Lost save for no reason?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by nukulearxmoron, Jan 30, 2022.

  1. nukulearxmoron

    nukulearxmoron Ensign

    Jan 30, 2022
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    I have recently lost a saved world containing a ship of 16,000 blocks that I had been working on and yet to finish, ergo I had not saved it as a blueprint. I'm unsure of what happened to the save, as literally nothing happened, no loss of power, no update that I know of, no hardware changes, and yet my saved world still exists in the game files, but not in the resume game list when playing. I'm not sure on where to start in fixing this, but I was hoping that someone could help me to fix my world, or at least pull the ship from that world to another if that's even possible without a blueprint.
  2. Sounds like your save corrupted for some reason or another, and unfortunately once the game thinks a save is corrupted it is unusable.

    Saves are known to corrupt sometimes. The devs even had a discussion where they were seeking out corrupted saves to try to get to the bottom of it. Nothing ever came from it though. Nothing was changed/ fixed, it still happens.

    This is one if the reasons it is suggested to make backup copies every 30 minutes or so of playing.
    At the very least you should make a backup once a day you play so you don't lose the entire save.

    Saves can corrupt for any number of legitimate reasons (power loss, hard drive error, etc), but sometimes there isn't a legitimate reason other than database corruption due to the database type the devs chose to use (it's got LOTS of issues and was not a good choice for this game, multiplayer especially).
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2022
  3. nukulearxmoron

    nukulearxmoron Ensign

    Jan 30, 2022
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    Alright well thank you for your feedback, I will count it as a loss then and move on.
  4. VulcanTourist

    VulcanTourist Lieutenant

    Dec 9, 2018
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    Since the saved game is comprised of data structures - that have a structure - it should be possible to create a saved-game editor or viewer. While the game itself might take an all-or-nothing approach to the saved game data, that editor might also have means of isolating the corruption and recovering parts of the block structure that are still intact. That might allow you to extract the "area" data for the structure, assuming that is intact and not what was corrupted.

    That is of course all conjecture as no such editor exists, but such an editor does exist for No Man's Sky and it was developed a third party, a player, and not the developer. He reverse-engineered the structure and then developed a Java app to parse it. Sadly this game seems to lack the same pool of exceptionally talented (and motivated) players. Modding for No Man's Sky wouldn't exist at all were it not for the ongoing efforts of a small group of people who reverse-engineer the serialized game data after every update and then update a "compiler" that reads from and writes to it.

    Your story is a cautionary tale for me as well, since I still have an Alpha-stage game that I've been keeping around because of a huge base structure wedded to a specific terrain feature that I have yet to finish to my liking. While I've blueprinted the base and have seen SIMILAR terrain features since then, every occurrence is unique enough that my attempts to spawn the structure in a new game and adjust it with console commands to "fit" have all failed. Part of the problem is that I morphed the terrain of the feature as part of the original construction, so I can no longer compare its original appearance directly to new instances of the same in other games.

    I have only once experienced saved-game corruption in 6000 hours of play, but that one saved game has begged for backups.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2022
  5. The most likely reason why a player hasn't made a comprehensive save editor for this game is due to the ToS.

    In order to reverse engineer an editor we would likely first have to access things we aren't allowed to access, therefore violating the ToS.
  6. VulcanTourist

    VulcanTourist Lieutenant

    Dec 9, 2018
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    Are the terms of service in this instance so very different from those of No Man's Sky? Those responsible for enabling modding and savegame editing of that game have suffered no repercussions to my knowledge.
  7. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    You may want to give this a try :


    If you're lucky, your ship could still be in the db file and you could retrieve it with this tool. Ask @byo13 if you need tips as I did not work with his tool myself.

    Sorry to see people not proposing solutions and only bashing the game. That's not very helpful...

    byo13 likes this.
  8. I in no way bashed the game.
    I was honest and direct.

    I was also at work when I made my original posts, and it's not always easy to provide perfect help with limited time and on mobile....

    Plus, in my experience with corrupted game saves, 99.99999% of the time the structure files in a corrupted save are no good. Hence why I wouldn't have suggested it based on my experience.
  9. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Not talking about you.

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