Poverty Builds

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Robot Shark, Mar 17, 2018.

  1. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    A couple of others I found in my blueprints:

    Tiny starter base buildable at lvl 3: 208 stone, the rest well under 200. Has all (I think) lvl 3 facilities. Upgradable with 6 grow plots, large constructor, more cargo boxes, a couple of turrets, armor locker, repair station, clone->medical etc as you level up.


    A tiny warp capable CV for when you really hate your starting planet/system and want to GTFO as soon as possible; highest resource is neo at 495, the rest quite low at 250 iron and I think rest is below 200. Also has 40K storage, but being warp capable, unlock is level 10. Should be able to easily build it from salvaged thrusters etc.
    Robot Shark and Kassonnade like this.
  2. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    You fly bases ?
    Khazul likes this.
  3. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Heh - fixed.

    Or maybe a wishful side effect of playing SE again recently where I do have space stations that convert to/from ship mode to move them ;)
    Sup and Kassonnade like this.
  4. Alendi Istari

    Alendi Istari Lieutenant

    May 7, 2020
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    The Bumblebee is designed to be the first vehicle a player purchases. It's especially designed for play-throughs with Mass & Volume enabled. It has a massive 9000SU cargo hold and can move at a reasonable speed with more than 50 tons of cargo. This makes it ideal for low level players to go harvest deposits even some distance from their base. Bumblebee required a mere 481 newbie materials and is CPU compliant. In addition to the huge cargo hold, it has a single refrigerator, a small cargo hold for spare parts or equipment and a single mobile constructor. The purpose of the constructor is to create or process food on the go and to convert ore to ingots as ingots take up a lot less weight and space.
    Thor'sHammer, Stampy and Robot Shark like this.
  5. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Not many CV's here...

    This is a throw-away (or starter) CV I made a while ago.
    I also limited myself to devices that could be crafted in a small constructor.

    Plastic Pete

    Mechastophiles, Khazul and Germanicus like this.
  6. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    I usually start with a low level HV Harvester with an enclosed cockpit (for hostile environments). It's very basic but most of the time it's all that is necessary. I sometimes spawn it in later when I just need something to cut trees then recycle it into the workshop. If I need something cheaper and the environment isn't hostile I use a 2 repulsor hoverbike. Of course cheap is relative. Sometimes carbon substrate is plentiful and sometimes iron is more readily available.

    122 Carbon Substrate
    110 Copper Ingots
    88 Silicon Ingots
    64 Iron Ingots

    Gnasher bottom.JPG
  7. XLJedi

    XLJedi Lieutenant

    Sep 25, 2021
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    It's a little unclear from the OP requirements whether the limit is 100 (or 200) in total materials? ...or for each material used? Judging from the OP example, it seems like it might be the later. If so, then this one meets the criteria at less than 100 for each material used:

    It's the first thing I spawn in every survival game. I also needed an HV that was capable of navigating those low clearance (1 block) boarding ramps.

    I think from a survival perspective, the only gadget missing would be an Armor Locker. Which I might build with the constructor and temporarily slap on the top. Would have to remove later to drive up those low clearance ramps though.

    46 Iron Ingot
    92 Copper Ingot
    81 Silicon Ingot
    86 Carbon Substrate

    Last edited: Oct 2, 2021
    Thor'sHammer, Sup, Khazul and 3 others like this.
  8. Stampy

    Stampy Lieutenant

    Sep 17, 2020
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    Thanks for sharing, other than the color scheme that's a great emergency starter HV.
    XLJedi likes this.
  9. XLJedi

    XLJedi Lieutenant

    Sep 25, 2021
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    I tend to color code certain items... This one was kind of a mix of construction and weapons, so I was sorta going for a Ying & Yang black and yellow. The red part was modeled a bit with the idea of a cart racer. ...and I just associate red with sportscar.

    Thankfully, not much to it. So easy to repaint.
  10. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    It is interesting to see some of the poverty builds here. Several of my starting SV/CV don't qualify, but I do have a few builds that might if you:

    1. Ignore carbon substrate costs.
    2. Ignore crushed stone costs.

    The Reveal is not my cheapest HV. Originally this was designed shortly after the hover thruster was added to the game, however, for so very little more in cost I updated this to thruster and small hover engines to allow this to even function on some higher gravity worlds. Limited cargo, detector and unlock level 3.

