Help needed Planet Designations Questions and lack of real info.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by jaye63, Nov 28, 2021.

  1. jaye63

    jaye63 Ensign

    Oct 24, 2021
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    I know that the A, O, M, K, etc means it's a certain type of star, but when I ask, some (explative deleted) thinks it's helpful(or funny) to send everyone to a NASA science page that is less than helpful. Im looking for a list.
    A= (name) star
    O= (name) star
    With as long as the game has been out, Im surprised there isnt one that is easily found. And I've been looking for a week now. I would prefer an entire list but Im currently interested in knowing what letter designation(s) there are for Neutron Stars. I have been told, and that information has proved unreliable, that O systems and Neutron Star systems have Platinum asteroid. I've been to 4 O systems... no luck, And when I look for a Neutron star designation letter, Im batting 0.000 so far. Im tired of grinding POIs and getting 5 plates or ingots. I need a reliable source. PLEASE help.
  2. Foofaspoon

    Foofaspoon Commander

    Oct 28, 2019
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    I don't quite get what you mean... an A type star for example, that is the name of that type of star. Its a designation from how stars on the main sequence are classified O B A F G K M from biggest/hottest to smallest/coldest. Our star is a G type sun for example.

    In terms of the game, neutron stars are N or NO I believe. But I don't think star type has much to do with what ores are found around them. Platinum asteroids seems very rare (perhaps non existent?), but as you don't really need it for anything bar one early quest it's usually not an issue - not sure why you need to find it (unless you are in a scenario that changes that?)
  3. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Platinum asteroids appear to only generate in a few selected asteroid field playfields as well as a legacy planet playfields- actual placement of these is at random (if I am reading the yaml correctly, a 0.2 probability would be equal to a 20% chance to exist)

    Here is the list of asteroid fields (along with the windows command I used to look this up) that mention the "Platin Asteroid" type. If you dig into those these yaml files you'll see the config magic used to specify what has the potential to show up where.

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Playfields>findstr /C:"Platin Asteroid" /S *.yaml
    HomeworldLegacySpaceOrbit\space_dynamic.yaml: DisplayName: Platin Asteroid
    SpaceAsteroidFieldGLaD\space_dynamic.yaml: DisplayName: Platin Asteroid
    SpaceAsteroidFieldHighSecurity\space_dynamic.yaml: DisplayName: Platin Asteroid
    SpaceAsteroidFieldHyperion\space_dynamic.yaml: # DisplayName: Platin Asteroid
    SpaceAsteroidFieldLegacy\space_dynamic.yaml: DisplayName: Platin Asteroid
    SpaceAsteroidFieldPirates\space_dynamic.yaml: DisplayName: Platin Asteroid
    SpaceAsteroidFieldRich\space_dynamic.yaml: DisplayName: Platin Asteroid
    SpaceAsteroidFieldSigma\space_dynamic.yaml: DisplayName: Platin Asteroid
    SpaceAsteroidFieldUCHHideout\space_dynamic.yaml: DisplayName: Platin Asteroid
    SpaceOrbitLegacy\space_dynamic.yaml: DisplayName: Platin Asteroid
  4. jaye63

    jaye63 Ensign

    Oct 24, 2021
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    What I mean is: Every star type has a letter associated with it. A, O, K, M, etc. You see the letter in parenthesis after the name of the system. The letter is a star 'type'. A list is here- and does not give you what star type a neutron star is.

    I want to know what start type each letter is according to actual stars. What star type is a neutron star?

    This would be helpful if it was in any way related to what I asked for. Im playing online, not solo. I didnt ask for a way to spawn an asteroid. I asked what type of stars are each letter associated with. What letter is a neutron star. If you look at any system in the galaxy of Empyrion, each name has a letter in parenthesis after it. I want to know what letter designated that system as having a neutron star. I want to know what type of star ALL of them are, but am most interested in neutron stars currently.
  5. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Best of luck.

    "Give a man a fish..."
    Kassonnade likes this.
  6. jaye63

    jaye63 Ensign

    Oct 24, 2021
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    I dont mean for you to think that your info has no merit. It is useful if you are the owner of the server or if you are playing single player. I am in neither of those positions and therefore, the information isnt relevant to what Im asking for. The information will prove useful should I decide to play single player and not want to spend time looking for platinum asteroids.
  7. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    These "types" are all defined in Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Configuration\GalaxyConfig.ecf starting at line 513 and below.

    Each star type has a "Description" so for Neutron Stars ( type N ) you can see it there at line 686 :

    # Type N
    { GalaxyConfig, Name: Neutrone Star <<< @EleonGameStudios you have a typo here..." Neutron"... line 676.

    StarClass: N
    Description: "A neutron star is the collapsed core of a giant star which before collapse had a total mass of between 10 and 29 solar masses. Neutron stars are the smallest and densest stars, excluding black holes, hypothetical white holes, quark stars and strange stars. Neutron stars have a radius on the order of 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) and a mass of about 1.4 solar masses. They result from the supernova explosion of a massive star, combined with gravitational collapse, that compresses the core past white dwarf star density to that of atomic nuclei."

    The lines numbers may vary depending on scenarios, as I believe some custom types can be added, but for vanilla these are the lines numbers and information found in the main GalaxyConfig.ecf file.

    As a side note, your thread's title shows "Planet designations and (...)" while you're asking about "stars". ^^
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2021
    zaphodikus and imlarry425 like this.
  8. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Dup'ing a bit of what K says above (the downside of preping a post offline 8^)

    The details of the misspelled "Neutrone Star" are described in the GalaxyConfig.ecf file. This file controls the random placement of all star types.

