Poverty Builds

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Robot Shark, Mar 17, 2018.

  1. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    LOL! I was just looking at it and thinking "and it's even in cool colors!"

    That's why they make car in so many colors ... ;)
  2. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Great thread! Well, now I'll have to do a Creative Mode Shootout ... I've done this before for small HV's, but you all present some interesting takes I'll have to spawn the ones that interested me the most and run them through their paces.

    One thing I like to do (for HV's) is fill the onboard storage and run it up the steepest mountain to check stability and climbing with a load, as it's a PITA to get stuck on a mountainside when you're running for your life in early game ... :D Of course, these are minimal designs so I'll be surprised at much storage or the ability to even tackle a mountain when loaded, so I'll factor that in, but it will be fun to see what they do.

    I also just run it around and look for handling, and of course, look at it's onboard equipment, weapons (or not) and layout. Similar sort of thing with the SV's.

    I'm sure everyone in this thread is aware of the fact that different starter planets result in different needs, so a single HV or SV that qualifies for this challenge can't by nature meet all needs. Look at @Khazul 's cute little Snow bike:
    Very clever Khazul , I'll be sure to spawn this on my next Ice Planet start! Perfect for very early gameplay there.

    I'll mark this thread 'Watch' so I remember to come back and post my winner(s). Not planning a YouTube worthy report with charts and graphs, just a quick "try 'em out" thing, done for fun and best enjoyed with some popcorn. :p:D

    Thanks again to @Robot Shark for the great challenge and all the VERY cool ideas from all of you builders. I'm always humbled by all of your works!:thumpUp:

    I can do a pretty good job of Modding an existing design for my needs (have done many, few worth publishing), but to start with a single block and make a SHIP?:rolleyes:
    I'm not worthy.
    All I make are boxy klunky things that function, but are as beautiful as a deformed warthog's rear view.:eek::eek:

    Cheers all! And Happy Holidays to those 'round the world celebrating this time of year, may you all have a healthy holiday.
    Wellingtoon and Robot Shark like this.
  3. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Indeed! I think you meant to provide a link or blueprint and attached the JPG instead?
  4. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    You should see some of my first builds, I was the master of the flying brick.
    Whats amusing, I still use those old designs when playing a survival game.
    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  5. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Hey Khazul - Did you ever post this thing? I looked in your Workshop and the closest I found was an HV called the H1 - Hover Bike, but that looks different...?

    If you didn't, mind throwing it up there? Thx!
  6. etmoonshade

    etmoonshade Ensign

    Aug 18, 2020
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    I'm unimaginative with both names and shaping. Be warned.


    The Neodymium cost is a bit stiff, but it's a minimalistic CV - no warp, no shields, no space for either - but it's a CV. And at least it has an O2 tank? And some cargo containers and a fridge?

    I don't even know why I built it, considering that a minimalistic SV is better, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯? Maybe it was more useful in a previous version. Neodymium cost could probably be cut even more by removing some of the thrusters - it's got more than it needs.


    It's a single unit above cost for the carbon substrate, but frankly I think that we should get 10x the carbon allowable considering what it actually costs to make it. ;)

    This is a surprisingly sturdy little harvester. It's got a shield and a rocket turret (which could easily be swapped out for a minigun turret for defense,) along with a harvester unit so you can cut down all the trees. It's not quite a starter, but it's pretty cheap for what you get out of it.

    Neither one is intentionally CPU or mass/weight compliant (I've always found both to be silly and annoying.) The Hopper happens to be CPU-compliant (after removing the RCS units I had in there, which are no longer needed now that thrusters provide rotation) but the Woodcutter definitely isn't - it'd require a T3 CPU to run, although I believe you could run it on T1 if you removed the shield.
    Robot Shark and Thor'sHammer like this.
  7. etmoonshade

    etmoonshade Ensign

    Aug 18, 2020
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    Not sure what the etiquette is for a double-post when there's new content - hopefully this is the right answer. :D

    So, I started thinking about the Hopper, and realized it was one of my oldest designs - it probably needed to be updated anyway.

    Allow me to present the oh-so-cleverly-named Hopper Mk. II!


    In the foreground is the Hopper Mk. II itself. Behind it are two other vessels that were created along the same lines - the Ballista and the Trebuchet. If I hadn't already used it for a different vessel, I'd probably have named this the Crossbow.

    A few costs were raised, but importantly, the Neodymium cost was reduced since this has fewer thrusters. The only thing that can't be seen is the cost of a wood plank for the bed.