    Now I do only have one HV that could have met the original 100 ingot limit if we considering per ingot type.
    The Improve is interpretation of a hover bike.

    Tiny builds have a high probability of being poverty builds. I use the Mini Nymph far more than the hover bike. There are probably four reasons for that, the four gatling guns I like to use hunting inside a POI.

    For starting HV, I like to use one defensive HV and then a harvester HV of late that includes my alternative to using a BA small constructor. However, my harvester exceeds the budget for poverty build. That being said, keeping my defensive HV under T1 does mean that the large amount of CPU consumed by turrets does tend to force the rest of build to be no more than 200 of any one ingot type.

    The Gun Labrum has 750 SU storage, O2 station, Armor locker, Fridge and 3 Turrets. Back before CPU, it used to be even more rounded as a starter HV with a small constructor too, but with CPU now I just use a separate T1 build for that.

    The Steamer Duck was built for 4 turrets, but at T1 only two turrets are included along with storage (2x 500 and 1x 750 SU), O2 station, armor locker, and fridge.

    My Hawk Talon might be under 200 ingots for any one ingot type, at least last I checked, but with erestrum and zascosium at 180 ingots each, this is not a starter SV. Designed for navigating inside a POI. Some blocks may need to be destroyed to navigate tight turns in narrow passageways.

    I do have a couple starter SV, but only one even comes close to the poverty line and yet it is still 50% over the poverty build limit on the copper ingots. The other is quite over poverty budget.

    I probably have handful of BA that qualify and several that do not. However, I will focus on just two.

    While the T2 version of the Imagine BA is also under the limit, well, there is a simple reason I typically spawn in the base version and just upgrade to the T2 version once I can build the T2 extension. The base version doesn't require any advanced or intermediate materials. Iron, copper, silicon, carbon substrate and stone dust.

    The very first version of my Begin BA was a concrete farm that I typically attached a large pad suitable for my CV. Now the pad is included and the farm is more pleasing to look at. The carbon substrate cost for this BA is over 4k, but the actual iron, copper and silicon costs are less than 1,000 ingots each

    While my current choices for starter CV don't fall in the poverty restrictions, a couple that I had been using previously actually do.

    The original version of the Nightjar had 4 turrets and could fit through the 13x7 hangar door. That was also back before CPU. This was my go to starter CV through a couple versions of the games. By dropping the turrets, this CV is a T1 with the possibility to upgrade to T2. Roof top door for access to park SV topside and small hangar as well for one or two small HV.

    While the default Pekin does not include warp, this "poverty" build includes upgrade space for it. The unlock level 20 is for the harvest controller. The T2 version of the Pekin was my first mining CV. At the time I used this as my starter CV, quite often I was nearly level 20 anyways by the time I was trying to spawn in a starter CV.
  11. playlessNamer

    playlessNamer Lieutenant

    Jan 15, 2019
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  12. Stampy

    Stampy Lieutenant

    Sep 17, 2020
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    The color scheme has grown on me. :)
    XLJedi likes this.
  13. akimzav

    akimzav Lieutenant

    Jan 29, 2021
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    Wow! Lots of cool designs here.
    Here is my HV for early game recon/skirmish/scavenging/mining tasks (I play with mass&volume but without CPU):

    Built to be:
    • cheap (obviously)
    • mobile and easy-to-control under medium load
    • stable under medium-high cargo load
    • as flat as (reasonably) possible to allow higher terrain clearance
    • as narrow as (reasonably) possible to fly between trees and other obstacles
    • able to skirmish with a reasonable amount of drones
    • able to watch over while the player is doing something nearby
    Cons: level 5 needed for the detector, minigun, container extensions, and landing gears, so not exactly a first-what-so-ever vehicle, but still a pretty early one.