    Neutron stars have the designator "N" and appear either alone or in cluster combinations.

    The entries in this GalaxyConfig.ecf file map to those in the associated Playfields folders based on data in the /RandomPresets/SolarSystemConfigN.ecf file which names both SpaceAsteroidFieldRich and AsteroidFieldPirates as being placable near an N class star- these fields were mentioned in that search from my earlier reply and that's probably why you heard that finding an N class gives you a chance (random) that you might find one of the asteroids.

    The /Content for these files in an MP games is, for the most part (based on MP5 compare), exactly same as what you have in the /Content subdir of your SP or Co-op install. As an owner of the game, you can download "Empyrion - Dedicated Server" to confirm but given that lazy dev-type folks generally leverage existing content whenever they can it makes sense that our devs don't tweak MP content unless they need to specifically to support MP.

    If your server admin is running a scenario (like Eden, or Reforged, or ReforgedEden, or ___) then that scenario may/most likely will have tweaked these. In that instance you can personally subscribe to the scenario in the workshop and download it to explore specifics.

    If your server admin has modified the base config data for either the distributed server or a scenario for their own purposes then nobody but they can give you specifics; they can put a water world in tight orbit around a hot sun if they want to so all bets are off.

    I'm loath to pretend I actually know this stuff well- it's way easier to point you in the direction of where I'm pretty sure you can find your answer than to mislead you.
  9. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    There are the real life star classifications. If you're interested in that then wikipedia is a decent source of information.
    Then there is the game star classification, which is loosely based on the real life star classification system (though obviously heavily simplified).

    If you're on a server you need to contact the server owner(s) or ask in your server community.
    If playing a custom scenario you need to ask the author(s) of the scenario.

    If you're playing the default game then most star types are the same except for the unique stars used for mission systems and faction homeworlds and a few outliers such as N and BH class systems. But for the most part you are just as likely to find anything in one star type as another and star class only changes the color of the star.
    Platinum has little use in the default game, but I believe it's more likely in the special story mission systems should you want it for whatever reason.

    If you're playing on a custom server or scenario then no one can accurately answer your question here as they do not know what scenario or what the server has done.

    Here is a listing of the default star classes used for the general random stars. This only applies to the default game and doesn't include mission or faction systems.

    O, B: Blue Giant.
    K: Red Giant
    A, F: I wasn't able to really find a type for these.
    G: Yellow Dwarf. Like our sun.
    M: Red Dwarf.
    N: Neutron Star.
    BH: Black Hole.
    SmBH: Supermassive Black Hole.
    guardian_de_la_via2 likes this.
  10. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    The in-game descriptions of the stars also show all this trivia information if you select them on the galaxy map.
  11. jaye63

    jaye63 Ensign

    Oct 24, 2021
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    Thank you for noting that mistake. I will be sure to proof read better next time.

    And thank you for the star information. I dont mess with config files. When I mess with them, a mess ensues. Is there a link to that config information so that I dont risk botching up the game? I appreciate the list you've shared. Massively helpful to me. I cannot express my gratitude enough. (This appreciation is genuine, not sarcasm)
  12. jaye63

    jaye63 Ensign

    Oct 24, 2021
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    Im still a newb. I got the game when it first came out. I likened it to space minecraft. I watched a friend stream it and wa massively impressed. Including my initial fumbling with my current game time, I have less than 600 hours in the game. Most of that time has been spent in creative trying to build useful and survivable bases and ships. There is a lot of information I do not know as of yet. Im on a server that has low population and so basically soloing the game. I appreciate your input, but when I look at the info, I can only see info on places I've been. Knowing that you can access info for unvisited places, as per your comment, I will look for that feature in the future. Thank you.
  13. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Just make sure the info panel is selected on the galaxy map. Then click any star and it will show a basic description. It may mention what kind of star it is (neutron for example) or it might just say it's a K class star.
  14. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    It's a simple text file which can be opened in Notepad, and it is located in the Empyrion / Steam folder, so something typically like this:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Configuration\GalaxyConfig.ecf

    You can simply make a copy of the file on your desktop and check it from there, then no risk of messing things up.

    Let me see if I can put the default one on the forum here... Yup. There it is : just save it anywhere, it's from the vanilla game.

    You can use Notepad++ to open this simple text file, it is very easy to get (free), install and use. It can show line numbers, which is helpful when dealing with long files like this. You can even just pick up the portable version, unzip it somewhere, and run it without installing by clicking on the notepad++.exe

    The config files (extension .ecf) and .yaml files are all simple text files that can be opened and edited with a simple text editor. Make back-ups and you can always easily revert back any changes you can make, if you make any. Simply opening the file and checking it will not cause any problem, just make sure you're not saving it when closing the file if you touched anything in there and did not intend to. In any case you can always simply "check files integrity" in Steam and it will fetch the original back from Steam.

    Edit : I think I used 7 instances of "simple" and "simply"... I hope this sounds reassuring. ^^

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 29, 2021
  15. Grabber

    Grabber Ensign

    Jan 3, 2021
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    While doing the exploration missions for R systems I was well away from any of the faction space and noticed a couple of T and L systems they aren't in the Empyropedia info says Brown Dwarf , failed star. Checking them out the T's were Drone asteroid fields and the L's had Legacy POI's or an asteroid field was happy to find a Platinum asteroid in the one with the asteroid field but strangely no Legacy ships as it was listed as Ultra difficulty, bonus. L for Legacy and T for Tinhead? :>)
    Germanicus likes this.

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