Hello I found out about the programmable LCD's and it works with me so far. I'm looking for a tutorial that explains the commands people use in the LCD scripts. so something like each Split use test E.S.DockedE S.FuelTank and no, I don't need any videos because the commands are not explained there. I would like a written explanation of what which command does. is there such a thing?
You can find a rough version here in the ReadMe.md but I am not good at writing documentation. If you want to do something I would be very happy if I could use this in the ReadMe, https://github.com/GitHub-TC/EmpyrionScripting/blob/master/README.md#empyrion-scripting-1
ok thank you man. I don't see the forest for the trees. there is a possibility to query the growth of plants? I mean from these plant bed blocks.
Take a look at my VegaAI https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2227639387 it have a growing plot status display
great .... great ship !!! I've already been to the [MOD EXT] Empyrion Scripting - Scripts page, I've also used one or the other script from there. but with the 17 pages and 1000 code fragments I did not find the growing plot status display. can you poke me with your nose? I have subscribed to your Vega AI Project. How do I get to the ship now? Sorry if I ask so many stupid questions, but I'm new to EGS.
thanks for the nudge. I found out, Got your Vega AI ship and just look at me. I didn't know that the download happens automatically when you subscribe. Good work!