Feedback Required Which additions would make the game world more vivid and lively

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 22, 2019.

  1. Miu_serp

    Miu_serp Ensign

    Jul 18, 2020
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    I have already written that the game allows you to build cargo and passenger ships, but it does not allow you to fully use them
    Searcher likes this.
  2. Jugger On Valium

    Jugger On Valium Lieutenant

    Feb 24, 2017
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    Collision damage - with landing pads becoming essential for undamaged landings, etc
    Water Enemies
    Water physics (just plain awful at the moment)
    SacredGlade likes this.
  3. boolybooly

    boolybooly Commander

    Aug 28, 2015
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    OK, docking manifold idea.

    This allows you to build modules for your vehicle, of the same type of block, then drop the modules and redock with them. When docked all items on the module are part of the vehicle and can be controlled as usual, as if built in.

    This would allow e.g. weapons/tool pods for HV, warp docking rings/modules for SV & CV, explorers for HV SV CV with droppable mobile base trailer module, cargo pods.

    Things I want to build , Obi Wan Kenobis hyperdrive ring, UFO Skydiver detachable fighter, Thunderbird 2.
    tahaan likes this.
  4. TrashMan

    TrashMan Commander

    Jan 10, 2018
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    For A and B - faction interacting. I want to see factions duking it out. Zirax and Talon patrols fighting. Pirates and Polaris/Colonists fighting.
    Everyone reacting to hostiles/monsters/predators right next to them.
    I want to see UCH ships skirmishers fighting Zirax.

    The best designed POI's and ships are useless when they feel dead, disconnected for everything else.
  5. Monroe

    Monroe Commander

    Nov 20, 2017
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    This was number one on my feedback list.
    Ballard likes this.

    BAZINGA! Ensign

    Jan 31, 2022
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    In my opinion the games lively would benefit from a grafiks update. The game looks really static and misses out details. A robot that moves above my farm and harvests crops or steam that’s coming out of an pipe would make the game feel a live. Of course empyrion is not satisfactory but everything there is in movement. So for me it’s more details in Grafik and more moving things.
    Lucidlook likes this.
  7. Searcher

    Searcher Lieutenant

    May 17, 2022
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    oh wow, what a thread! i hope devs read it!

    1) used ships salons! walk on a ship before buying it. check the damage and missing parts carefully. some holes in the steel hull could be patched with carbon composites! factories and official dealers sell their ships exactly matching the blueprint.

    2) if a POI has a landing pad there must be ships coming in and out with some NPCs arriving and departing, this will require some automated landing requested remotely if you want to land on it too with some reputation loss if you block it without permission. While not going to public places they must be parked on private parking lots of local settlements. Large ships can go to space/warp and disappear. Seems complicated but this will make the world feel so alive!
    Lucidlook likes this.
  8. Searcher

    Searcher Lieutenant

    May 17, 2022
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    actually i started a new game now and my number 2 changed, it's public transportation now. why is it absolutely necessary to have a personal warp capable ship to get anywhere when there are lots of ships around. there are trading companies with their routs. there's a network of teleports. still i need to build a warp drive from raw materials. why? this makes the world feel so dead. how do others get around? do they all have their personal ships? where are they?
  9. Aetrion

    Aetrion Lieutenant

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Some use for adding crew to your ship/base would go a long way to making the world feel more alive.

    Also anything that makes ships that actually look like cool spaceships a little less gimpy would be nice to make the game feel less like a cheesy mess in multiplayer.
  10. Wanev

    Wanev Lieutenant

    May 19, 2021
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    I would like to +1 for adding crew providing some sort of benefit and for having faction interaction. Hostile factions attacking each other and maybe allied factions defending against attacks. Maybe the frequency of attacks could vary by faction and location. Maybe some factions are in "hot" wars with each other so skirmishes are more common (think WW2). In others, battles are more rare (sort of like a North Korea/South Korea standoff).

    One thing that would be REALLY cool and have more similarities with real warfare would be to have the frequency of faction battles vary by where you are within a faction's territory. For example, encountering faction battles would be most common in the faction's border systems that are closest to the enemy faction's territory, while faction battles near the homeworld would be almost nonexistent (unless that faction is supposed to be engaged in a really nasty war with the other faction).

