Exception when trying out Demo Mod

Discussion in 'Empyrion API' started by dunawayc, May 28, 2021.

  1. dunawayc

    dunawayc Ensign

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Dedicated Server
    Survival Mode
    Experimental Branch (Build 3366)

    I enabled the Demo mod in the Mods folder and when the map loaded, the following exception was being written to the log file over and over. In addition, the map never fully loads. It show "Loading Structures 6%" and just hangs there.

    MissingMethodException: void Eleon.Modding.IGui.ShowGameMessage(string,int)
    at Eleon.ModBridge.ApplicationBridgeCommon.DoUpdate () [0x0000a] in <a3c01a07b6d14099a30d0b16bca996ec>:0
    at Assembly-CSharp.StreamConverter.AddActivator () [0x0000a] in <a3c01a07b6d14099a30d0b16bca996ec>:0
    at MBS.Update () [0x00008] in <a3c01a07b6d14099a30d0b16bca996ec>:0
    (Filename: <a3c01a07b6d14099a30d0b16bca996ec> Line: 0)

    They seem to be due to lines that call modApi.GUI.ShowGameMessage()

    When I comment out those line, the exception no longer appears and the game loads normally. Is there any way to resolve it? Should I file it as a bug?
  2. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    I'm having this same issue. I'll file a bug report.

    (BTW coming into a space playfield without your CV getting any cycles to instantiate really isn't the best way to experience the void...)
  3. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Just took a look to this and it functions fine for me

    Make sure you start the client without EAC
  4. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Hi Taelyn,
    I was unaware that running with EAC disabled was required (it isn't called out in the yaml or on the starting page of the \Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Extras\Modding Doc html ... adding that if required would help noobs like me) but I was already running with EAC disabled.

    I just did a steam verify on my game files and created a new vanilla game without changing anything other than the name of the game, watched my pod hit the ground and said "no thank-you" to Robinson and exited. Then I updated the "None" to "Client" in the yaml and opened the game. I still get the problem. Is there anything I can do on my side to help you isolate the issue?

    There was a brief flash of a dialog that looked like the continue or email us one but it disappeared and hung at 8% structures. I killed that and inside the log (I cleared the log so it was totally clear) it starts...

    UnloadTime: 3.890900 ms
    18-00:55:19.126 17_55 -LOG- *************************************************************************
    18-00:55:19.151 17_55 -LOG- Empyrion - Galactic Survival
    18-00:55:19.151 17_55 -LOG- Version: v1.5.8
    18-00:55:19.151 17_55 -LOG- Build: 3457
    18-00:55:19.151 17_55 -LOG- Platform: Win, 64 Bit
    18-00:55:19.152 17_55 -LOG- OS: Windows 10 (10.0.19042) 64bit
    18-00:55:19.152 17_55 -LOG- DRAM: 32732
    18-00:55:19.152 17_55 -LOG- CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7600K CPU @ 3.80GHz
    18-00:55:19.152 17_55 -LOG- Freq: 3792
    18-00:55:19.152 17_55 -LOG- Cores: 4
    18-00:55:19.152 17_55 -LOG- Gfx: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
    18-00:55:19.152 17_55 -LOG- VRAM: 8088
    18-00:55:19.153 17_55 -LOG- SL: 5
    18-00:55:19.153 17_55 -LOG- Force DX9: False
    18-00:55:19.153 17_55 -LOG- Instancing: True
    18-00:55:19.154 17_55 -LOG- TimeZone: -07:00
    18-00:55:19.154 17_55 -LOG- Culture: en-US
    18-00:55:19.154 17_55 -LOG- Last build: 3457
    18-00:55:19.157 17_55 -LOG- Build: Release (outputCache)
    18-00:55:19.157 17_55 -LOG- MainThreadId: 18548
    18-00:55:19.157 17_55 -LOG- *************************************************************************
    Setting up 2 worker threads for Enlighten.
    Thread -> id: 33b0 -> priority: 1
    Thread -> id: 1b70 -> priority: 1
    Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
    UnloadTime: 5.805500 ms
    18-00:55:19.505 17_55 -LOG- EAC: Not configured
    18-00:55:19.895 17_55 -LOG- Args: Client/Empyrion.exe -logFile ../Logs/3457/Client_210917-175517-22.log
    18-00:55:19.987 17_55 -LOG- Loaded Mod 'DemoModClient': "Demo Mod" (Version: 0.9) from folder DemoMod
    18-00:55:20.061 17_55 -LOG- {DemoModClient} Client mod initialized
    Unloading 388 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 6408.
    Total: 4.541300 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.270500 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.340400 ms MarkObjects: 3.738000 ms DeleteObjects: 0.192100 ms)

    ...followed by hundreds of these messages (apparently a retry with nowait)

    MissingMethodException: void Eleon.Modding.IGui.ShowGameMessage(string,int)
    at Eleon.ModBridge.ApplicationBridgeCommon.DoUpdate () [0x0000a] in <2f767b2f5bc94976be4accb3bb804588>:0
    at Assembly-CSharp.QueueQueue.IncreaseAssistant () [0x0000a] in <2f767b2f5bc94976be4accb3bb804588>:0
    at MBS.Update () [0x00008] in <2f767b2f5bc94976be4accb3bb804588>:0

    [...and then pages and pages of the same MissingMethodException err]
  5. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Following up ... I tried doing a rebuild of the solution. There appear to be two issues (unrelated) that you may want to look at ..

    1. the problem described above occurs with the dll that ships and is recovered when doing a verify- this is the dll that has the missing method issue .. if you rebuild it goes away, but...

    2. When you open the VS solution in VS2019 community edition and rebuild there is a failure due to issues in the Properties\Build Events which tries this as a post-build command-

    1> DemoModClient -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Mods\DemoMod\DemoModSln\DemoModClient\bin\Debug\DemoModClient.dll
    1> The system cannot find the file specified.
    1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(5575,5): error MSB3073: The command "del /F /Q ..\..\..\..\DemoModClient.dll
    1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(5575,5): error MSB3073:
    1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(5575,5): error MSB3073: copy /B /Y C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Mods\DemoMod\DemoModSln\DemoModClient\bin\Debug\DemoModClient.dll ..\..\..\.." exited with code 1.

    del /F /Q ..\..\..\..\$(TargetName).dll
    copy /B /Y $(TargetPath) ..\..\..\..

    ...this says go up four levels and delete the published dll but it looks like both the delete and copy are actually occurring at the top level of the project (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Mods\DemoMod\DemoModSln\DemoModClient) as that is where the dll is being copied to and subsequent builds succeed without any warning errors. Sandboxed?

    I manually moved the rebuilt copy into \Mods\DemoMod and it works as you describe. Not sure why del/copy in build event is failing but for some reason the relative path is being cut off two levels below where you are expecting.
  6. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Ill check that out
    Germanicus likes this.
  7. Encryptoid

    Encryptoid Ensign

    Aug 23, 2021
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