I tried to remove the fog in the playfield but it seems to actually be hard coded. I couldn't get rid of it even after setting all fog on the planet to 0. I hope they can change this.
Good news! Prior to version 1.6 we could switch off the fog completely by turning the weather system off. A global option (fog on/off) would be great or a way to remove it in the playfield. Thanks alot!
Oh, the irony. The guy who thinks It is his right to bully newbies by his overpowered SV-CV's, the guy who thinks now dead energy balance update - which made his ridiculous designs unusable - was wrong, thinks other people are entitled. And I am pretty sure you still think the same way, failing to see the similarities. Here it is if anyone wonders what this is about: https://empyriononline.com/threads/alpha-12-3-x-patches-and-hotfixes.94973/page-10
The only time I played multiplayer was maybe 2 years ago : I logged on a random server and got shot 1 minute after spawning in a forest by invisible enemies, then I logged out. End of multiplayer for me. Grand total : less than 5 minutes. The only other multiplayer I played was at home with my kid, in coop. For builds, my biggest CV could easily fit inside your ego. So what the f**k are you talking about ? Forgot to take your pills again ? .
I 've noticed that we can not load 1.6 saves to Exp1.7. Empyrion crashes, even in creative mode. Is it because of the new water mechanic or are there more changes behind the scenes that prevent the continuation of old saves? It happens even in orbit playfields.