  14. Mechastophiles

    Mechastophiles Lieutenant

    Apr 30, 2021
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    I've got a couple of designs that qualify:

    Most hoverbikes qualify, but my Whiplash is under 50 for each material:
    20210616154126_1.jpg 20210614124328_1.jpg

    The Ant is my go-to early game miner. Just under 200 of each material & comes with a constructor; half the time I just live out of it until I get a CV:

    I made a shack out of an old Polaris shipping container. Maybe it gets DQ'd for literally being a box, but it is stupid cheap:

    Honorable mention:
    Ajax is a cheap, early game, combat CV. No warp drive, and costs nearly 1400 titanium & just over 1k iron, but it has a constructor, fridge, armor locker, and O2 station. Oh, it also handles like an SV:
    20210614152521_1.jpg https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2527902097
    dpburke2 and Robot Shark like this.
  15. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Nice builds, but that CV is just a tad over the limit. :)
    dpburke2 likes this.
  16. akimzav

    akimzav Lieutenant

    Jan 29, 2021
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    Thanks everyone for liking my HV!
    Here is another design of mine: the specialized CV for not-so-early-game cargo hauling.
    It was designed for playing with volume and space turned on, specifically for assistance in scavenging Zyrax bases to the last steel plate.
    • Cargo lift of 3.15kt with volume of 320k SU. It means that this volume can be filled to the brim (and the ship still takes off the planet) with items of density less than 9.9 kg/SU, such as: ores, crafting components except sathium plates, all ingots except sathium ingots.
    • Stability: the center of mass will always be below the downward-facing thrusters at any load (due to cargo space location, see the cutaway-screenshot below), but still not too far off the point of force for other directional thrusters.
    • Resource cost: under 300 in all resources (one line obscured in the screenshot is "3 wood planks").
    • Suitable for vacuum, has minimal life support equipment: fridge, O2, small constructor, med station (the "heal hp" one), shower.
    • Compactness: 7*6*9 blocks w*h*l. Can fly through 10*9 hangar door. Should be able to fly through 9*7 one, but, for some reason, is not. A bug, perhaps?
    • Panoramic cockpit view?..
    • No warp drive. 'Nuff said. I'm done, stop, it doesn't fit.
    • No combat capability. At all. Even firing your hand-held weapons at the baddies down below will be difficult.
    • Snappy and "extremely energetic" movement response on empty-low cargo, slow and lazy on extreme load.
    • Rolling feels weird in first person, as the axis of rotation is higher than pilot seat.
    So yeah, not the greatest CV, but cheap and is very useful for me as a starter cargo transport.
    upload_2021-11-1_21-24-3.png upload_2021-11-1_21-23-13.png upload_2021-11-1_21-29-17.png
    upload_2021-11-1_22-2-50.png upload_2021-11-1_22-8-44.png
  17. Mechastophiles

    Mechastophiles Lieutenant

    Apr 30, 2021
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    That''s why it's an honorable mention :p
  18. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Here are two other old CV builds of mine that meet the criteria.

    First, we have the very old Jumping Jack Skeleton.
    Back in 2016 when I originally made it, I had intended to use it as a cheap CV to limp home in after your planet-buster has been blown to smithereens. It's not airtight, but that was not an issue when I first made it.
    It's also the reason I really wanted the devs to allow upgrading truss blocks to steel blocks.


    The ship I posted earlier, Plastic Pete, is basically the same ship with the truss blocks replaced with plastic ones (which can be upgraded to steel blocks).
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2021
    dpburke2 likes this.
  19. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Next we have the Schlock Runner.

    I manually replaced the forward truss blocks from Jack with steel ones to make the cabin airtight, it also has a warp drive.

    dpburke2 and bluemax151 like this.
  20. Movado

    Movado Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2020
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    I have several minimalist builds in my workshop, here are a few:

    Level 1 HV:

    Level 1 HV with extra speed/agility: (my favorite to use)

    Level 3 HV with Gatling guns:

    Level 3 HV with wood harvesters:

    Level 5 HV with gatlings & Minigun:

    Level 5 SV with 2 Gatling & 10 tons of lift @ 1G:

    Level 3 Small Constructor Base:

    Level 10 Advanced Constructor Base:

    Level 1 Shower “Base”:

    Level 12 Starter CV: This is my go to escape CV. 960k total storage volume.

    Level 10 Health Kit Base - contains all med bays, shower, and armor locker only.

    I have others in my workshop as well, but these are the most minimal builds I have. All super functional too.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2021

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