Add new devices via Config?

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by Neal, Apr 12, 2022.

  1. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    I'm toying with the idea of creating a small mod (just for my private game).
    I already tied to change a few things, like exchanging various models with other in game Models (Artillery turret-> Zirax Dome shaped turrets :) )

    But before i go any further and change my Game to my liking, i need to know a few things:
    1. Do ItemsConfig or BlocksConfig for example get changed with a new update?
    (I gues it would be a pain in the A, if changes would be overwritten with every new update)

    2. is it possible to add a new variants of already existing Devices, let's say Sentry guns or Shields or Generators for example?
    (Like adding a variant that uses LS Charges, instead of Rifle Rounds. No change in the actual model or icon. I know i could change the existing one to use different ammo, but how about adding a new variant?)

    3. Would it be possible ot make Energy Shields Strength depend on the ships size or Mass or Scale it with the generators Energy output?
    (I toy with the idea of adding new Weapons systems, like Powerful energy weapons (only 2 or 3 allowed per ship) and fitting Energy shields that both scale with the Ships Mass. I just hate it when games basically force you to create ships that are cluttered with guns everywhere. It just looks terrible imo.)
    Germanicus likes this.
  2. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Oct 4, 2021
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    Yes there our original files and any changes in them will be removed on a game update. You need to work from a scenario, but then you have to update them your self
    Sure you can do that by just copying an existing item, and change name + parameters
    Simpl said. No. You cant change our GameCode
    Neal and Germanicus like this.
  3. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Allright, thank you very much!
    Taelyn and Germanicus like this.

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