    It also has amenities, unlike the previous one (which was basically an armored glass cockpit slapped on top.) Notable items:
    - Small Constructor
    - Fridge
    - Clone Chamber
    - Bed
    - Ammo Storage
    - Large Cargo Container (looks like the max lift on a 0.98g planet is 2.89kt, if that's relevant to your interests)
    - 40m wireless range

    Entry is through a boarding ramp on the bottom. You might get a bit toasted by the thruster, but just run up the ramp:

    Once inside, you've got a fairly austere base to work with. This is the view towards the pilot's chair:

    And this is the view towards the rear of the vessel:

    This is the godmode x-ray view of what's inside:

    It's not truly a minimalist CV, but I think it's pretty close to it while still having enough useful stuff to make it worth building. The extra thrusters are a luxury, but perhaps not if you're playing with mass/volume on. This could make for a decent sorta-starter mobile base if you can find the more exotic materials via salvage.
    Robot Shark likes this.
  8. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Two wireless modules?
  9. etmoonshade

    etmoonshade Ensign

    Aug 18, 2020
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    It's not obvious from that screenshot I guess, but there's four of them. The other two are in front of the two thrusters in the x-ray view. You can sort of see the top of one of them at the top-center of the x-ray view, in front of and a block below the thruster. The other wireless module is in the same spot in front of the thruster on the left.
  10. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I think that may be a bit of overkill, especially for a ship that size.
    Just my opinion.
  11. etmoonshade

    etmoonshade Ensign

    Aug 18, 2020
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    If I weren't going for something sorta minimalist, I'd probably see about stuffing all 10 possible wireless hubs on there. :D

    I guess it would be pointless if you're playing with mass/volume enabled since there's only a single cargo container, but if you're not, the wireless range lets you transfer your loot back to the ship while you're pretty deep into a POI (e.g. the radar station, although I usually use a ship with full wireless range for that...)
  12. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I am usually able to transmit loot to my ship from the Radar Station with a single wireless module and the ship parked on the roof.
    As far as I know each module has a fixed range based on where they are located and multiple modules do not extend the range.
    etmoonshade likes this.
  13. etmoonshade

    etmoonshade Ensign

    Aug 18, 2020
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    I've been doing some shipbuilding today, and I started thinking "what's the minimum viable SV?" Requirements would be six degrees of movement, rotation in all directions, power, and O2 (with the latter being optional, really, as long as you've got a O2 supply in your armor.) Assuming an open cockpit still provides O2 from the tanks, I present... this. I haven't named it, but it's a thing:


    It doesn't even have landing gear. :D

    The only problem is getting the rotation to work right without an RCS - it sort of works without, but it's practically unusable since your rotational velocity is different depending on whether you're turning left or right. This is the version with the RCS:


    The RCS makes it MASSIVELY overpowered - I definitely had to turn down the roll, and it's still got a weird inertia that means that you still overshoot a lot. I really should turn down the pitch and yaw too...

    If you dump the RCS and O2, and can deal with how bad it is, I think this is literally as cheap as it gets for a spaceworthy SV - although the lack of RCS really makes it painful to use:

    wait what

    { +Block Id: 1627, Name: RemoteConnection
    Class: RemoteConnector
    IndexName: Connector


    Range: 100, type: int, display: true


    When did this happen? Has it been like this the whole time, and I just never noticed because I'm entirely lost?

    (Edit: Seriously. I'd swear that I had problems with wireless range at some time in the past, and that cleared up once I started putting all 10 wireless hubs on my ships. It actually took me a while to figure out that the range is from the closest hub, so spreading them out on my massive ships was a Good Thing(TM).)
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2021
    Robot Shark likes this.
  14. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I use multiple hubs on my larger builds, the carrier has 5 (one on each corner and one in the center).
    But on a small build...
  15. etmoonshade

    etmoonshade Ensign

    Aug 18, 2020
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    Yeah, your surprise makes more sense now that I know that 1 wireless module will apparently give you full range. But my outdated/entirely incorrect assumption that wireless modules gave you 10m range per module (since, y'know, the max is 10...) should at least explain why I put 4 of them on there initially. :p
    Robot Shark likes this.
  16. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    No problem :)

    I was looking over the thread and noticed that there is not a single BA.
    So, this was a series a made a long time ago.
    They are all LVL 3 starter BA's, the only difference is the building materials.

    They are made from Steel, Wood, & Concrete.

    Does anyone else have a BA that meets the requirements? It would be fun to see them.

  17. etmoonshade

    etmoonshade Ensign

    Aug 18, 2020
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    Oddly, yes, though just barely:


    Made from all basic materials, has the things you need - bed, food processor, fridge, generators, solar, large constructor, O2, cargo, ammo.


    One thing to note is that I've modded my configs so solar, y'know, doesn't suck. The outputs in stock are probably realistic, but considering you can only put 15 panels on, it's near-impossible to run a base entirely on solar if you want to do anything other than sleep in it. :p

    Actual non-solar power is provided by 4 small generators. Also, the base is designed to be sunk into the ground by at least 4 blocks.

    This design could certainly be trimmed down (e.g. by removing the solar, also many of the fuel tanks and two of the generators):

    Leaves it a little blocky looking after removing all the solar, but cuts down on costs pretty significantly. Downgrading the steel frame to carbon composite would cut even more of the iron cost out.
    Robot Shark likes this.
  18. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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  19. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Hi, sorry aint been back here in a while.

    No, not posted, I was going to fire the game up, but before I do I need to merge my mod into it however it seems they went mad with christmas version of items, so waiting until they revert this before I merge in as it makes it too much of a pain.

    Once that's done, then I will likely update my workshop.
  20. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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