TEASER WiP Water effects v1.7

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Taelyn, Nov 10, 2021.

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  1. SalientStrike

    SalientStrike Ensign

    Sep 1, 2021
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    The new water effects are nice, but I'm just hoping we'll be able to walk around in ships while they're moving. Visually speaking, this game has come a long way. But yeah, for $20 this game is really good, there shouldn't be people complaining all that much. The devs seem like they're trying at least.
    Sofianinho and Germanicus like this.
  2. Bob [OG]

    Bob [OG] Commander

    Oct 31, 2018
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    average gamer: continues to be badgered by ill informed fanboy.

    fanboy: thinks public shaming is a standard for debates. starts throwing insults to feel better.

    average gamer: pleads again to not be tagged for a pointless discussion.
    Cluascorp likes this.
  3. Arthmoor

    Arthmoor Commander

    Sep 30, 2020
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    Maybe all the average gamers and fanboys could start by not turning this place into reddit.
    rtracy, candyman_315, Sup and 2 others like this.
  4. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    rtracy, candyman_315 and Bob [OG] like this.
  5. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    You poor victim. We're still waiting for your PhysX science exposé...

    Shooting yourself in the foot now: is "fanboy" a compliment ?

    Don't like beeing quoted ? Stay home.

    And there's always at least one guy who comes off-topic telling others not to be off-topic. Truth is that this was the only anchor to get you on this thread, because I see no link to the feature announced.

    This place is a desert where, if we let it alone long enough, only weird robot crabs and lamenting creatures wander to haunt the place. You can hear them cry " faaaaannnbbbooooyyss.... wheeeere aaarrree youuuuu...." like ghosts in the wind.

    And you would want them to be left alone ? Naaa. They want annnswweeerrs ! They are relentless! And I give them just what they want : some attention.

    Guy could easily block me, but he will not. How will he play poor victim of Evil Me otherwise ? This is just child's play, and of course no one is forced to read anything, anywhere.

    Please don't be the judge of content. Let people argue if they want, that is not your business to stop. If it goes too far moderators will chime in, don't worry.

    Last edited: Nov 18, 2021
  6. Kats

    Kats Lieutenant

    Dec 2, 2020
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    I didn't really say anything before because, well you know, people may just say I am ungrateful toward the developer.
    But here is my personal viewpoint:
    1.6, nothing new.
    1.7, seems like there will be nothing new either.
    In short, nothing new apart some bug fixing.
    There was that ai upgrade (I am not sure, maybe that thing was in 1.5) for creatures, but apart from seeing raptors hunting preys, it doesn't affect the way we play that much.

    Personnaly, I don't really care how good a game looks as long as it is decent. I have absolutly no interest in the graphic update of 1.6, and if they wanted to update water, the first thing I would have done would have been to remove water from closed underwater o2 filled build.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2021
    Bob [OG] likes this.
  7. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Here, from the 2016 survey :


    Almost all items have been "done. I left the ones that I'm sure they will address at some point (like "wheel-based vehicles" because it's... plural...). There was nothing regarding "water" in there or in the other categories.

    And here, from the 2018 survey :


    Here lots of items are just "more of..." something. But here also "water" stuff appeared, namely "underwater life" and "fluid water". I also see "caves" but that's all part of "terrain generation". They told us that the next patch was focused on terrain generation, if I remember well.

    Unless they tell us they do not intend to complete this "list" I see no reason why players panick. I do not expect this to be done by Christmas either, but I hardly see the point of complaining if they show us they're working on something and it's not everyone's darling feature.

    Just keep the ball rollin' ...
    rtracy, Germanicus and Sofianinho like this.
  8. Sofianinho

    Sofianinho Captain

    Sep 7, 2016
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  9. Bob [OG]

    Bob [OG] Commander

    Oct 31, 2018
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    fanboy: still doesn't understand how a childish he is appearing.

    average gamer: sits back and laughs at the time fanboy is wasting on a pointless spartacan quest to make someone feel bad.

    the public: eats popcorn.
  10. Bob [OG]

    Bob [OG] Commander

    Oct 31, 2018
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    Bigfeet likes this.
  11. akimzav

    akimzav Lieutenant

    Jan 29, 2021
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    Is it just me or those lists are somewhat.. disappointing?..

    The one marked as "MAJOR", which is 5 years old btw, does not seem to be.. well.. completed yet. And a number of features marked as implemented are made in a half-there, placeholder way.

    Also, more than half of the features listed are in the wrong list -- judging both by their coding complexity and the in-game influence on the player.

    And now, the 1.6 comes, and then 1.7 will, and.. Not much to say for those ones regarding gameplay. In short: game mechanics expansion when?
    Cluascorp and jadefalcon like this.
  12. Arthmoor

    Arthmoor Commander

    Sep 30, 2020
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    That doesn't mean you need to contribute to what I was referring to about turning this place into reddit.
    Bob [OG] likes this.
  13. Bob [OG]

    Bob [OG] Commander

    Oct 31, 2018
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    some feel the need to badger others to feel superior :(
  14. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I understand how this can be puzzling, because they clearly mentioned that "main/ core features are all in the game now" when leaving the Early Access tag behind in August, and that they would focus on fixing and polishing, well, most of what was done. Will do a "sound pass" too, maybe add some secondary stuff, etc.

