Make it so a device can be operated by more than one switch.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Sillls, May 22, 2022.

  1. Sillls

    Sillls Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2016
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    I really like the switch commands that allow me to group things together. It works great for things like saving power and readying the ship for combat or setting the ship up for ground operations V's closing it up before going to space.

    But I can only assign something to one switch at a time. So for example: If I wanted to make it so I can turn on and off my Gravity in my ship. I can do that but I can not also group it under say a power save command.
    I still have to remember to turn that off as well.
  2. Wanev

    Wanev Lieutenant

    May 19, 2021
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    Maybe I am not understanding what you are trying to do but couldn't this be accomplished with "OR" circuits?

    Are you trying to just assign a device to multiple switches? (that is fairly straightforward) or are you trying to assign a single device to multiple "scenarios?" like a switch that turns off gravity and another power save switch that turns off multiple devices in addition to that same gravity generator (depending on how many devices, this can be straightforward or may require an absolute mess of circuits)
    Myrmidon likes this.
  3. Sillls

    Sillls Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2016
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    When you pull up the control panel under "P" you see switches you can assign. Listed under Signals. You can name them whatever you want. But you can not have a devise hooked up to more than one at a time. I don't know how to use this with logic circuits.
  4. Wanev

    Wanev Lieutenant

    May 19, 2021
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    If you are just trying to set one device to multiple switches, that isn't too difficult. It just requires an "OR" circuit. For example: if we want a light to be connected to two switches, it looks like this:

    Device name: Light 1
    Switch name: Switch 1
    Switch name: Switch 2

    Set up the circuit:

    Switch 1 --> 2x OR ---> Light 1
    Switch 2 -->

    Explanation of what is going on:
    The circuit is saying that using either switch will activate "light 1." The only thing that is a little bit funky about this is that if you are planning on putting switches at various places throughout the ship, you might want to set the device to "toggle" rather than follow as if you did a 4x OR circuit, ANY of those switches will activate the device.

    Bottom line: It is a lot easier if you just use "follow" and keep the switches in the same area to see what is active and what isn't.

    Now, if you want to have multiple "scenarios," this is where things can get messy if you are planning on using it with many different devices. For now, lets just use 2 devices just to give you an idea of how the concept works. Lets assume that you have 2 lights and you want to have a switch that activates each light individually and you want to have another "power all" switch that activates both lights. This will require 3 switches and 2 circuits.

    Device name: Light 1
    Device name: Light 2
    Switch name: Light 1 Power
    Switch name: Light 2 Power
    Switch name: Power all

    Set up the circuits:

    Light 1 Power --> 2x OR --> Light 1
    Power all -->

    Light 2 Power --> 2x OR --> Light 2
    Power all -->

    Explanation: The "power all" is in both circuits so if that switch is activated, it activates both lights. However, the other two switches are only in one circuit each so they will only activate one light individually.

    As you can see, this can get complicated fast if you want to do this for many different devices. It can be done but it just takes a lot of work. Depending on the condition, you can also utilize the 4x OR circuit or even have "sub circuits" where you can set an "OR" test where the outcome is used as a condition in another circuit.

    Anyway, learning signal logic takes some practice (at least it did for me) but it's kind of cool when you get the hang of it.

    Let me know if you have any questions or if anything wasn't clear.
    Germanicus likes this.
  5. Sillls

    Sillls Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2016
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    Thanks. I wondered if I could use that. Now I see that I can. :)

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