Ready for Review Rendering distance inconsistent

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Runeshadow, Jan 8, 2022.

  1. Runeshadow

    Runeshadow Captain

    Dec 25, 2015
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    The rendering distance for certain blocks is inconsistent with other blocks that are commonly used together.

    Blocks that are used on the exterior of a CV should all render at the same distance.

    Specifically, the Heavy Windows. I cannot use them at all because they disappear at about 100 M from my ship and it looks like a huge hole in the ship.

    The Armored Windows don't disappear until about 350M for the upright 2X2, but several of the window shapes in this family have different rendering distances.

    For Auto Armored Doors, the distance is even shorter.

    Thanks for reading!
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2022
    krazzykid2006 likes this.
  2. Kats

    Kats Lieutenant

    Dec 2, 2020
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    I had made a bug report about the windows, topic got in tracking section, and finally, it got the "not a bug" tag.
    The end.

    That is the way they want it to work. Apparently... For now...
    Runeshadow likes this.
  3. That's because they don't consider it a bug, they intentionality set them ridiculously low.

    I don't agree with how low the render ranges are, but that's why it's marked as not a bug (because it's intentional, and by definition not a bug then).

    I've been through this a time or two....
    Make a suggesting thread instead of a bug report. If enough people are on your side it might actually get changed then (eventually, maybe).
    Runeshadow likes this.
  4. Runeshadow

    Runeshadow Captain

    Dec 25, 2015
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    Yes, that's why I posted it here and not in the bug reporting section.

    I'm no programmer, I think that windows are a performance drain. Maybe that's why they render so close?

    Trying to find better-looking alternatives is how I discovered the weird inconsistencies in the rendering distance for items in the same family.

    It would be a great start on the issue to just have all windows render at the same distance. The armored windows are all over the place.
  5. And yeah, I did see that this was a suggestion thread already. I meant that more for when something is considered "not a bug" in general.
    That doesn't always mean it won't possibly be changed, it just means it isn't classified as a bug (unintended behavior).

    Those prefixes (not a bug, investigating, fixed, etc, etc) are used for internal use simply so they get filed correctly and tracked correctly.
    Just because something gets marked as "not a bug" doesn't always mean that they won't look into changing it, it just means they aren't classifying it as unintended behavior (a bug).

    Yes windows are a huge performance drain, a lot of which is due to the reflections (which in the past have typically always been wrong or broken reflections anyways).
    Windows in general are not optimized at all and have been needing changed/overhauled for a long time now.

    Render ranges in general are all over the place though and need to be fixed/changed in some way.
    For example, base lights stop rendering or producing any light at all at something stupid like 50 meters away. That is WAY too short.....
    I understand lights are a performance drain, but they don't even work if I am on the opposite side of the same room sometimes. That is just ridiculous and absolutely needs to be addressed at some point.

    If a POI or a vessel renders in at let's say 500 meters, then every external part of that structure should be visible/rendered at that 500 meters. Full stop.....
    That needs to happen.
    I don't care if it is a low poly rendered version, it still needs to render.
    If I am supposed to be able to assault that structure then I need to be able to see every external part of that structure at the same render distance.

    I know they reduced the various devices render range for performance reasons. We all know this.
    I'm saying they need to find a better approach because this doesn't work....
    Better performance is great, but not when things just "pop in" right in front of you. That is a terrible way to improve performance and absolutely needs to be changed at some point.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2022
    Runeshadow likes this.
  6. Runeshadow

    Runeshadow Captain

    Dec 25, 2015
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    Well that makes sense. Super bummer, but makes sense. Low poly version would be perfectly fine at a distance.

    I see texture detail increase as I get closer to the ship. It's noticeable, but not hellish like a huge hole in the ship is.

    Hopefully these changes are possible, and they are not locked behind some unwavering philosophy. It has to happen at some point that you set limits on a project- I have felt a few times that good ideas cannot happen because they have to finish the game eventually.

    I have much experience with project management, so I understand those limits. But it does get old making suggestions and looking at the post for 5 years wondering if it is even possible with no real confirmation or veto.

    Thanks for the info!
    Kassonnade likes this.
  7. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Unity was made with cell phones games in mind, not games like Empyrion. But they put the " Can Do 3D Reeaal fine !! " sticker on the box...
    krazzykid2006 likes this.
  8. I understand Unity's issues all too well.
    Still though, the devs can't blame this solely on Unity limitations because these super short render ranges didn't always exist. The devs did that over time after the fact to try to improve performance after they added other newer things to the game that brought performance down. The lights were only 1 of many examples of short render ranges.

    We always had various render ranges, but the over the top ridiculously low render ranges weren't always so. And they keep doing it to more and more devices.

    The "pop in" effect I bring up all the time is really quite jarring. It doesn't make for a good feeling game. Especially when it keeps getting worse.

    It's made even worse when they, for example, make some window shapes much shorter ranges than the other window shapes. At least make it consistent to it doesn't make the game look like crap....
    Runeshadow likes this.
  9. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    The devs are not blaming Unity : I am. I don't need a developer statement to know that all game engines have limitations, and that the game here is pushing hard at those limits. At some point, suggestions are made, and that's ok, but the "blame game" is immature and completely irrelevant.

    Players who fall into this neverending rant cycle would surely benefit trying to enjoy themselves with another 20$ product that gives them hundreds of hours of entertainment.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2022

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