Thruster idea???

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Timothy Smith, May 15, 2022.

  1. Timothy Smith

    Timothy Smith Lieutenant

    Dec 9, 2016
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    Had something occur to me about thrusters and wanted some answers to my question and/or feedback from the community and Devs. It is:

    Could thrusters, as the game stands now, be pointed in a 45 degree angle if such an in-game model existed?

    It seems to me the physics of the game would support it as the physics should be 3 dimensional.

    It would lead to some more interesting build designs and I don't believe I have seen other building games doing just this. It would also be much more interesting to point them this way than only in the 90 degrees from X,Y and Z axis. Thoughts?
  2. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Cant think of any with fixed 45deg thrusters.

    Rotary nacelles (Vectored thrust) OTOH is something I use in space engineers sometimes and can work really well (my latest large block ship uses vectored thrusters to very good effect and benefits alot from it). In EGS however with the way things are I really cannot see the point at all - were are not lacking in thrust generally - and it already makes a mess of 3 axis; cant imagine adding more will make anything better. Sure they could still add such a thing for cosmetic purposes, but not sure there is any practical need.

    My lastest SE ship with its vectored boost thrusters:
    20220518020546_1.jpg 20220518021019_1.jpg

    The big advantage this gives is that the ship can get away with minimal fixed axis thrusters which takes up far less space giving me a more compact hull and at the same time it ends up with vastly higher acceleration/deceleration and lift that it would otherwise have as well as giving it flight characteristics that would otherwise be completely impractical. With thrusters being relatively so powerful in EGS, then the need never arises.

    (I think @Vermillion might have written the original code my script that control this is based on unless there is another Vermillion in the SE world).
    Last edited: May 18, 2022
  3. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Programmatically speaking, this is possible. Is it likely something we'll see? Doubtful.

    Personally, I'd love to see a thruster type akin to those used by the Zirax dropships - a thruster that rotates 90 degrees between the horizonal and vertical, ideally based on directional input, so if you're trying to move forward or backwards, they would rotate to the horizontal, and if trying to move upwards (or even downwards) they would rotate to the vertical.

    Again, programmatically possible, but highly unlikely.

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