    During all the Early Access phases, we were told comforting things like everything will make it in the game, sooner or later, "not impossible", "we will see if"... We could sift through the archive to find numerous instances of these, on practically all subjects that are not yet done on those lists. These lists were also made by the developers, not by the players, so I suppose that if something was deemed absolutely impossible to implement, they would not have put it there. For what sane reason would they have players vote on a feature they will never likely be able to implement ?

    So they told us to wait, and we wait. Not saying we all have "stars in our eyes" or we wait with pitchfork and torches, but some players still remember all this, and will judge the product upon reception.

    Some others... well they may be a bit entitled, and some are clearly on the "deranged" side.

    I don't know reddit's reputation, I can't understand what you are referring to. If you have been on the Empyrion forum, you surely saw people argue and even to the point moderators intervene. I don't want any kind of censorship to be applied by players, it's not their business, that's called "backseat moderation" and inputs bias into discussions as to what others want or don't want to see. Keep it simple and just hit the "report" button, then explain why you think a post should be removed. Don't tell me I shouldn't engage in a discussion where everyone doesn't agree because it reminds you of some other place, thanks.


    You are giving a link to a simplistic physics simulation on blocks. This has nothing to do with physics : it's shader-based, and it concerns water in Unity/Empyrion. I explained this on the other thread, so stop scratching your head as if everyone except you failed to get that. PhysX is concerned with collision, rigidbodies, and in some cases but not the present case it can simulate randomness in systems, like when blocks fall down when a structure is destroyed. Note that in this specific case there is no collision involved with the player, so this "physics modelisation" is done strictly for the purpose of rendering an animation (the falling blocks when SI breaks).

    The link you provided in the other thread was a link to nVidia's site, a summary of what PhysX was. If you had cared to search a bit you would have found out by yourself that PhysX in Unity is for physics-based events like collision detection and application of forces on rigidbodies. You may have noticed that for the major part, there are no normal "physics" in Empyrion because rigidbodies are not allowed to move freely on any voxel grid, which is a problem they told us a few times they were working on. Hence why we have no pistons, elevators, etc.

    So if you insist on talking about 3d physics instead of shaders and post-processing, then here and on the other thread you are completely off-topic, or just trying to mislead players.

    Unity manual is free to read for everyone, including you :


    * DOTS : data-oriented technology stack

    For water:


    ... which refers to "water shader" :


    ... which refers to "standard shader" :


    Eleon can be using any kind of shader for this, but once again -been a few times now dude - this is not physics nor PhysX.

    Look at the tone you have been using towards me in all your latest posts, here and on that other thread, poor little thing : nothing short of "ignorant", "fanboy", "uneducated". You tried many versions of these to try to forward your physics-based argument instead of focusing on the topic of the discussion. So you put the spotlight on me first, repeatedly, then you fall victim of your very own medecine. Good for others, not good for you ? Make up your mind.

    You even apologized at some point, but now you'll tell me it was just a trick to look sincere ? If you are genuinely interested in this topic, you will leave the "fanboy" and "learn something" stuff aside and focus on water effects in Unity/Empyrion. That is the topic, not me.

    Last edited: Nov 19, 2021
  15. Bob [OG]

    Bob [OG] Commander

    Oct 31, 2018
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    my apology was not to you, I meant everything I said. my apology was to the moderator who deemed it delete worthy. you are the one that is constantly attacking everything I say and not basing any of your opinions in fact whatsoever so thank you for the pointless waste of time
    Cluascorp likes this.
  16. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    That is very funny. Here is your original message :

    You're not addressing the moderator, you are adressing me directly.

    And again : I gave plenty of facts, links, explanations, you still focus on me and try to divert from the topic.

  17. Bob [OG]

    Bob [OG] Commander

    Oct 31, 2018
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    no, the apology was not directed to you at all. I did not tag you in that post. you made it your mission to attack me and everything I said for some strange reason. I have asked you repeatedly me to leave me alone but you refuse and hide insults and a lengthy regurgitated post.

    my point is simple, no matter how you slice it 3D graphic processing is more intense than 2D graphic processing. this is been a fact for a very long time. we knew about this back in super Nintendo days with their goofy polygon mechanics. my main concern is how this visual adventure will affect multiplayer servers. I truly hope the server does not have to keep track of physics updates for water like it does for positions of poi's, npcs, players, and everything else it keeps track of.
  18. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Don't play this game with me and everything will be perfect.

    Ok. No problem switching from "physics" to "2d vs 3d graphics processing" but that wasn't your original stance : it was about "liquid physics simulation" of some sort. Well, more precisely:

    To be blunt : I think you have no clue what you are talking about, and this feeling is reinforced by seeing how you skip reading the links I provided, and throwing me generalities about 2d vs 3d and Nintendo. After the PhysX arguments that was predictable.

    But here is a hard fact : players asked for "Underwater life" and "fluid water" as can be clearly seen from my post above with surveys results.

    Players asked for fluid water. I hope you realize what this means. If you are concerned about performance impact of shader experiments to change the looks of how water is rendered, you should be exponentionally concerned about fluid water... but that is a feature players requested.

    Should Eleon backpedal on Fluid Water ?
  19. Bob [OG]

    Bob [OG] Commander

    Oct 31, 2018
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    everything else is was a waste of time trying to answer a pointless debate with a nobody on the internet.
  20. Bob [OG]

    Bob [OG] Commander

    Oct 31, 2018
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    i tried to keep this to a civil discussion in private chat. you chose to spread your ignorance to the world.

    we have both successfully derailed the topic. can this end now?
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2021
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