in example builds always motion sensor, but can be other) that triggers a next signal over a delay(simple loop). in more complex loops this triggers multiple signals linked by delay chains. (see the simple loop(extended) and the basic loops)
    the motion sensor then restarts the loop again. (limitation of simple loop is that you can only "properly" switch between two states, not more -> shown in simple loop extended)

    in the examples the motion sensor has two functions: as starter and as the looper by "storing" a signal. the initial start up and the closing of the loop each cycle. a starter can be anything that gives out that initial signal (lever, signal in P-menue etc.). for the looper at the end you need an item that can give/trigger signals and follow them. meaning an item that you can assign a signal too and that can at the same time follow it. a ramp/shutter etc will do the trick too.

    in the examples:
    you LCDs or lights or things you want to run at the loop follow the signal 001 to 004. only exception would be the simple loop, since it is just one delay signal long you can run on signal 001 and signal 001 inverted or the motion sensor and the motion sensor inverted signal, or a mix of these, all result in the same.

    to use things like shutter etc. just replace the motion sensor and his corresponding signals with the shutter. but you need to manually start it up the, except at the last where you have the lever for this function -> basic loop (on/off)

    simple loop:

    simple loop (extended)
    basic loop:
    basic loop (on/off)

    workshop collection with the builds shown:
  2. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Nice, here is also an example of a loop that will keep on working even when you step away from the signal activation area, it has some quirks though, in the sense that it will sometimes work out of sinc, because the loop is controled by the game internal clock time

    This will start working once you step into the signal activation area, (X), then you can step away from it, but you will need to do so every time a game is loaded


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    Last edited: Oct 17, 2021
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