    I would also say that we need more human/alien character models. It looks a little weird having the same handful of clones populating POIs.
    Wellingtoon likes this.
  11. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    The placeholder-npc (humans) in friendly poi should be replaced with better fitting ones.
  12. Jamesfoxbr

    Jamesfoxbr Ensign

    Aug 9, 2022
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    A. For planetary playfields I would like so see...
    1. Caves
    2. Rivers
    3. Bigger cities maybe if possible. (I know this one if hard to put in games)

    B. For space playfields I would like to see.
    • Be able to talk to the other NPC ships using radio communication for simple stuff like hail, ask permission to dock, etc (maybe be able to ask permission and docs in the NPC CVs)
    • Be able to fly closer to the gas giants maybe risk skimming closer to it to harvest some gases (I loved this ideas in the traveller rpg
    michaelhartman89 likes this.
  13. Aze

    Aze Ensign

    Dec 31, 2016
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    For Planets?
    - Definitely sound improvements - the sounds currently are very choppy, repetitive and lack spatial and volume balance and general mix.
    Waling is a couple of sounds based on surface, sometimes they even feel scary, they are mixed in sharp with a lot of mid frequencies and saturated highs, but sometimes try to listen to sounds in real world, they are smooth, usually muffled, you dont notice them. Ingame, the mere act of using a multitool to salvage gives you jump scare. With some rebalancing, a round robin selection of sounds will make it feel more natural (say 16 different sound for the same thing). Lower 1.5-3kz, highpass sounds based on distance (raptor snarls are a nightmare :D).
    - then some more sounds of the character actually moiving, brushing through grass and ferns, your own clothes make a little sound - all this adds up to realism a lot.
    I am a sound designer and music producer, 16 years in this side job now, i'm happy to help and if you send me a couple of raw audio files to start with, im happy to tweak them based on various scenarios and describe all post processing ive done.

    Better volumetric fog - some haze over ponds where the liquid is expected to evaporate and condense. Some volumetric fog for dust, too. Even over any not-frozen terrain, there i always a small amount of ground haze, either dust, or just water evaporating off of grass leaves.

    During dawn, you see the sky go brigter, but the "night light" is gone and everything goes black until the sun appears. In reality you have some tiny light scattering through the atmosphere and in lights everything up slightly with no directional shadows being cast. I would love to see this in empyrion, because as you travel over planets, you often cross or move along the "edge of night" and everything is totally black, yet the sky is bright. It gives a very "sterile" feeling to the game, as you can't really see any life but the bright horizon and until the sun goes up the game looks dead.

    Aand I know this ones a tought one to implement, but perhaps more critters! Squirrels, rats, birds in the sky. I love the butteflies and moths, I always build a base somewhere around because it is pretty and lively there in the meadows.


    For Space?

    I don't know, space usually is pretty dead after all :) I would hope not to see it too cluttered with stuff and would perhaps play more with effects, such as multiple layers of stars with various depths, haze around planets and surface light scattering of atmospheres, so they dont just look like weird balls, but blend them in more (until you get really close that is, if you like at some real planet pics, the unlit parts almost look as if they had their alpha/transparency down gradually down to zero)

    For added realism, I have been hoping for 5 years now to see you add SOLAR PANELS to ships! And I dont mean to add energy to fuel tanks, but as a 1st line buffer, same as bases work.
    - 1st energy buffer = Solar batteries => So you can optimise your ship so when it's actually iddling, the solar covers your fridges and lights and Media Center furniture and plant grow lights etc
    - 2nd level energy storage = The actual power generators using fuel => when any power demanding action kicks in and exceeds either allowed solar power output, or drains the solar capacitors entirely, power generators kick in e.g. you begin to steer your ship, someone attacks you and shields need recharging, weapons, thrusters - everything eating more than x kPU or when solar battery goes dead/empty. This way you can setup more permanent infrastructure, etc.. and can just run solar while you're spending days building, texturing and coloring your beloved ship :)
  14. Peter Conway

    Peter Conway Commander

    Jan 28, 2022
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    Fewer 'Bounderies' for the texture gun.
    I wanna make 'wooden/stone containers, there's too many restrictions on exotic materials, not enough carpets, so...

    No need to change what we have, simply add drop downs with more and varied textures (for everything), that way existing builds wont be affectively ruined by changes, yet future builds could have a more complete feel to them.

    Oh yeah, the 'wrap round' could be looked at too! you know, inner angles on tiled roofing etc.
  15. Ferrugem

    Ferrugem Ensign

    Aug 29, 2022
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    First I would like to apologize for my grammar here, English is not my first language.

