STEAM Autoupdate Selectable

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by SoDak, Jan 26, 2022.

  1. SoDak

    SoDak Ensign

    Jan 5, 2020
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    Change STEAM auto-update to be select-able. These updates (this AM 1.72) automatically installing is frustrating because MP servers do not auto update. For most playing time is limited and most times scheduled (after work, before work, before breakfast, etc.). You go to login to find out STEAM is auto-updating and the MP server you play on has not updated yet. Change it to allow the user to select auto-update or initiated update on STEAM so the user can be in control and have the ability to stay in sync with the server they play on.
  2. You are posting this on the wrong site, because only Steam itself can control auto updating.
    The Empyrion devs can't control how Steam pushes updates out, that is on Steam completely.

    Complain to the Steam devs....
    Germanicus likes this.
  3. Nazo

    Nazo Ensign

    Jan 28, 2022
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    Well, another game I've seen actually found a solution for this. Basically publishing one or two older versions under the beta section so you can select among those which version.

    Steam didn't always force updates on people. I'm still kind of angry that they do now. Sometimes I just really want to play a particular game and then Steam declares I have to wait for an hour for an update instead of playing it now. By the time the hour has passed I've already moved on to something else.

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