FPS issue

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Scratty00, Oct 19, 2021.

  1. Scratty00

    Scratty00 Ensign

    Oct 18, 2021
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    Sorry if this has been asked before
    Forgive if I have done this wrong, this is first post and relatively new to this game

    Getting fustrated looking low FPS solution. Typically around 20 fps around structures and over 100fps in space
    i have tried 4k and 2k and all the different quality presets (still the same fps)
    I am running
    AMD Threadripper 2920x
    32 GB Ram
    RTX 3090
    NVMe drives

    I have tried swpping to game mode AMD
    Have done Nvidia CUDA change as suggested
    I have a large number of games this is the first game that has a problem

    Reforged Eden

    SERVER NAME:Aphrodite PVE
  2. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    What is your in-game Resolution Setting?
    This Setting has NO impact on the quality but on FPS and only determines the Resolution of Screenshots taken.
    I own a 4k Monitor but have set my In-Game Resolution to a 16:9 Ratio. 1600 x 900 runs best for me (RX 5500 XT)

    I suggest you try 1920 x 1080 for a start.
    Also start with a lower pre-Set fro the Graphic Setting and customize it step by step.
  3. Scratty00

    Scratty00 Ensign

    Oct 18, 2021
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    I have tried both 4k resolution and 2k resolution 16x9 and tried all 3 presets fast/good/high and tried tweeking individual settings.
    The FPS bounces around around structures at about 20fps and over 100fps in space.
    The weird thing is dropping from 4k to 2k has no impact on fps. Most games would make a big jump in fps.
    Germanicus likes this.
  4. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    What kind of structures? Some things will lag any computer.
  5. Scratty00

    Scratty00 Ensign

    Oct 18, 2021
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    In the area there is user created starport with CV and 3 SV, starport has large hydroponics area, next to starport is Pentaxid farm with 262 pentaxid plants, abit further away are more large base structures with CVs. so quite a few structures nearby.
    FPS gets as low as 12fps in hydroponics farm
    Germanicus likes this.
  6. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    That is entirely possible. What are the size classes of them all and how many are there? That's probably what is causing your issue.
  7. BiffRoders

    BiffRoders Lieutenant

    Feb 6, 2020
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    I'm running a RTX 3070 xc3, never seen it get as low as 20FPS. At most the lowest is 30 to 40 when things get really busy but that was a CPU issue.
    Temperate rain forest on Eden reforged is GPU intensive, 50 or 60 FPS there with temps up to 60 and fans on full pulling 230 watts on the GPU
    However I have noticed that screen mode makes a big difference on FPS on my machine.
    Most efficient mode has been "Fullscreen window"
    1920 x 1080 res max frame rate at 60.
    This game will be a cake walk for a 3090, suspect there is other issues. Some parts of this game is CPU reliant with FPS, even though it does not max out CPU resources, like not all threads are used to complete the job.
    Germanicus likes this.
  8. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Lower shadows or better turn them off, same for the reflections. Provide us with your video settings to see what else can be done.
    sulferon likes this.
  9. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Gardens/ farms = 1 light for each 3x3 blocks ; how large is that "farm" ?
  10. Scratty00

    Scratty00 Ensign

    Oct 18, 2021
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    i am running 4k with standard quality setting of good, changing quality setting makes no difference to fps for me.

    The thing i have noticed is the game is hardly using GPU
    When playing temp gpu sits around 39c, when i play far cry 6 gpu temp is in low 60c.
    Even CPU temp is around 40c , most games take to 50c
    So there is something restricting it.

    RTX3090 is currently the top GPU you can buy at moment and should not have problem.
    AMD 2920x has 12 cores 24 threads
  11. Scratty00

    Scratty00 Ensign

    Oct 18, 2021
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    about 40 hydroponics lamps
  12. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    That doesn't mean much. It's likely the overall size class of all the ships and bases in render range that is causing your lag but without knowing the size classes of them, no one could say for sure.
  13. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Nothing is restricting it. Your GPU usage is fine also for the grade of your card. You still avoid to give us screenshots of your video settings, for some reason. Better try to take a recorded video benchmark, we all know your 3090 can handle the load of both tasks just fine, and then some. Last tip.....supposedly you run the game exclusive full-screen lower the resolution to where you see the FPS you want. Bingo this is the resolution you can have them. Do not worry though, Empyrion is a Unity game and resizes the output to match your desktop resolution, given your run the game full-screen of course. It is not exactly FSR or DSLR but it does the job just fine. Check example screenshots bellow. Oh and I hope you do not run riva tuner or some other FPS limiter, which is not the case I think since you said clearly that in space you get above 100 FPS.

