Hello Well As they said , "Drop us a suggestion " I hope they see all the suggestions and please help me Players in this matter too . This Game Has a lot of potentials , really , its very good game , and its better than all MMO space games available , the devs need to know that we spend half or more of our life inside this games , as it is our virtual world , we need lot of things to be added as soon as you can hopefully Well 1- we really need Pressure to be added to the ships in space , Pressure is everything in space physics , when ship loses pressure lot of things should be occurred , warnings +ship slow move + instated health danger and stuff to add more space physics reality ""Pressure Generator device "" 2- Vending Machine , place in base or CV , basically its a container controller with Vending machine option , Players can sell from each other , this vending machine container controller connect to container extension to have the goods inside , other players can press on this container and buy the amount of the goods needed by credit , goods price and quantity is editable within the container logic info 3-SV Boarding ramps , same as CV boarding ramps , small size . 4- Logic computer , for base and CV , this also can be scripted or modified to make some logical things at a certain time , control constructors and Furness etc. 5- Docking Permissions for other players that signal can be sent to player from base or cv , this can be made wireless within range of base/cv signal , docking permission can be granted automatic by adding player name to the "Logic computer " or manual ( this is important since most of Empyrion players are really playing in a multiplayer server " 6- SYSTEM CLAIM , you can claim a system in PVE or PVP once you deploy a claiming device SAT , this sure should be protected by the player who claim the system , other players can hack this Claim Device Sat , and deactivate the claim or reclaim the system /sector 7-Hanger doors do not trigger for CV , it should trigger on CV too as it do for SV and HV well most games like Empyrion provide these things example Dual Universe . I hope the Devs See these Suggestion and can be made in 1.7 hopefully . if anyone have more suggestions please add
Nice Suggestion. "I hope the Devs See these Suggestion and can be made in 1.7 hopefully." Won't happen soon as the Team has its work cut out. IF they go to add those stuff it will come quite late in the Development of EGS (as sooooo many other thing).
Also would like to add more suggestion , the Ability to capture animals , spiders , NPCs , put them in the ship or base , warp them to another place , create a prison . i can drop them in my friend base ...
Well everyone would like that, but the developers have limited time on forums (if we want them to also work on the game). Best way to have all suggestions accounted for is to isolate them by subject, find the appropriate official feedback thread for that subject, and put the suggestion in there. They get notified when a message is added on those threads, but not on other common threads. Other than that, it's a question of luck to get their attention, because suggestions and general discussions come and go very quickly, some don't even stay long enough at the top of the list to even get one reply. But there are also things that can be done to make sure a thread gets more attention : - maintain the discussion so it attracts more players and stays on top of the list ; - start a fight with me and I'll keep your thread on top all day hahaha - if you choose option #2 just avoid using bad words so it doesn't get closed...
well you have made a voting after 1.7 release , and no one shows the results !!!, been playing and loyal to the game for long time , eventually new games will come in 2022 and and don't like to see Empyrion dead or outdated . you can make yourself a voting page and put all the suggestions .