can we designate a constuctor as master and..

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CaptRiker, Feb 24, 2022.

  1. CaptRiker

    CaptRiker Commander

    Sep 17, 2018
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    can we get a checkbox in the constructor interface that desginates the constructor as "master".. ie if I queue up 10000 combat steel blocks in a "master" contructor then all other constructors in the base/cv will help make the items? you can setup a bank of furnaces to smelt from a common box.. u can setup desconstructors also to break down from a single source.. would be nice if we could instruct ALL constructors to make from the same queue :)
  2. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    You need to have more constructors in one place and go through the constructors with various queues. E.g. 2 constructors means you get double production speed, 4 constructors, 4 times the speed, but also you have 4 times the work to do to create queues. I think that with some signal setup you can have separate controls of your constructors via the control panel so you don't have to go in first person through all the constructors.
    Instead of what you call 'master' it would be fine to have a simple button to switch between the constructors within the constructor menu.

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