    Improvements to npcs faction relationships:

    Current System:
    - Currently in the game we already have an option in the configuration that makes a faction attack another that shares the same option, which in this case is [AttackNPC: true]. However when you add this to two factions that should be
    allied (Polaris and Trader Guild for exemple) they will both attack each other. Entering these factions with this option enabled you can see why they attack each other: their relationship is always -1 with all the others, even if you
    try to change this reputation with console commands, they will always return to the value -1 instantly.

    - If instead of using [AttackNPC] to define if the faction attacks the others, the actions of one faction with the other could be defined according to their relationship, and each relationship could be defined in an ecf file to facilitate changing them, to thus giving more freedom to custom scenarios (DefReputation.ecf has some nice exemples to use these settings).

    - I made some models below to give an idea of how the content would be managed/placed in DefReputation.ecf:

    ### This part is the definition of the relationship between each factions.
    ## The relevant values are as follows: 0 = Hostile; 6001 = Unfriendly; 12001 = Neutral.

    ### The behavior of each faction by relationship level, if within a certain combat distance:
    #e.g.: Relationship Rank (Distance between the two): Consequences/Effects

    # Hostile(2.5km): Will actively fight/chase each other until the generators or turbine of one of them are completely destroyed. Alternatively, they will stop if there is no player nearby or they get far apart, at least 2 times the distance of the original combat distance from each other.
    # Unfriendly(1.5km): Both will open fire as soon as they reach the radius, but once there is a distance, the two will no longer pursue combat with each other.
    # Neutral or Higher(not needed): No interaction/combat between entities.
    ## If a relationship between two factions is not mentioned, then automatically the relationship will be 12,001 (Neutral).

    #### Model A: ####
    ## This is the simplest model, perhaps the best for making it easier to include new factions.
    ## Format: Faction1.Faction2 : RelationValue
    ### Exemple bellow with the factions: Zirax, Talon, Polaris, Pirates, Kriel, Trader.
    { Reputation Name: "FactionsRep"
    Zirax.Polaris : 0
    Zirax.Talon : 6001
    Zirax.Pirates : 0
    Zirax.Kriel : 0
    Zirax.Trader : 0
    Polaris.Talon : 12001
    Polaris.Pirates : 0
    Polaris.Kriel : 0
    Polaris.Trader : 12001
    Talon.Pirates : 0
    Talon.Kriel : 0
    Talon.Trader : 12001
    Pirates.Kriel : 0
    Pirates.Trader : 0
    Kriel.Trader : 0
    # The Trader Guild was mentioned in each faction, so there's no need to repeat.

    ### Model B: ###
    ## In this type, the faction will automatically nullify the relationship value with itself if any value is declarated.
    ### Exemple bellow with the factions: Zirax, Talon, Polaris
    { Reputation Name: "FactionsRep"
    Order: "Zirax, Talon, Polaris"
    Zirax: " 0, 0, 0"
    Talon: " 6001, 0, 12001"
    Polaris: " 0, 12001, 0"
    # In this case de results are the following:
    # Talon-Zirax = 0(if first value is applied) or 6001(if last value is applied)
    # Polaris-Zirax = 0(No other value to apply the rule)..
    # Polaris-Talon = 12001(No other value to apply the rule).
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2022
  16. J'ee

    J'ee Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2018
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    How to make the game more lively and vivid? Optimize the game. Kill the Lag Beast.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2022
  17. idx64

    idx64 Lieutenant

    Jul 25, 2019
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    Interesting the butterflies, which should be able to capture in a bottle and have them based. There could also be, regenerative health springs and the possibility of having a pool based on real water would be luxury.-
  18. AmicusJose

    AmicusJose Lieutenant

    Aug 10, 2021
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    Just for the record, no one has mentioned ray tracing.

    It would probably lag so badly and make the game unplayable.
  19. The Big Brzezinski

    The Big Brzezinski Captain

    Nov 4, 2019
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    SV/CV shipping traffic between settlements and flying to/from orbit on planets. They spawn in, fly their route, and despawn at their destination. They send out distress signals if attacked, summoning drones.

    Communications with NPC CVs in space through a window similar to station services. Functions would include trade, mission offers, refueling/replenishment (VERY expensive), and sector data for a price.
    Searcher likes this.
  20. Peter Conway

    Peter Conway Commander

    Jan 28, 2022
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    A Hoe.
    when a planet is good enough for nature it's good enough for me. (plant like for like plants outside)
    cmacleod42 likes this.

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