    Screenshot from 2021-10-20 08-29-47.png Screenshot from 2021-10-20 08-30-07.png

    My Pascal manages to reach max clocks and high enough FPS and those are similar to your 3090. Observe the lower right corner for info. Ignore my GPU temp since I made it water-cooled. Before that with the latest updates temp was above 70C air-cooled. Also I have forced the max power draw to be at 160W total. Also ignore the fact that the games is running on linux. I have dual boot and have the same values on windows also.

    Screenshot from 2021-10-20 08-15-07.png

    Final thoughts: You may want to further experiment with profile settings for Empyrion on nvidia control panel. Just whatever you do disable do not forget to Vsync if you have it on. You need to get the raw power of your GPU....
  14. Scratty00

    Scratty00 Ensign

    Oct 18, 2021
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    The prior suggestion of turning off shadows has improved fps to 30ish, which does help alot.
    This is the game video settings

    I will try some of the other suggestions and get the other info.
    But turning off shadows has definitely made game more playable.
  15. Scratty00

    Scratty00 Ensign

    Oct 18, 2021
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    Some more info.
    Having a problem getting FPS monitor to work just downloaded to provide more info.
    Have not needed it as other games work fine.
    Far cry 6 has benchmark and 4k high/extreme gets over 100fps.
    Just to list some games all played in 4k high/extreme settings
    red dead redemption 2,doom eternal,far cry 6,back 4 blood,control with rt,biomutant,predator hg
    left 4 dead 2, pubg to name some

    screenshot2.jpg screenshot3.jpg

    Temps above are in game
    GPU temp raised a little after turning shadows off
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2021
  16. Scratty00

    Scratty00 Ensign

    Oct 18, 2021
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    Missing bit of video settings
    I have tried to tweek video settings as you can see
    Yet to try other suggested settings as I am trying to see if I can live with 30ish fps
  17. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    The FPS killer in this game is lights. Especially if the player walks inside structures with long corridors with lights i.e. Missile base POI. See how the FPS drops and then after you capture it and re-core it walk the same corridors with lights off and notice the FPS gain. Geometry of structures comes after.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  18. Aliensrre@l

    Aliensrre@l Ensign

    May 30, 2021
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    Empyrion - Galactic Survival 2021-10-23 9_51_50 PM.png Hi all, I have low fps problem too.
    My Rig is: i5 9600K
    3070 and 32GB ram
    What I've noticed is sometime my cpu would run with all 6 cores and my fps would be fine around 100-120fps where ever but 95% of time for I don't know what reason my cpu would run only with 2 cores at 100% and other 4 just idling at just few % and my fps would drop down to 30-55fps. I don't know what is the reason that my cpu to starts working only on 2 cores or in other case to make him work on all 6!!!
    And game on starting screen as you can see works on all 6 and later on comes back down to 2 only.

    I've tried:
    fresh game install, new and oldest Nvidia drives that I can find and install it with DDU from safe mode, update BIOS and intel drives, run as administrator, tried turning Game mode ON/OFF in windows and adding game in game mode to run it on High performance also lot different settings in Nvidia Control panel, validate Steam files and as a last step just today installed Windows 11.
    I would be fine with those 50fps if the game uses only two of my cpu cores all the time but it doesent, sometimes it use all 6 and game works really nice, I'm running 2k resolution Fullscreen.

    I have no temp issues, clocks on GPU and CPU are steady.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2021
  19. sulferon

    sulferon Lieutenant

    Aug 24, 2016
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    In my experience, no settings affect as much as shadow settings.
    For some reason, the game renders shadows on the entire structure, including the invisible parts.
    The only way to increase FPS is to disable shadows or lower them to a minimum - on my configuration, this has an effect from 30 FPS to 60 FPS.
    I tried for a long time to find the reason for the decrease in FPS, until I discovered that the drop occurs when the light source (the sun) is always behind your back, and only near a large structure (outside).
    Which, of course, makes creating large CVS useless, and limits the size class much better than the CPU.
    Myrmidon likes this.

    TECHMIKE Ensign

    Apr 27, 2022
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    I'm getting low fps issues also, mine is 2 fps at the lowest that's around the base i barely get over 20 fps. i have a gtx 1050 ti w/ 16 gigs memory & aa AMD ryzen 5 CPU.

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